pilinski michael - three keys to seducing any woman | Page 3

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Key # 1 * Page 5
Got that? Don’t know what I’m talking about? I mean that you have to study
your prey before pouncing. I see all sorts of guys go clumsily lurching after women
with lame moves that are guaranteed to fail. Or guys who suddenly pop “The Question”
(no, not THAT question!)... I mean ask women out with hardly any introductory banter
or attempt at meaningful conversation first. Understand that seduction is all about
talking... you can’t seduce anybody if you can’t string a few coherent sentences together!
The only exception occurs if you’re rich or a famous celebrity... then you have the
universal green light to go after any trim that looks good to you because your fame and
fortune have done all the advance
sales work on your behalf. For the rest of us schleps
though, (i.e., 98% of ordinary guys) we have to choose our targets carefully -- or the
smoldering cigar of love will explode in our face before we know what’s happened!
Actually, what we really have to do set ourselves up to be chosen
You see, in the game of love and romance it’s the women who do the actual
choosing, NOT
the men. Why then, if that’s true, do I have to be the one risking all the
rejection by making the first move, you might be asking? I don’t know. The answer is
lost in the annals of human social convention I suppose, and is not likely to change
anytime soon. You only need to accept
that this situation exists, and then you must learn
the correct way of dealing with it. That’s what my book Without Embarrassment is all
Here’s one important nugget of knowledge: everything that’s done
in the early stages of courting between singles occurs in a very oblique,
NON-obvious way. To the untrained observer, nothing might actually
seem to be happening between two people caught in the tense, early
moments of a potentially romantic encounter -- but high sexual voltage is
often crackling through the air between them!
Single people “feel each other out” in a highly sophisticated way so as to protect

Copyright © 2002 Kipling Kat Publishers – All Rights Reserved -- Unauthorized duplication or
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Key # 1 * Page 6
their egos. BOTH men and women do this because women fear rejection too! If you’ve
ever been to counseling with an ex-wife during the failing stages of a marriage, you were
probably getting lectured about being more open and direct about communicating all
your feelings to each other in no uncertain terms, etc. etc. Well let me tell you right now
that, while it might be useful advice in a situation where two people are making a last
ditch effort to connect with one another -- such advice is completely useless
in the
world of meeting, dating & mating. In fact it’s worse than useless, it’s destructive to
any chance of seduction.
Singles communicate their desires to one another indirectly with subtle actions
and body language cues. If you come across acting outrageous with your intentions in
the singles game, you will end up “poisoning your well” immediately and kill off all your
chances. Swooping straight out of left field unannounced (and un
summoned), you are
compelling her to make an immediate decision about your potential as a mate right there
on the spot... without playing the game... without giving her a chance to get a feel for
who you are or what you’re all about. You are not
being sexy and bold, you are being
You are being dangerous to her self-esteem.
And when you scare people, what do you think their first instinct is? Right!... It’s
to go into a defensive mode -- either physically (fight or flight) or emotionally
, by closing
down and shutting the threat out. This is exactly what you are forcing her to do by
coming on too strong... and YOUR ASS WILL GET REJECTED AS A RESULT! You
have marked yourself as a danger by threatening to place her into a humiliating situation,
and you will get no more consideration than a guy coming at her with a knife. If she can
plant kick straight into your balls (figuratively speaking I hope...) she will do so without
a second thought for how much it’s going to hurt. In other words, swiftly and brutally
with no regard for your feelings. Get it?
Your Mission: Learn to keep your interest subdued and your approach casual.
Nowadays we must learn to make our opening moves obliquely and oftentimes (but not

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