pilinski michael - three keys to seducing any woman | Page 4

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Key # 1 * Page 7
always) NON-verbally. Most of all, READ HER BODY LANGUAGE signals first for
signs that beckon you to move forward. Remember, even though it might seem like
you’re the one making all the initial moves, she chooses YOU -- you only react to her
“call”. Then whatever rejections occur happen silently without anyone but the two
flirting parties even knowing what the hell happened! This is how both men and women
protect their egos by mutual agreement during the early stages of seduction.
If you break this rule by charging out of the gate like a juiced-up horndog acting
bold and direct, you may WIN BIG 1 or 2 times out of 50... but the rest of the time you
will LOSE BIG and get rejected in a way that guys with high rejection sensitivity like
you and I cannot tolerate.
So adopt the Social Coward’s way of doing things instead and you will learn how
to protect your ego from harm, score with more certainty when you do, and acquire a
quiet, natural confidence about yourself in the process that women find irresistible!
Nice Guys = Feminized, Sexless Men
Before I end this first installment of your free 3 Part Mini-Course, let me digress
for just a moment and get on my soapbox about the hated “nice guy” -- because I have a
big, big problem with him (and, truthfully, so do most women!... although very few will
admit it).
If you’re the classic “nice guy” who maintains a stable of women friends but never
actually gets laid
by any of them, I’ll bet it’s because of your well-meaning but
misguided mother who always taught you that you must respect women to the heights of
heaven and treat them like delicate little soap bubbles... being careful never to do
anything that might upset their fragile emotions. Well let me tell you, this was all about
her own
issues with men and not good advice to a man about how to deal with women.
But you morphed into the impeccable little gentleman who always brings flowers, kisses
women’s asses, and puts them all on a pedestal, la-dee-da-dee-da – anyway. And now
the one paying the price.

Copyright © 2002 Kipling Kat Publishers – All Rights Reserved -- Unauthorized duplication or
distribution is strictly prohibited -- visit: www.highstatusmale.com/rights.htm
for more information.
Key # 1 * Page 8
That’s because the one thing mama forgot to tell you was that women LOVE to
have their emotions pricked, poked, prodded, and kicked to the curb! It’s what they live
for! No woman of marrying and breeding age desires the sweet friendship of a lovable
nice guy as the one-and-only male companion in her life... at least not when it comes
to love, sex, dating and mating they don’t. When women prattle on with their high-
minded bullshit about wanting to find “nice guys”, what they’re really saying is that they
want a guy who they can feel safe
with -- yet at the same time a guy who possesses that
special “something” that sends her unconscious lust centers flying off into an excited
love frenzy!
What? Yeah that’s right... typical of women that they seek two conflicting
qualities – safety and excitement – in one man. Qualities that are usually mutually
exclusive... BUT DON’T NECESSARILY HAVE TO BE. And that’s your
key to
getting laid!
You see, the types of men who are most adept at making women feel safe
in their
presence do so by traveling down a romantically-destructive route. Polite, boring nice
guys. But this is a strategy that exists at odds with the types of male behaviors needed to
create the feelings in women that they MUST experience if there is to be any chance of a
sexual chemistry developing. This is why women lament either having to choose
between a “nice guy” who makes them feel safe, but fails to ignite any passion in them,
or the fabled “jerk” who sets their hearts (and crotches) aflame, but is usually an asshole
of some sort (drunk, druggie, in need of anger management, etc.) who’s difficult or
impossible to deal with over the long term.
However, ninety percent of the time emotions win out over logic
with women and they will choose the jerk over the nice guy. That’s
because they will always go for passion over
safety (and boredom).
Women may love having nice guys as friends
– but they just can’t “get it
up” for them. Just like a lot of us can’t get it up for fat girls. Get it?
What’s the solution to this dilemma?

Copyright © 2002 Kipling Kat Publishers – All Rights Reserved -- Unauthorized duplication or
distribution is strictly prohibited -- visit: www.highstatusmale.com/rights.htm
for more information.
Key # 1 * Page 9
The most important thing to understand is precisely which qualities of the nice
guy it is that turn women off
... and then shed
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