Who Was Who: 5000 B. C. to Date | Page 6

Irwin L. Gordon
unknown. Formed an ambition to travel when
quite young. First visited Switzerland, where he climbed every peak,
walked every path, hired every guide, and did everything a tourist
should so. His field of travel widened until every country in Europe
was visited, as well as the United States, Canada, Alaska, and Mexico.
In these lands he slept in every hotel, ate every dish in every restaurant,
drank every wine, rode on every boat, tramway, subway, and train;
visited every ruin, museum, art gallery, church, store; mastered every
language, science, art, literature, custom, history, and drew maps and
plans of everything. Publications: Baedekers. Recreation: Staying at
home. Ambition: Tourists. Residence: Germany.
BALFOUR, Arthur James, of England, one time leader of the talking
forces of the House of Commons. Ambition: Opposition seats on both
sides of the house, and an epitaph over the home rule bill. Recreation:
St. Andrew's golf and writing deep books.
BALZAC, H., a Frenchman who wrote a few Parisian stories which
may be discussed in respectable company.
BARBAROSSA, Kaiser, the only emperor of Germany who ever went
to sleep.
BARKIS. Fame rested only upon his complete willingness.
BARLEYCORN, John, an eminent citizen of the world. Spent early
days in the fields, breweries, and distilleries. Later resided in cellars.
John had a red nose. Was a great friend of Bacchus. He was a "wasser,"
he is an "iser," and he will be a "will be-er." Ambition: The end of
temperance societies.
BARNUM, Phineas T., fathered the introduction of the peanut, the
clown, and the beautiful bareback riders. As a side show he taught that
some Americans were Progressives part of the time; that other
Americans were Republicans all the time, but that all Americans were

not Democrats all the time.
BARRY, Madame Du, writers' model, former queen of France. Was a
great friend of Louis XV. and helped make the dances at Versailles a
success. She always preferred marcel waves to pompadours. Ambition:
To have and to hold. Address: See Louis. Clubs: Anti-suffragette.
BARTHOLOMEW, an unfortunate saint who was skinned alive. Patron
of gold mine investors and American tourists in Europe.
BEARD, Blue, inventor of an original method to dispose of wives,
before Reno was discovered.
BEATRICE, a Florentine girl who gained fame by refusing the suit of a
love-sick poet. Later she conducted him through heaven, and made
arrangements for his travels in the other place. B. died a famous old
maid. Ambition: A lover with money. Epitaph: She Might Have Been
Mrs. Dante Had She Wanted To.
BEECHAM, a celebrated pill roller.
BELL, Alexander Graham, inventor of a well-known necessity and
nuisance. Started the saying, "Number, please."
BELSHAZZAR, an old king whose handwriting on the wall proved to
be correct.
BENEDICT, Saint, the man who introduced benedictine and monks
into Europe. Also gave his name to benedicts.
BERLITZ, the man who will teach you how to say it in everything.
BERNHARDT, Sarah, an ancient French actress. Sarah was born
before birth records were inaugurated, and no historian has been able to
determine her age. Career: On the stage at four months. During her
young-woman and goodlooking days-hood B. is said to have made a hit
with European nobility. In her declining years she made a few other
fortunes in the United States. B.'s fame culminated in having several
cigars, perfumes, perspiration powders, and a theatre named after her.
Ambition: The fountain of youth. Recreation: Statuary, acting. Address:
Private cars and 56 Blvd. Pereire, Paris. She also has a telephone.
BILL, Buffalo, alias W. F. Cody, the delight of the American boy. He
began his career shooting buffaloes and Indians on the plains of the
West, and ended it shooting glass balls for a fortune in a tent. Installed
the I-want-to-be-a-cow-boy ambition in the hearts of young America.
He also made a goatee and a big hat famous. Played the show market a
little too long.

BILLIKEN, a funny little fellow who did not wear many clothes, and
made people laugh.
BISMARCK, a German who was a greater politician than any Ireland
has ever produced. He built an empire, crowned an emperor, changed
the Frenchmen in Alsace-Lorraine into Dutchmen, and made the Paris
mint work overtime for his country. Quite unpopular in France.
Ambition: Made in Germany.
BLACKSTONE, a rock upon which many a legal ship has foundered.
BLERIOT, benefactor of humanity, idol of the tourist, and enemy of
navigation. B. discovered a method of crossing the English Channel
without being seasick.
BLUCHER, a Dutchman who was on the job at Waterloo. He also was
not the only German general who ever fought France.
BONAPARTE, Joe, just Nap.'s brother (see him).
BONHEUR, Rosa, a lady French artist who wore men's clothes. Being
an old maid, she painted animals, but never mastered the parrot or the
cat. Her endeavors were confined
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