lie, A Loving Wife brings Comforts and
Supply. She pays him visits with Delight and Care, And Loves him
ne're the less for being there.
Answer to the Second Mock Comfort.
And why shou'd not a Man adore his Wife, Since She's the only
Comfort of his Life. A Gift presented by the Gods above, A lively
Emblem of the Charms of Love. All o're Divine, a Heaven, here below
Man's Paradice, where Joys in Plenty flow. No Shame, but Honour
does bless'd Wedlock Crown, And ushers in both Glory and Renown.
Sweet pretty Babes, the Product of each Charm, In Marriage-Bed
protects us from all harm, Their Innocence like Lambs and Doves
appear, Which make our Hearts and Minds quite void of Care. No
Sorrow can lay hold of Man or Wife, Where Love and Virtue is the
Rule of Life.
Answer to the Third mock Comfort.
Oh! Monstrous Man, nay Beast, (I almost said) What cursed Thoughts
are got into thy Head? To rail at those to whom thy Life is due, No
Mortal yet durst be so vile as you? If whipping Joan was here alive and
stout, You do deserve to be well whip'd about. Ten thousand lashes
shall adorn thy Bumb, If ever such a whipping Lass should come. 'Tis
strange a Woman shou'd be so envy'd, Not only mock'd, but shamefully
bely'd. With bawdy Gossips, and the Lord knows what, To Name a
Child the Husband never got. You call him Fool, and yet that Title
claim, And prove your self the Person you wou'd Name. You know it is
a Woman's due by Birth, To Scold and Cry, next moment Joy and
Mirth. One minute smile, the very next a Frown, Perhaps the next she
knocks her Husband down. But what does this to hinder higher Charms?
When Joys are fix'd between the Husband's Arms, Such transports are
out of the reach of thought, Tis only known where Wedlock Bonds are
Answer to the Fourth Mock Comfort.
The Marriage-hater here is forc'd to own, The many Comforts which
doth Wedlock Crown. But strives to mix it with such Cares and Toil,
As if curs'd Malice cou'd such Blessings spoil. Makes Charges frightful
on that very score, As if Mankind should ne'er encrease no more; Nay,
Atheist-like, he makes it ten times worse, And calls God's Blessings
nothing but a Curse: Our Sons are Sots, and all our Daughters Whores,
Because we keep the Woolf just from the Doors: Was ever Man so void
of Sense and Shame, As thus against all Reason to exclaim? As if a
Wife her Kindness to impart, Shou'd teaze her Husband as to break his
Heart: This is such Stuff as ne'er was heard before, But hope the like
again shall see no more.
Answer to the Fifth Mock Comfort.
I here agree with this, my Rhiming Foe, And own 'tis Folly when the
Case is so; For whatsoe'er the cunning Jilt pretend To her Old Husband,
yet she'll have Her Friend; She'll coax the Dotard when his Bags are
full, Yet even then graft Horns upon his Skull, Makes him a Beggar to
enrich her Cull: She seems most fond, till she gets all the Pence, And
then with Bag and Baggage marches thence; She leaves the Fool
without one single Cross, To sit, lamenting for his fatal Loss.
Answer to the Sixth Mock Comfort.
But here I differ from the Poet's Thought, Who says, A Scold as even
good for nought; For, like Job's Wife, she will Man's Patience try, And
bring Repentance too, before he die: Then who'd live single, if a
Scolding Wife Works such great Wonders in a Husband's Life?
Answer to the Seventh Mock Comfort.
No modest Woman will disdain her Spouse, Because he seldom peeps
into her House; Since Age and Sickness doth the Sport prevent, She'll
exercise her Patience with Content: For where all's gone, the Queen
must lose Her Right, So must a Wife the Pleasure of the Night. A
Loving Woman, puts up those Defects, And gives her Husband Honour
and Respect; Like Pious Sarah, serve him like a Lord; Obeys in all
things, which do's Peace afford: Their Children too add Pleasure to
their Lives! Thus Men are Bless'd, who marry Virtuous Wives.
Answer to the Eighth Mock Comfort.
Why should not Females under Wedlock tyes, Participate with what the
Man Enjoys? Man's Second-self must have her share in Mirth A
Freedom, which is right to her by Birth: If Fortune's Bounty has
encreased her Store, Her Husband's Love to her shou'd be the more; No
Cost or Care too much for such a Wife, Whose Vertuous Charms adds
Pleasure to the Life: Such Comforts on a married Life depend, There's
nothing like a Loving Bosom-Friend. If Husband's
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