The Assemble of Goddes | Page 6

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more & lesse.?? Saaf on her hede a crowne there stode.?? Couched wyth perles oryent fyne & good.
? And nexte to her was god Pluto set?? Wyth a derke myste enuyrond al about.?? His clothy was made of a smoky net.?? His colour was bothe wythin & wythoute.?? Foule / derke & dy{m}me his eyen grete & stoute.?? Of fyre & sulfure all his odoure wase.?? That wo was me whyle I beheld his face
? Fortune the goddesse {with} her perty face.?? Was vnto Pluto next in order sette.?? Varyant she was ay in shorte space.?? Her whele was redy to turne wythout let.?? Her gowne was of gawdy grene clamelet.?? Chaungeable of sondry dyuerse colours.?? To {the} condycyons accordy{n}g to her shoures
? And by her sat thoughe he vnworthy were.?? The rewde god Pan of shepherdes {that} gyde?? Clad in russet frese & breched lyke a bere.?? Wyth a grete terbox hangyng by his syde.?? A shepcrok in his ho{n}d he spared for no pryde.?? And by his fete lay a prekered curre.?? He rateled in {the} throte as he had {the} murre.
? Isys the goddes bare hym company.?? For at the table next she sat by his syde.?? In a close kyrtell embrowdered curyously?? {with} braunches and leues brood large & wyde.?? Grene as any grasse in {the} somer tyde.?? Of all maner frute she had the gouernaunce?? Of fauours odyferous was her sustynauns
? Next to her than was god Neptunus set.?? He sauoured lyke a fyssher of hy{m} i spak before?? It semed by his clothes as they had be wet.?About hy{m} i{n} his gyrdelsted hi{n}g fysshes mani a xx ? Of his straunge aray merueyled I sore.?? A shyp wyth a top and sayle was hys creste.?? Me thought he was gayly dysgysed at {the} fest.
? Than toke mynerue the goddes her sete.?? Ioyntly to Neptunus all in curas cladde.?? Gau{n}telettis on ho{n}des & sabatou{n}s on her fete?? She loked about as though she had be mad.?? An hamer and a sythe on her hede she hadde?? She wered two bokelers one by her syde.?? that other ye wote were this was al her prid
? Tha{n} cam {the} god bach{us} & by her set hy{m} doun ? Holdynge in his honde a cuppe full of wyne.?? Of grene vyne leues he wered a Ioly croun?? He was clad in clustres of grapes gode & fine?? A garlonde of yuy he chose for his sygne.?? On his hede he had a thredbare ke{n}dall hode.?? A gymlot and a fauset therupon stode.
? Next hym sat phebus wyth her colour pale.?? Fat she was of face but of complexon feynte.?She sayd she rewled Neptun{us} & made hy{m} bayl?? And ones in {the} monthe {with} pheb{us} was she mei{n}t ? Also ne were she Ceres were ateynte?? Thus she sat & tolde the myght of her nature?? & on her hede she wered a croun of siluer pure
? Ioyntly to her Marcuryus toke his see.?? As came to his cours wytnesse the zodyake.?? He had a gylden tonge as fyll for his degree?? In eloquence of langage he passed al {the} pake?? For in his talkyng no man coud fynde lake?? A box wyth quycksyluer he had in his honde /?? Multyplyers know it wel in euery londe
? By hym sat dame Ven{us} {with} colour crystalline?? Whos long here shone as wyre of gold bry{gh}t?? Cryspe was her skyn her eyen columbyne?? Rauysshed myne herte her chere was so ly{gh}t?? Patrones of plesau{n}ce be named wel she my{gh}t?? A smocke was her wede garnysshed curyusli?? But all other she had a wanton eye
? On her hede she wered a red coper crowne?? A nosegay she had made ful plesauntly?? Bytwene her & aurora Apollo set hym doune?? Wyth his beames bryght he shone so ferue{n}tly?? That he therwyth gladyd al {the} company?? A crown of pure gold was on his hede set?? In syne {that} he was mayster & lorde of {that} banket
? Nota?? Thus was the table set round aboute?? Wyth goddes & goddesses as i haue you told?? Awaytyng on the bord was a grete route?? Of sage phylosophers & poetes many fold?? There was sad Sychero & Arystotle olde?? Tholome Dorothe wyth Dyogenes?? Plato Myssehala and wyse Socrates
? Sortes & Saph[y]r{us} {with} hermes stode behynd?? Auycen & Aueroys wyth hem were in fere?? Galyen & ypocras that physyk haue in mynd?? wyth help of Esculapyo{n} toward he{m} drow ner?? Vyrgyle Orace Ouyd and Omere?? Euclyde and albert yaue her attendaunce?? To do the godds & goddesses plesaunce
? Horeberded Orphe{us} was there {with} his harpe.?? And as a poyt musycal made he melody?Other mi{n}stral had ther non saf Pan ga{n} to carpe?? Of his leud bagpyp which caused {the} compani?? To law yet many mo ther we{re} yf
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