The Assemble of Goddes | Page 5

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? And yf it lyke you to do in thys wyse.?? And so to foryeue hym clerely his offence.?? One thynge surely I wyll you promyse.?? If he ought rebell and make resystence
? Or dysobey vnto your sentence. Original has
? For euery tree that he maketh fall. sencence
? Out of the erthe an /C/ ryse shall. instead of
? Soo that youre game shall not dyscrease?? For lacke of shade i dare vndertake?? well syr Appolo sayd she than wyll I cease?? Off all my rancour and mercy {with} you make?? And than god Neptunus of his maner spak?? Saying th{us} appolo though dyana him relese?? yet shall he sue to me to haue his pease.
? A sayd Appolo ye wende I had forgete.?? You for my lady Dyana the goddesse.?? Nay thynke not so for I wyll you entrete.?? As well as her wythoute longe processe.?? wyll ye agre that Phebus your maystresse.?? May haue the guydyng of your varyaunce.?? I shall abyde quod he / her ordynaunce.
? Wel than quod appolo I pray you godd{i}s all?? And goddesses that ben here presente.?? That ye companable wyll aborde falle.?? Nay than sayd Othea it is not conuenyente.?? A dew ordre in euery place is expedyente.?? To be hadde wherfore ye may not lette.?? To be your own marshal at your own ba{n}ket
? And whan appolo se it wolde none other be?? He called to hym Aurora the goddesse.?? And sayd though ye wepe ye shall before me.?? Ay kepe your course and put yourself in p{re}sse?? Soo he her set fyrste at his owne messe.?? wyth her moyst clothes {with} teres all be sprey{n}t?? The medewes in may shew therof her co{m}plei{n}t
? Next her sat Mars myghty god and strong?? wyth a flamme of fyre enuyroned all about Original has ? A crown of yron on his hede a spere i{n} his ho{n}d aboeut ? It semed by his che{re} as he wold haue fought. instead of ? And next vnto hym as I perceyue mought. about ? Sat {the} goddesse Dyana in a mantell fyne.?? Of black sylke purfyled {with} poudred ermine
? Lyke as he had take {the} mantell & the rynge?? And next vnto her arayed roally.?? Sat the god Iupyter in his demenynge.?? Full sad and wyse he semed sykerly.?? A crowne of tynne stood on his hede.?? And that I recorde of all phylosophers.?? {that} lytyll store of Coyne kepe in her cofres.
? Ioyned to hy{m} in syttyng next there was?? The goddesse Iuno full rychely besene.?? In a sercote {that} shone as bryght as glas?Of goldsmyth werk {with} spa{n}gles wrought beden{e}?? Of royall ryches wanted she none I wene.?? And next to her sat the god saturne.?? That oft syth causeth many one to morne.
? But he was clad me thought straungely?? For of froste & snowe was all his aray.?? In his honde he helde a fawchon all blody?? It semed by his chere as he wold make a frai?? A baudryck of Isykles about his necke gaye?? He had and aboue on hygh on his hede.?? Couchid {with} hayl sto{n}es he wered a crou{n} of lede
? And nexte in ordre was set by his syde.?? Ceres the goddesse in a garmente.?? Of sacke cloth made {with} sleues large & wyde?? Embrowdered wyth sheues and sycles bent?? Of all maner greynes she sealed {the} patente.?? In token {that} she was goddes of corne.?? Olde Poetes saye she beryth the heruest horn
? Then was there set the god cupydo��?? All fresshe & galaunte and costly in aray.?? Wyth ouches and rynges he was beset so.?? {the} paleys therof shon as though it had be day?? A kerchyff of plesau{n}s stood ouer his helm ay?? The goddesse Ceres he loked in the face.?? And wyth one arme he her dyde enbrace.
? Next to Cupido in order by and by?? Of wordly wysdum sat the forteresse.?? Called Othea chyef grounde of polycy.?? Reuler of knyghthode of prudence {the} goddes?? Clad all in purpure was she
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