i shuld not ly?? Som yong som old both better and werse?? But mo of theyr names can I not reherce
? Of al maner deyntes there was habu{n}dau{n}ce?? Of metes & drynkes foyson plenteuous?? In cam Dyscord to haue varyaunce?? But there was no roum to set her i{n} that hous?? The goddis remembred the scysme odious?? Among the thre goddesses {that} she had wrought Original has ? At the fest of Peleus wherfore they thought he instead
of she ? They wold not {with} her dele in a venture?? Lest she hem brought to som inconuenyente?? She seyng this was wroth out of mesure?? And in that grete wrath out of {the} paleyse we{n}t?? Say{n}g to herself that chere shuld thei repent?? And anone {with} Attropes happed she to mete.?? As he had ben a gost came in a wy{n}dy{n}g shete
? She toke hym by {the} hond & rowned in his ere?? And told hy{m} of the banket {that} was so delycate.?How she was receyued & what chere she had {the}re?? And how euery god sat in his astate?? Is it thus q{uo}d attropos what in {the} deuyls date?? Well he sayd I se well how the game goth?? Ones yet for your sake shal I make he{m} wroth
? And whan she had hym al togyder told?? From her he departed & of her toke his leue /?? Sayng {that} for her sake his way take he wolde?? In to the paleys his maters to meue?? And or he thens went he trowed he{m} to greue.?? Wyth such tydynges as he wold hem tel?? So forth he went & spake wordes fell
? Whan he came in the p{re}sence of {the} goddis [a]lle ? As he had ben mad he loked hym a bout?? His shete from his body downe he let fall?? And on a reud maner he saluted al the route?? Wyth a bold voys spekyng wordes stoute?? But he spake all holow as it had ben one?? Had spoke in a nother world {that} had wo begon
? He stode forth boldly {with} grym countenau{n}ce?? Sayng on this wyse as ye shal here?? All ye goddes yeue attendaunce?? Vnto my wordes {with}out all daungere?? Remembre how ye made me your offycere?? Al tho wyth my darte fynally to chastyse?? That {thou} dysobeyed or wolde your law dyspise
? And for the more surete seiled my patent?? Gyuyng me full power so to ocupy?? Wherto I haue enployed myn entent?? And that can dame Nature testefy?? If she be examyned she wyll not it denye?? For whan she forsakyth ony creature?? I am al redy to take hy{m} to my cure
? Thus haue I deuly wyth al mi dylygence.?? Executed the offyce of olde antyquyte?? To me by you grau{n}ted by your comyn se{n}tece?? For I spared none hygh nor low degre?? So that on my parte no faute hath be?? For as sone as ony to me commytted was?? I smote hy{m} to {the} hert he had none other grace
? Ector of Troy for al his cheualry?? Alexander the grete & myghty conqueroure?? Iulyus Cezar {with} al his companye?? Dauyd nor Iosue nor worthy Artur?? Charlis the noble that was so gret of honour?? Nor Iudas Machabee for al his trew herte?? Nor Godfrey of Boleyn coud me not asterte
? Nabugodonozor for al his grete pryde?? Nor the kyng of Egypt cruel Pharao?? Iason ne Hercules went they neuer so wyde.?? Cosdras Hanyball nor gentyll Sypyo��?? Cyrus Achylles nor many another mo?? For fayr nor foule gat of me no grace?? But al be at {the} last I seased hem {with} my mace.
? Thus haue I brought euery creature?? To an ende both man fysshe foule and best?And euery other thyng in whome dame nature?? Hath ony Iurysdyccion eyther most or lest?? Except oonly one in whome your be hest?? Is to me broke for ye me promysed?That my myght of non{e} shold haue be dyspysed
? Wherof the contrary daoe I well a uow Original has ? Is trew for one there is that wyl not apply aontrary ? Vnto my correction nor in no wyse bow instead of ? To the dynt of my darte for dole nor desteny�� contrary ? What comfort he hath nor the cause why?? That he so rebellyth I can not thynk of ry{gh}t Original has But yf ye hy{m} grau{n}ted your alders saf condyght. yot instead
of not ? And yf he so haue than do ye not as goddis.?? For a goddys wrytyng may not reuersed be.?? Yf it shold I wold not gyue you ii pesecodd{i}s?? For grau{n}t of your patent of offyce nere of fee. Original has ? Wherefore in this mater do me equyte gra{n}ut ? Accerdi{n}g to my patent for tyl this be do instead of ? Ye haue
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