The Assemble of Goddes | Page 4

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Original has
? Consyder this mater and ponder my case. sencence
? Tender my compleynt as rygure requyreth instead of
? Shew forth youre sentence {with} a breef clause sentence ? I may not longe tary the tyme fast expyreth Original has
? The offence is grete wherfore it desyreth. erpyreth
? The more greuous payn and hasty iugeme{n}t instead of
? For offence don wylfully wyl non auysement expyreth
And wha{n} {the} god pluto a whyl had hi{m} bethought?? He rowned {with} mynos what was to do.?? Then he sayde openly loke thou fayl nought?? Thy sentence to yeue wythoute fauoore soo.?? Lyke as thou hast herde the causes the too.?? And so euenly dele twene thise partyey twein?? That none of he{m} haue case on {the} other co{m}pleint
? Thenne sayd mynos full indyfferently.?? To Dyana & Neptunus is there ony more.?? That ye wyll declare ageyn hym openly.?? Nay in dede they sayd we kepe none in store /?? we haue sayd Inough to punysshe hym fore?? If ye in this mater be not parcyall��?? Remembre your name was wont to be egall.
? Well than sayd Mynos now let vs see.?? what this boystous Colus for hy{m}self cay say?? For here Prima facie to vs doth appere.?? That he hath offended no man can say naye?? wherfore thou Colus wythoute more delaye?? Shape vs an answere to thyne accusemente?? And elles I must procede vpon thy iugeme{n}t
? And euen as col{us} was onward to haue said?? For his excuse / came in a messengere.?? Fro god Appolo to Pluto and hym prayde.?? On his behalfe that he wythoute daungere?? wolde to hym come & bry{n}ge wyth hym in fere?? Dyana and Neptunus vnto his banket?? And yf they dysdeyned hy{m}self he wold he{m} fet.
? Moreouer he sayde to god Appolo?? Desyred to haue respyte of the iugemente?? Of Colus bothe of Mynos and Pluto?? So Dyana & Neptun{us} were therwith co{n}te{n}t?? And yf they were dysposed to assente?? That he myght come vnto his presente?? He it desyred to knowe his offence
? What say ye herto sayd Pluto to hem tweyn?? wyll ye both assente that it shal be thus?? ye sayd the goddesse for my parte certeyne?? And I also sayd this Neptunus?? I am well plesid quod this Colus?? And whan they had a whyle th{us} togyd{er} spoke?? Pluto commaunded the court to be broke
? And than togeder went they in fere.?? Pluto and Neptunus ledynge the goddesse?? whome folowed Cerberus {with} his prysonere.?? And alderlast wyth grete heuynesse.?? Came I and Morpleus to the forteresse.?? Of the god appolo vnto his banket.?? where many goddes and goddesses met.
? Whan Appolo se that they were come.?? He was ryght glad & prayed theym to syt.?? Nay sayd Dyana this is all and some.?? ye shall me pardone I shall not syt yet.?? I shall fyrste know why Colus abyde.?? And what execucyon shall on hym be doo?? For his offence / well sayd Appollo.
? Madame ye shall haue all your plesere.?? Syth that it wyll none otherwyse be.?? But fyste I pray you let me {the} mater here?? why he is brought in this perplexyte.?? well sayd Pluto that shall ye sone se.?? And gan to declare euen by and by.?? Bothe theyr complayntes ordynatly.
? And whan Appolo had herd the reporte?? Of Pluto in a maner smylynge he sayd.?? I se well Colus thou hast small comforte.?? Thy selfe to excuse thou mayst be dysmayde��?? For to here so grete co{m}pleyntes ayen the layd?? And notwythstondyng if thou can say ought?? For thyne own wele say and tary nought
? Nota
? Forsoth sayd Colus yf I had respyte.?? Hereto an answere cowd I counterfete.?? But to haue her grace more is my delyte.?? wherfore I pray you all for me entrete.?That I may by your req{ue}st her gode grace gete?? And what payn or greef ye for me prouyde?? wythout ony grutchyng I shall it abyde.
? Lo good dame sayd god Appollo.?? what may he do more but sew to your grace.?? Beholde how the teres from his eyen goo.?? It is satysfaction half for his trespace.?? Now gloryo{us} goddes shew your petio{us} face?? To this pore prysoner at my request.?? All we for youre honour thynke thus
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