The Assemble of Goddes | Page 3

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has ? Saynge thus O Mynos {thou} Iuge souerayn. co{m}pey{n}t ? Gyue thy cruel iugeme{n}t aye{n} this traytour so instead of ? {That} we may haue cause to preyse thy lord Pluto co{m}pley{n}t
? Then was there made a proclamacyon.?? In Plutoos name co{m}maunded scylence.?? Vpon the payn of strayt correccyon.?? {That} Dyana & Neptun{us} might haue audience.?? To declare her grefe of the grete offence.?? To hem do by Colus wheron they co{m}pleined?? And to begyn Dyana was constreyned.
? Whyche thus begyn as ye shall here.?? Saynge in this wyse. O thou lorde Pluto.?? Wyth thy iuge Mynos syttyng {with} the in fere?? Execute your fury vpon Colus soo.?? Accordyng to thofence that he to me hath do?? That I haue no cause forther to appele.?? Whyche yf I do shall not be for youre wele.
? Remembre fyrst how I a goddesse pure.?? Ouer all desertes / forestes and chaces.?? Haue the guydynge and vnder my cure.?? This traytour colus hath mani of mi places?? Destroyd {with} his blastes & daily me manaces?? Where ony wood is he shall make it playne.?? If he to his lyberte may resorte ageyne
? The gretest trees that ony man may fynde?? In forest to shade the dere for her comforte.?? He breketh he{m} aso{n}der or rendith he rote & ri{n}de ? Out of the erthe this is his dysporte.?? So that the deere shall haue noo resorte.?? Wythin shorte tyme to noo maner shade?? Where thorough the game is lykly to fade.
? Which to my name a reproche synguler.?? Sholde be foreuer whyle the worlde laste.?? And to all the goddes an hygh dyspleyser.?? To see the game soo destroyed by his blaste.?? Wherfore a remedy puruey in haste.?? And lete hym be punysshed after his offence.?? Cousyder the cryme and yeue your sentence.
? And whan Dyana had made her compley{n}t?? To mynos the Iuge in Plutoos presence.?? Came forth Neptun{us} {with} vysage pale & feynt?? Desyrynge of fauour to haue audyence.?? Saynge thus Pluto to thy magnyfycence.?? I shall reherce what this creature.?? Colus hath done me out of mesure.
? Thou knowest well that I haue the charge?? Ouer all the se and therof god I am.?? No shyp may sayl Keruel / bote ne barge.?? Grete karyk nor hulke {with} ony lyuyng man.?? But he haue my saue conduyte than.?? who me offendith wythin my Iurysdyccyon?? Owyth to submyt him to my correccyon.
? But in asmoche as it is now soo.?? That ye hym here haue as your prysonere?? I shall shew my compleynt soo.?? wherfore I pray you that ye wyll here.?? And let hy{m} not escape out of your daungere.?? Tyl he haue made full sethe & recompence?? For hurt of my name thrugh his grete offe{n}ce
? Fyrst to begyn this Colus hath ofte.?? Made me to retorne mi course agein nature.?? wyth his grete blastes whan he hath be alofte?? And charged me to labour fer out of mesure?? {that} it was grete merueyl how I might endure Original has ? The com of my swete wyll testyfy. gtete ? That on the se bankes lye beten full hye. instead of
grete ? Secundly where my nature is.?? Both to eb & flowe a[n]d so thy course to kepe.?? Ofte of myne entent hath he made me mys?? where as I shulde haue fylled dykes depe.?? At a full water I myght not theder crepe.?? Before my season came to returne ageyn.?? And than went I faster than i wold certayn
? Thus he hath me dryuen ayen myn entente?? And contrary to my course naturall.?? where I shuld haue be he made me absente?? To my grete dyshonour & in especyall.?? Do thynge he vsed that worst was of all.?? For where I my sauegard graunted?? Ay in that coste he comonly haunted
? Of very pure malyce and sylfwyll.?? Theym to destroy in dyspyte of me.?? To whome I promised both in gode & yll.?? For to be her protectour in all aduersyte.?? That to theym shulde fall vpon the se.?? And euen sodenly or they coud beware?? wyth a sodeyn pyry he lapped theym in care.
? And full oft syth wyth hys boystous blaste.?? Or they myght be war{e} he drof he{m} on {the} sond?? And other whyle he brake top sayl & maste.?? which caused thei{m} to peryssh or thei ca{m} to lond ? Then cursed they the tyme {that} euer thei me fa{n}d?? Thus amonge the people lost is my name.?? And so by his labour put I am to blame.
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