Select Speeches of Kossuth | Page 3

beyond their abstract principle, that Hungary ought to grant troops for Austrian defence in Italy, provided, 1st, that rebellion in Hungary itself were repressed; 2d, that the troops should not act against the Italians, unless the Italians had rejected the offer of national liberties and a constitution coordinate to those of Hungary, under the Austrian crown.
The protocol on this subject was drawn on July 5th; the public speech of Kossuth concerning it was not until July 22d; and in this short interval the treachery of the dynasty had been so displayed, that Kossuth could no longer speak in the same tone as a few weeks earlier. For a fuller development of this, I refer the reader to Appendix III. The real object of the Austrian ministry, was, to ruin the popularity of Bathyanyi and Kossuth, if they could induce them to sacrifice Italian freedom; or else, to accuse them to all the European diplomatists as conspirators against the integrity of the Austrian empire, if they refused to oppress the liberties of Italy.
Finally, the reader has even here proof enough how false is the statement which has been current in English newspapers, that Kossuth's visit to America was "a failure." This was an attempt to practise on our prevalent disgraceful tendency to judge of a cause by its success. However, the end is not yet seen: America has still to act decisively, if she would win the lasting glory which we have despised, of rescuing Law and Right from lawless force, and establishing the future of Europe.
1. Secrecy of Diplomacy London, Oct. 30th, 1851.
2. Monarchy and Republicanism Copenhagen House, London, Nov. 3d.
3. Communism and the Sibylline Books Manchester, Nov. 12th.
4. Legitimacy of Hungarian Independence Staten Island, Dec. 5th, 1851. Declaration of Independence by the Hungarian Nation
5. Statement of Principles and Aims New York, Dec. 6th.
6. Reply to the Baltimore Address Dec. 10th.
7. Hereditary Policy of America New York, to the Corporation, Dec. 11th.
8. On Nationalities New York, to the Press.
9. On Military Institutions New York, to the Militia, Dec. 16th.
10. Conditions essential for Democracy and Peace New York, Tammany Hall, Dec. 17th.
11. Hungary and Austria in Religious Contrast In a Brooklyn Church, New York, Dec. 18th.
12. Public Piracy of Russia New York, to the Bar, Dec. 19th.
13. Claims of Hungary on the Female Sex New York, to the Ladies, Dec. 21st.
14. Results of the Overthrow of the French Republic Philadelphia, Dec. 26th.
15. Interest of America in Hungarian liberty Baltimore, Dec. 27th.
16. Novelties in American Republicanism Washington, Legislative Banquet, Jan. 15th, 1852.
17. On the Merits of Turkey
18. Aspects of America toward England Washington, Jan. 8th, day of battle of New Orleans.
19. Meaning of Recognizing Hungarian Independence Washington, last speech.
20. Contrast of the American to the Hungarian Crisis Annapolis, Maryland, Jan. 13th, to the Senate.
21. Thanks for his great Success Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Jan. 14th, to the Legislature.
22. On the present Weakness of Despotism Harrisburg, Legislative Banquet.
23. Agencies of Russian Ascendancy and Supremacy Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, Jan. 26th.
24. Reply to the Pittsburg Clergy Jan. 26th.
25. Hungarian Loan Cleveland, Ohio, Feb. 3d. Address to Kossuth from the State Committee of Ohio
26. Panegyric of Ohio Columbus, Ohio, Feb. 5th.
27. Democracy the Spirit of the Age Columbus, Feb. 6th, to the Legislature.
28. The Miseries and the Strength of Hungary Columbus, Feb. 7th.
29. Ohio and France Contrasted as Republics Cincinnati, Ohio.
30. War a Providential Necessity against Oppression Cincinnati.
31. On Washington's Policy Cincinnati, Washington's Birthday, Feb. 24th.
32. Kossuth's Credentials Cincinnati, Feb. 25th.
33. Harmony of the Executive and of the People in America Indianapolis, at the State House, Feb 27th.
34. Importance of Foreign Policy and of strengthening England Louisville, March 6th, at the Court House.
35. Catholicism versus Jesuitism St. Louis, Missouri.
36. The Ides of March St. Louis, March 15th.
37. History of Kossuth's Liberation Jackson, Mississippi, April 1st, address to the Governor.
38. Pronouncement of the South Mobile, Alabama, April 3d.
39. Kossuth's Defence against certain Mean Imputations Jersey City, April 20th.
40. The Brotherhood of Nations Newark, New Jersey, April 22d.
41. The History and Heart of Massachusetts Worcester, Massachusetts, April 25th.
42. Panegyric of Massachusetts Faneuil Hall, Boston, April 29th.
43. Self-Government of Hungary Faneuil Hall, Legislative Banquet. April 30th.
44. Russia the Antagonist of the U. S. Salem, May 6th.
45. The Martyrs of the American Revolution Lexington, May 11th.
46. Condition of Europe Faneuil Hall, Boston, May 14th.
47. Pronouncement of all the States Albany, May 20th.
48. Sound and Unsound Commerce Buffalo, May 27th.
49. Russia and the Balance of Power Syracuse, June 4th.
50. Retrospect and Prospect Utica, June 9th.
51. The Triple Bond New York, June 22d.
52. The Future of Nations New York.
[The speeches of Kossuth in England, though masterly in themselves, are in great measure superseded by those which he delivered in America, where the same subjects were treated at far greater length, and viewed from many different aspects. From the speeches in England I here present
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