Pitmans Commercial Spanish Grammar | Page 7

C. A. Toledano
which is not stressed and also nouns ending
in _E_ bearing the stress, add =S= to form the plural.

All others add =Es=.
0. Nouns ending in Z_ in the _sing. change it into =Ces=.
0. Nouns ending in S_ do not change _unless the last syllable is
El amo: The master. Los amos: The masters.
El cunado: The
brother-in-law. Los cunados: The brothers-in-law. La cunada: The
sister-in-law. Las cunadas: The sisters-in-law. El yerno: The son-in-law.
Los yernos: The sons-in-law.
La nuera: The daughter-in-law. Las
nueras: The daughters-in-law. El arbol: The tree. Los arboles: The trees.

El examen: The examination. Los examenes: The examinations. El
lapiz: The pencil. Los lapices: The pencils.
El omnibus: The omnibus.
Los omnibus: The omnibuses.
El jabali: The boar. Los jabalies: The
3. Nouns ending in _Y_ add =Es=, as--
El rey: The king. Los reyes: The kings.
La ley: The law. Las leyes:
The laws.
4. The following add only =S= to form the plural--
Papa, Mama, Baja (a pasha), Sofa (sofa).[23]
[Footnote 23: Words ending in accented vowels are very few and the
rule for those ending in a, o, u is not very strict.]
=Compound Nouns= form their plural according to sense, as--
Hijodalgo (a gentleman by birth), literally, "son of something"; Plu.,
Hijosdalgo (literally, "sons of something ").
Ferrocarril (railway),
literally, "iron railroad"; Plu., Ferrocarriles (literally, "iron railroads").
Such nouns are rare.[24]

[Footnote 24: A verb as a component part does not change, as El
portabandera (the standard-bearer), Los portabanderas (the

=Haber= (to have), auxiliary.[25] =Tener= (to have, to possess).
[Footnote 25: Viz. used only before the past participle of another verb,
as (Yo) he hablado (I have spoken).]
Pres. Part._, Habiendo. _Pres. Part., Teniendo.
Past Part._, Habido. _Past Part., Tenido.

Pres. Tense, Indic. Mood._ _Pres. Tense, Indic. Mood.
He (I have), etc. Tengo (I have,
I possess), etc.
Has Tienes
Ha Tiene
Hemos Tenemos
Habeis Teneis
Han Tienen

Imperf. Tense, Indic. Mood._ _Imperf. Tense, Indic. Mood.
Habia (I had), etc. Tenia (I had,
I possessed, etc.)
Habias Tenias
Habia Tenia
Habiamos Teniamos
Habiais Teniais
Habian Tenian

Past Def. Tense, Indic. Mood._ _Past Def. Tense, Indic. Mood.
Hube (I had), etc. Tuve (I had, I
possessed), etc.
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