Pitmans Commercial Spanish Grammar | Page 6

C. A. Toledano

|V. hablo | V. temio | V.
partio |

|Vs. hablaron | Vs. temieron | Vs. partieron |
[Footnote 17: The Imperfect tense describes a past action or state _in

progress_; the Past Definite narrates an event. Ex.: I met (past def.)]
Charles, who wore (imp.) a black hat: Encontre a Carlos quien llevaba
sombrero negro.]
[Footnote 18: The Subject-Pronoun may be left understood, and is
generally omitted unless special stress is laid upon it.]
=aleman=[19], German
=beber=, to drink
=bien=, well
=cerveza=, beer
=clavel=, carnation
=cliente=, client,
=comer=, to eat
=escribir=[20], to write
=estudiar=, to
=exportar=, to export
=extranjero=, foreigner
=grande= (pl. =grandes=), large
=hijo=, son
=italiano=, Italian
=jardinero=, gardener
=leer=, to read

=manana=, morning, to-morrow
=manzana=, apple
=mesa=, table
=mi=, my
=mucho= (m.), much

=mucha= (f.), much
=muy=, very
=pera=, pear
=pero=, but

=pobre=, poor
=?que?= what?
=que=, that, who, which
=su=, his, her, their
=su ... de V=., your
=te=, tea
=el ... de
V=., your

=vino=, wine
=violeta=, violet
[Footnote 19: Adjectives of nationality are written with small letters.]
[Footnote 20: Past Participle is "Escrito," otherwise regular.]
Translate into English--
0. Mi hermano habla espanol (or castellano).
0. V. no habla frances.
0. ?Habla bien el aleman el primo de su amigo de V. (your friend)?
0. No, Senor, el primo de mi amigo no habla bien el aleman pero habla
muy bien el ingles.
0. ?Como esta (how is) su hermana de V.?
0. Esta muy bien, gracias (thank you).

0. ?Compra V. papel y tinta?
0. Si, Senor, y compro lapices y plumas.
0. ?Quien (who) compra zarazas (prints) y generos blancos (whites)?
0. El comerciante (merchant) que vino (came) de la Habana.
0. ?Quien vende maquinas y ferreteria?
0. Nosotros exportamos maquinas muy buenas al extranjero (abroad).
0. Estos generos son para los clientes de V. que parten manana.
0. ?Ha hablado V. con Don Francisco?
0. Si, Senor, le hable en la ciudad (in town).
0. Las rosas, los claveles y las violetas del jardinero.
0. El amor y respeto de mi hijo y de mi hija.
0. Juan es frances y yo soy ingles.
0. Le han elegido miembro de esta (this) sociedad.
0. Las hermosas rosas sobre la mesa.
0. V. tiene mil libras (L1,000) y yo tengo ciento.
Translate into Spanish--
0. Do you speak Spanish?
0. No, but I speak Italian well.
0. Do your customers buy (any) goods?
0. They buy machines and ironware, but my correspondent in Havana
buys prints in very large quantities (cantidades).
0. Who sells paper and ink?
0. The old man sells them (los vende).
0. Who writes a letter?
0. I write letters.
0. Who drinks wine?
0. I do not drink wine.
0. Do you drink beer?
0. I do not drink beer but I like (me gustan) coffee and tea.
0. Poor John is my friend.
0. What a beautiful (hermosa) rose!
0. Do your brothers study French?
0. Yes, and they study German.
0. Who studies Italian?

0. My sister-in-law studies Italian and French.
0. The merchant (comerciante) was elected a member of your society.
0. Mr. Brown is a captain.
0. John set out for America.
0. I like (me gusta) to study foreign languages (lenguas extranjeras).
(Leccion tercera.)


The noun in Spanish has only two genders.
=Nouns= denoting =male= beings are =Masculine=.
" " =female= " " =Feminine=.
When there is no real gender, nouns are called masculine or feminine
according to their terminations.
GENERAL RULE.--All nouns that terminate in a, ion, d, also abstract
nouns ending in ez, are feminine, as--
La villa: The town. La nacion[21]: The nation.
La ciudad: The city or
large town. La honradez: Honesty.
The other terminations are
There are many exceptions to the above rule, principally in nouns
ending in _E_.[22]
[Footnote 21: English words ending in "tion" end in cion in Spanish.
(Note the accent.)]
[Footnote 22: Appendix I--for reference only at this stage.]
=Formation of the Plural of Nouns=.
Nouns ending in a vowel
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