Penis Enlargment | Page 8

Not Available
$1.00+ (per foot) (available at Medical
Supply and/or Aquarium Supply stores)
Schedule 40 Flush Bushing PVC (1) 2" x 1-1/2" $1.10l
Schedule 40 PVC Coupling (1) 2" I.D. $1.10l
Turnbuckles (2) 5/32", 4-3/4" Eye/Eye $1.60 totall
Gate Hook & Eye (2) 2 1/2" $0.70 packagel
Wing Nuts (2) $0.70 packagel
Metal Washers (4) $0.25 total Machine Screws (4) 5/32" x 3/4"
$0.70 packagel
Metal Nuts (2) 5/32" $0.70 packagel
Metal Springs (2) 1/4" x 1/2"-3/4" x .020" (0.5mm) $1.25 packagel
Rolled Gauze, Sterile, 2" width $2.00l
Large Metal Paper Binder Clip $0.50l
Metal Sawl
Drill and Bits (1/4", 5/32")l
Sandpaper (60 - 150 grades)l

Other penis enlargement ideas\
(3 of 12) [8/21/2001 12:43:55 PM]

Drill two 5/32" holes into the PVC Flush Bushing, opposed from each othe\
r, and about 3/4"
from the bottom (where the lip extends). If desired, saw off about 3/8\
" from the top of the
PVC Flush Bushing so that there will be more room through which the peni\
s may be pulled
and maneuvered. If the PVC Flush Bushing is not round along the inner ri\
m, you should file
and sand it so for safety and comfort. The bottom of the base may be lin\
ed with foam rubber
strips for a greater comfort. Additionally, you may file and sand the PV\
C Flush Bushing in
such a manner as to make a more ergonomic fit.
With a pair of pliers, carefully remove each of the wood screws from eac\
h of the pair of Gate
Hooks. Saw off the curved ends of the Gate Hooks and file the ends smoot\
Upon each of the 5/32" diameter, 1/2" long Machine Screws, thread a wash\
er, an eye-end of
each of the two Gate Hooks, and another washer or two. Carefully screw e\
ach assembly
through the opposing holes of PVC Flush Bushing. Preferably, no metal sh\
ould protrude
through the either side of the bushing. Each Screw-Turnbuckle assembly s\
hould be firmly in
place, with the turnbuckles perpendicular to the PVC Flush Bushing.
Saw the 2" PVC Coupling latitudinally so that the length measures about \
1 3/4"; then saw it
longitudinally so that a "half pipe" results. Drill 2 5/32" holes into t\
he half pipe on opposite
sides, each about 1/2" from the rounded base, and 3/8 from the sides.
Drill two 1/4" holes about 3/8" apart (measured between radii) and 1/2\
" from the top of the
half- pipe. Through these holes will the rubber or latex tubing be threa\
ded. Sand the half pipe
round and smooth. You may saw the top corners of half pipe for a more er\
gonomic design (as
in Figure 1), but be careful not to compromise structural integrity.
Thread a Wing Nut and a large metal washer onto each of the 2 3/4" Machi\
ne Screws and then
drive the resulting 2 assemblies into each of the 5/32" holes in the hal\
f pipe.
Place a small metal washer and a small spring onto each of the perpendic\
ular Gate Hooks, and
then drop each of the Turnbuckles (sans eye hook). The fit should be s\
mooth. If not add or
subtract washers from the Gate Hook assemblies.
Thread the Latex Tubing through the 1/4" holes in the half pipe. Due to \
the tightness, you may
need to pinch the tip of the Tubing. The Tubing should be held firmly by\
the holes, but you
may use a large metal paper binder clip for added stability.
Thread the two 1/4" holes in the Home Hardware Extender with string and \
then thread the tail
of the remaining string through the Flush Bushing assembly. Tie the stri\
ng to carefully
measured weights of 0.6 kg (1.3 lbs.), 0.9 kg (2.0 lbs.), 1.2 kg (2\
.6 lbs.), or 1.5 kg (3.3 lbs.).
Plastic water bottles make good weights (1 pint = 1 pound, 500 ml = 0.5\
kg, etc.). Hold the
Home Hardware Extender with one hand, and with the other, a ruler to mea\
sure the depression
of the springs. Carefully measure and note the length of the springs for\
each of the remaining
For example, the 2 springs on the example in Fig. 1 (each 5/8" long, an\
d 0.020" gauge)
depress to a length of about 1/2" with 1.3 lbs. (0.6kg), 3/8" with 2.2\
lbs. (1.0kg), and 1/4" with

Other penis enlargement ideas\
(4 of 12) [8/21/2001 12:43:55 PM]

3.3 pounds (1.5 kg). You may mark in ink or crayon the results for eac\
h weight on the gate
Over time, you may need to extend the device, and therefore the penis, b\
y twisting the
turnbuckles further in order to obtain the same tension. This is due to \
extension and/or growth
of the penis.
With the device in two parts (Bushing/Turnbuckle and Half-Pipe/Tubing)\
, pull the penis
through the PVC Bushing, with the Turnbuckles at their
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