Penis Enlargment | Page 7

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you need to tie a taut line hitch - a knot that
will serve you in many other ways (great for tying down
loads on cars, for example). Here's a diagram (thank you,
Boy Scouts!):

Mechanical penis pulling (1 of\
2) [8/21/2001 12:43:28 PM]

Pull with your leg or foot
You can wear this while walking, or tie it to a fixed object for use whi\
sitting at the computer (wearing shorts or bathrobe makes this easier)\
. You
can also make a loop for your foot, and vary the stretch while your work\
your desk or watch TV.

Mechanical penis pulling (2 of\
2) [8/21/2001 12:43:28 PM]

Other ideasVacuum pumping
Bulky homemade stretcher
Foam pipe insulation
Another guy's weights article
Online instructions bought for $10 in 1996
Vacuum penis pumping
Concept Put tube over dick. Pump air out of tube. Donkey dick! Next day, donkey \
becomes dinky dick. Some people claim permanent results are possible - f\
or some reason,
they always seem to be the ones selling pumps.... If you decide to make \
this a hobby, you'll
probably end up one of their customers. Do this for fun, but don't get y\
our hopes up for
permanent results anytime in this century (or the next). There is a si\
te called the Vacuum
Pumpers Forum, often extremely negative, which seems to attract people w\
ho are into
perversity. I don't recommend it, but then I don't recommend pumping eit\
What's good about pumping: Pumping can be fun. And it can feel great.
What's bad about pumping: Much effort, little if any permanent result; discouraging
(temporary results only); risk of blisters, discoloration, bruising; risk of burst capillaries; risk
of temporary impotence
Penis enlargement surgery

Expensive and dangerous No, it is NOT possible to
make the penis longer through surgery (unless they come
up with a penis transplant). It's basically an illusion.
Though surgery techniques may be improving, why
bother when you can get a bigger penis for, at most, a
few dollars?
The procedure to "lengthen" the penis is by cutting the
suspensory ligament. This gives the appearance of a
longer penis but does not actually increase its length.
It also makes the penis more unstable during
intercourse and in do course more susceptible to
injury. This surgery leaves a permanent scar. And a
lower angle of erection (provided the surgeon doesn't
screw up, and you never have an erection again). And -
surprise! - without weights* after surgery, a person's
penis may become shorter than before, as the body
repairs the butcher's damage.

Other penis enlargement ideas\
(1 of 12) [8/21/2001 12:43:55 PM]

The other method of enlargement is by injecting or
grafting fat from elsewhere on the body around the penis
to create a fatter penis. This gives the appearance of a
fat, wide penis but not longer. These procedures are
not recommended and have very high complication
*Question : if weights alone produce genuine
lengthening, why would a greedy, selfish plastic surgeon
ever recommend surgery? Especially if he's going to tell
you to use weights afterward? And especially since the
weights do the job on their own?
Feedback: "I was determined to get surgery before I found your page. I had actuall\
y made an
appointment to go and was absolutely ready to do it... I actually ordere\
d some of the stretching
and hanging devices for a couple of hundred dollars before I finally fou\
nd your page. Yours
was a lifesaver! After going over EVERYTHING you had on your page I canc\
eled my doctors
appointment, canceled my orders and headed out to the store for parts! I\
built my hanging and
stretching devices... I have legitimately gained almost 1/2 inch in one \
months time! I have I'd
say almost 40 hours of hang time... I just want you to know that there r\
eally are people out
there who appreciate your site more than you could ever know. I started \
out at about 4.5
inches length and have had women actually tell me I had the smallest pen\
is they had ever
seen. (Not a comforting feeling.) From all the surveys I have seen I k\
now I was smaller than
99% of guys and needless to say I had a huge inferiority complex about i\
t. With the weights I
have gotten to about 5 inches in a very short amount of time and I can o\
nly hope that one day
I can get over 6 inches..."
Slimguy's homemade extender
Version 9.2 [email protected]
I don't entirely understand why someone would go to such lengths to repr\
oduce bulky devices
such as the JES Extender, PeniStretcher, but if it appeals to you, and y\
ou're willing to put in a
lot of work, here's one device. In my book, this is another example of more is less.
Fig. 1. This traction device was built out of about $12 US in parts. Sim\
ilar devices retail for
hundred of dollars. Note the small springs near the base.

Other penis enlargement ideas\
(2 of 12) [8/21/2001 12:43:55 PM]

The "Home Hardware Extender," before assembly, with screwdriver, two dri\
ll bits and
surgical gauze (not shown). Note the various holes drilled into the cu\
t, filed, and sanded PVC
ARTS REQUIREDLatex tubing 1/4" O.D., 1'
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