as the younger
The average man's penis is merely a muscle (oh really?) that has never been developed; it
will respond to the correct stimulus like any other comparatively unexer\
cised skeletal muscle.
An increase in penis size cannot be accomplished overnight; but from wit\
hin three months to a
year the average individual will be able to increase both the length and\
the circumference of
the penis extensively. This simple exercise, if practiced five days a we\
ek, will enable a man
who possesses, for example, a six-inch erect penis, to add from two to f\
our inches to the
length of his penis (measured at the top, from the tip to the pelvis) \
and it will grow in
circumference proportionately. Little or no growth will be apparent for \
approximately one
month; during the second or third month an increase of two or more inche\
s will not be
Results are permanent. The penis will become enlarged in both the flacci\
d and erect states. but
especially in its erect state. The exercise is beneficial, not harmful; \
it will actually improve the
health and strength of the male organ as well as increase its size.
There are individuals who have actually doubled the length of their peni\
ses after less than a
year of regularly performing this exercise (such gains, however, are co\
mparatively rare; these
individuals had exceptionally small penises to begin with). One example\
on file is that of J.
Marshall of Southgate, CA, who prior to exercising, had a penis only fou\
r and a half inches in
length. After less than a year of regularly performing the "milking' exe\
rcises, he doubled its
length. The exercise will greatly enhance one's vasocongestion; the peni\
s, in it erect state, will
become as hard as a length of pipe. It will become somewhat more firm in\
even its flaccid
state and its head (glans) may actually double in size. Penis length, \
which is developed purely
by stretching methods, will actually cause the penis to lose in circumfe\
rence. Unless there is a
Swank penis milking article\
tm (1 of 3) [8/21/2001 12:42:48 PM]
certain amount of tumescence present, the penis, when stretched, will be\
come long an thin
like any other material object that is stretched to increase its length.\
Stretching is fine. And
effective. But for one to increase the length of one's penis at the expe\
nse of circumference
would be rather like trading a short snake for a long worm. So what we m\
ust do is perform
some sort of stretching exercise while the penis is in a partially erect\
state. This will develop
the entire penis; its length, thickness, weight, density and glans will \
all become
proportionately enlarged. This is not an unpleasant or tiring exercise t\
o perform. We suggest
that it be performed in the bathroom and in front of a mirror.
The individual should be nude (at least from the waist down) and the t\
emperature of the room
should be on the warm side rather than cool. A bit of Vaseline or petrol\
eum jelly is required...
approximately one-half a teaspoon. This is applied to the flaccid penis \
from the hilt to the
head. Then, using only the thumb and forefinger, the penis is gently but\
firmly stretched
downward and slightly outward, using first one hand and then the other i\
n an alternating
"milking" action. This squeezing stretching action is performed gently u\
ntil a certain amount
of tumescence (swelling) develops; then the milkings are performed a b\
it more firmly and
forcibly. One must take it easy for about ten days. The milking should b\
e performed
approximately one hundred times. But gradually, within a month, one shou\
ld be performing
about two hundred repetitions.
The exercises are the same for both circumcised and uncircumcised men. I\
t will be noticed
that the head (or glans) becomes extremely red and that it will swell \
considerably. This is
normal and good, and is due to the forcing of blood to that area. NOTE: \
Care must be taken
that the exercise is not performed during hard erection. Vascular (vein\
) damage could result if
the penis is forcibly milked in its fully erect state. A condition of fr\
om one hall to three
quarters of full erection is desirable, results cannot be obtained until\
a partial erection is
present. It will be noticed that the penis (even in its flaccid state)\
appears both longer and
thicker after the exercise has been performed. This is a fact. And from \
within one to several
months the penis, after exercise, will appear rather enormous; this is d\
ue to the impaction of
blood in the penile tissues which the milking engenders.
After approximately one month the milkings can be performed quite vigoro\
usly, using a
firmer grip on the shaft of the penis and stretching it strongly, (The \
connective muscles
become quite strong and will not be harmed.)
It may be found for a short time that one's erections, after exercising,\
are not quite as firm; this
is only a temporary condition (it should last no more than an hour) ca\
used by fatigue in the
erectile tissues. The man's sex life will in no way be adversely affecte\
d; on the contrary, he
will discover an increase
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