Irrisistible Force | Page 6

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openly affectionate.

as well as how much they had unselfishly loved him.
He cleared his throat to let them know of his

good seeing they were still very much in love.
His parents had met when Marcello Saxon had
arrived in the United States from France to attend
Yale. In his senior year he met the beautiful and
vivacious Megan Spectrum and they fell in love im

she African-American. What had mattered was the
love they had for each other. They had gone so far

disown his son„the heir to the Saxon wealth„if a
marriage took place. Choosing love over wealth,
Marcello had married Megan a year later and good
to his word, Franco Saxon had practically disowned
his son, had barely spoken to him since and only
recently had acknowledged the marriage.

26 Irresistible Forces
had his annual checkup and Dominic inwardly

clean bill of health after my last checkup. But we
did get some news last night that your grandfather
has taken ill.Ž
Dominic stared first at his father and then at his
mother. Finally he shrugged nonchalantly as he
crossed the room to give his father a bear hug.


can you be so unforgiving?Ž

forgiving? That man refused to accept my mother
as your wife, publicly denounced your marriage

acknowledged my birth and then out of the clear

ill, he showed up and expected everyone to kiss and

He switched his gaze from his father to smile down

he said, before hugging her close and placing a soft

27 Brenda Jackson

your grandfather forever.Ž


us anyway.Ž

him. The man he loved, admired and respected

rejection of the woman he loved destroy his deter
mination to make her his wife and to make some-
thing out of his life„even without the Saxon wealth
behind him. After college Marcello had started from
the bottom and with keen intelligence, his father
built his own Saxon empire, which consisted of
hotels, cruise liners, restaurants, publishing compa
nies and various auto dealerships across the country.

throughout the world and graced the garments of
several international celebrities. She had a remark
able reputation for outstanding design and had estab-
lished her own empire in the world of fashion.
The one thing his parents had taught him, Dominic
concluded, was to increase his own wealth and not
depend on what he might or might not inherit. And
so he had. With their blessings he had carved out his
personal legacy and thanks to a sharp wealth asset

28 Irresistible Forces
manager like Taylor, he was doing quite well for
He glanced at his watch. They would be sharing
dinner in less than four hours.

Nick, he is still your grandfather.Ž
ment with a response.

That question came from his mother. He glanced
down at her. She was five feet, eight inches tall and
in a room with her son and husband she looked
small and delicate. But he knew the latter was far
from the truth. She had to be one of the most head
strong women that he knew, definitely no pushover.
It was on the tip of his tongue to say there was
nothing to think about and that under no circum
stances did he intend to go see the man, but the last
thing he wanted was to upset his mother any further.
It bothered her that he disliked his grandfather so

all we ask you to do, Nick,Ž his

the hall tonight and flying to France in the morning.Ž
He nodded. If they expected him to drop every-

29 Brenda Jackson
thing and fly to France with them because the old
man had taken ill then they were wrong. He leaned

He saw the flash of disappointment in her eyes

excuse me I have a few things I need to take care of
before my date tonight here in my suite.Ž

a date?Ž
He smiled. His mother was well aware that he
rarely entertained anyone in a place he considered his

said, smiling and gently pulling Megan out of

having dinner with friends.Ž

thoughts immediately went back to Taylor and her
outlandish proposition. He glanced at his watch

Chapter 2

it, Taylor?Ž

through the phone. Vanessa was the one with doubts;
however, Cheyenne was the sister who was convinced

Vanessa was a naysayer. She was just being realistic
that most people thought logically. And what Taylor
was posing to Dominic was highly illogical.
The three of them, she, Vanessa and Cheyenne,
always had a close relationship growing up and over

at twenty-seven, was the one who, after getting a

31 Brenda Jackson
grad degree at Tennessee State, had returned to

business, The Steele Corporation, along with their
four older male cousins„Chance, Sebastian,
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