Irrisistible Force | Page 5

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child conceived the

21 Brenda Jackson
normal way, a way I consider natural, with the two
of us making love.Ž
She inhaled deeply as he continued to stare at her.

me?Ž he queried, his voice low and husky.

man I have come to respect and admire and when I
thought about a potential father for my child, I

You have all the qualities that I want.Ž

instead he slowly got to his feet. The nature of this
meeting was definitely a surprise to say the least.

this right this minute. We need to discuss your
business proposition further and I suggest we do so

at the hotel. Is that time okay?Ž

thirty. My secretary will contact you later today for
an address.Ž

He walked toward the door and before reaching

tonight, Taylor.Ž
He stared at her for a moment longer and then

22 Irresistible Forces
she watched as he turned and walked out of her
office. It was only after he left she realized he had
taken the brochure with him.
The driver opened the door and Dominic slid onto

When the car began moving Dominic glanced
down at the brochure he still held in his hand as his
mind recalled everything Taylor had said. The

wanted a baby. His baby. And she wanted them to
spend a week on some island in the Caribbean to
make it happen. To say he was stunned would be an
understatement, but he had heard the sincerity in

He began reading the piece of literature. If the

most definitely did. Procreation vacations. Just

According to the brochure, it was a growing trend
for couples that wanted to conceive. And Taylor
Steele wanted to conceive.
If he were totally honest with himself, he would
admit that so did he. The thought had crossed his
mind several times in the past year, ever since his

there were only short-term side effects.

23 Brenda Jackson

both appeared to be in great physical shape, none
theless, they were aging with each passing day.
Another thing he had come to realize, although

longed for a grandchild. He saw it in their eyes each
and every time any of their friends talked about
their grandchildren. There was no doubt in his mind
if Camry had lived they would have had a child or

four years he had somehow managed to go on, with

death the thought of ever marrying again was as
foreign to him as life on another planet. Without
realizing she had done so, Taylor may have pro
vided him with the very solution to a problem that
had been bothering him for some time.
He resumed reading the brochure. The success
rate of the woman returning from one of these trips
pregnant was very high but what intrigued him the
most was the mere thought of checking into a resort
with Taylor with the sole intent of having a full
week of constant sex. He was getting aroused just
thinking about it, about the possibility of making all

mind about Taylor a reality.

24 Irresistible Forces
But still, all things considered, he and Taylor
would need to discuss the issue more in detail.
There were a number of questions he needed an
swered, such as what joint custody of a child they
shared would entail, and why did she think him
making her pregnant would not cost him anything?
Did she expect him to walk away from any finan
cial obligations he had toward the child?
He settled back in the cushions of the seat think-
ing he was very much looking forward to his dinner
date with Taylor later tonight.

Mr. Saxon.Ž
Thanks, Harold,Ž Dominic said to the hotel man-
ager moments before crossing the huge lobby to the
bank of elevators that would carry him up to the
penthouse. The Saxon Grand was a beautiful hotel
and had been the first Saxon Hotel. It was built
twenty-five years ago and Dominic was almost
certain Harold was hired in some position at that

oldest employees. And Harold was good at what he
did, based on the customer satisfaction surveys that
were periodically done. Customers visiting the area
kept coming back knowing they would receive first-
class service.
Moments later Dominic walked into his suite un-
announced to find his parents in a loving embrace.

25 Brenda Jackson
He was not surprised nor the least embarrassed to see
them standing in the middle of the floor sharing a
passionate kiss. Despite having been married for
thirty-six years, Marcello and Megan were still
deeply in love. That was obvious to anyone around
them for any length of time. As long as he could
remember, his parents were
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