Irrisistible Force | Page 7

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gan and Donovan. After college, Taylor and Cheyenne
had chosen to seek opportunities far away from
North Carolina. Cheyenne, who was twenty-three,
was a professional model and that meant a lot of
traveling as well as living in some of the most exotic
places in the world.
Vanessa was in the midst of planning a June
wedding to a very handsome man by the name of

when she thought about how Cameron had pursued
her sister with a vengeance, and finally succeeded

Vanessa and looked forward to returning home for
a brief stay this weekend to be fitted for her brides
maid dress.

Taylor to respond. She knew what Vanessa wanted

along with my offer or not. It would certainly make

dinner tonight.Ž


32 Irresistible Forces

for the wedding.Ž
An hour or so later, Taylor was stepping out of
the shower to get dressed for her dinner meeting
with Dominic. His secretary had called earlier to get
her address and to let her know that a car was being
sent to pick her up exactly at six-thirty. She would
be taken to the Saxon Grand Hotel, where she
would be dining with Mr. Saxon.
Taylor glanced at the outfit and accessories she
had placed on the bed earlier. She would be wearing
a mauve embroidered overlay dress with gold covair
beading on the empire bodice and a hem that
stopped well above the knee to show off her legs.

eye-catching. Deliberately so. She needed an outfit
that would make Dominic take notice and quickly
conclude that a week spent with her on a tropical
island indulging in unlimited bedroom activities

With less than thirty minutes before the car was
to arrive, Taylor was standing in front of the mirror
in her bedroom studying the finished product. She
tilted her head back, liking the way the earrings
dangled from her ears and the matching necklace
around her neck. Both had been Christmas gifts
from her oldest cousin, Chance, and his wife, Kylie.
Taylor still found it hard to believe at times that
within a three-year period her staunch bachelor

33 Brenda Jackson
cousins, Chance, Sebastian and Morgan, had fallen
in love and gotten married. And then there was
Vanessa, who would be marrying Cameron in June.
Taylor was happy for all four of them. Her thoughts
shifted to the one lone single male cousin, Donovan
Steele. At thirty-two, marriage was the furthest
thing from his mind. She had even heard him swear
that he would be a bachelor for life.
Her sister Cheyenne was pretty much like her„
too involved in a career to take the time to settle
down and get involved in a serious affair. But Taylor
was determined that no matter how involved she
was in her career, she would take time out to
become a mother. Having a child had always been

degree until a few months back when she returned

won the council-at-large seat in Charlotte, becom
ing the first Steele to enter politics.

to a little boy, who in keeping with Bradford tradi
tion had been named Dane William Bradford IV.
The moment Taylor had held Little Dane in her

longer to become a mom.
Sighing deeply, Taylor glanced at her watch.

any moment and she wanted to be ready. When she
saw Dominic again, she definitely wanted to give

34 Irresistible Forces
him a few things to think about. He would discover
tonight that she was a lot more than a mover and a
shaker. She was a woman who went after what
she wanted and more than anything, she wanted

Dominic glanced at his watch periodically as he

had him on edge.
Earlier, during a relaxing moment, he had shared
a glass of wine with his parents, and as always, he

better parents. They had always been there for him,
supportive in every way.

Marcello years to finally put the anger behind him
and accept the olive branch that Franco had held out

giving and to this day he had come face-to-face
with the man who was his grandfather only twice.
The most recent time was the day Franco had flown

his only son„the one he had years ago disowned„

35 Brenda Jackson
reunited father and son. Marcello was of the mind
that too much hurt and pain had passed and as long
as Franco finally accepted his marriage, all was
well. Before he had left to return to France, Franco
had given his blessings to the marriage.
Dominic frowned. As far as he was concerned it
had come years too late and he had told the old man

on deaf ears since Franco had refused to give up,
determined to forge a bond with his only grand
child. Dominic had repeatedly turned down his

aside the deep animosity he felt and move on.
Before taking a shower he had
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