Dramatized Rhythm Plays | Page 6

John N. Richards
(flex right arm; place hand on shoulder with fingers clenched, forefinger extended to represent barrel of gun.)
3rd Line;-- To fetch a little rabbit skin
Inter.;-- Kneel on left knee and extend the right arm forward, representing the aiming of a gun. (Fingers of the right hand clenched, with forefinger extended; left hand resting on right upper arm.)
4th Line;-- To wrap the Baby Bunting in.
Inter.;-- Assume erect position; bend forward and encircle body with arms and return hands to hips upon completion of the sentence.
[Illustration: AIMING THE GUN]

Permission to use words and music:-- D. Appleton and Co.
[Music: Little Boy Blue, come blow up your horn, There's sheep in the meadow and cows in the corn; Where is the boy that looks after the sheep? He's under the haycock fast asleep.]
Formation;-- Standing in the right aisle at attention with hands on hips.
1st Line;-- Little Boy Blue, come blow up your horn,
Interpretation;-- Mark time, in place. (Four counts.) Upon the word, "blow," hands clenched, elbows raised high, imitate the blowing of the horn. Finish with hands on hips.
2nd Line;-- There's sheep in the meadow and cows in the corn;
Inter.;-- Upon the word, "sheep," point to the right and look in direction pointed. Upon the word, "cows," replace right hand to hip; point to the left and look in direction pointed. Finish with hands on hips and eyes front.
3rd Line;-- Where is the boy that looks after the sheep?
Inter.;-- Upon the word, "where," shade the eyes with the right hand and look to the right. Upon the word, "looks," replace right hand to hip; shade the eyes with the left hand and look to the left. Finish with left hand on hip and eyes front.
4th Line;-- He's under the haycock fast asleep.
Inter.;-- Upon the word, "under," resume seats and lower head to desks upon folded arms.

Arr. by +J. N. Richards+
[Music: Wee Willie Winkie runs thru the town, Upstairs and downstairs in his nightgown; Rapping at the window, Crying thru the lock:-- Are all the children in their beds? Now 'tis eight o'clock.]
Formation;-- Standing in the right aisle with hands on hips.
1st Line;-- Wee Willie Winkie runs through the town,
Interpretation;-- Mark time, in place. (Knees waist high.) (Seven counts.)
2nd Line;-- Upstairs and
Inter.;-- Heels raised.
Inter.;-- Bend knees deeply.
in his night-
Inter.;-- Stretch knees, lower heels and bow.
Inter.;-- Assume erect position.
3rd Line;-- Rapping at the window,
Inter.;-- With hands clenched, stretch arms upward and tap imaginary window. (Four times.)
Crying through the lock:--
Inter.;-- Cup hands and carry to mouth as if calling, bending knees deeply.
4th Line;-- "Are all the children
Inter.;-- Turn head to the right.
in their beds?
Inter.;-- Turn head to the left.
Now 'tis eight o'clock."
Inter.;-- Stretch the knees and lower heels.

Arr. by +J. N. Richards+
[Music: Hey, diddle, diddle, the cat and the fiddle, The cow jump'd over the moon; The little dog laughed to see such sport, And the dish ran away with the spoon.]
Formation;-- Standing in the right aisle at attention with hands on hips.
1st Line;-- Hey, diddle, diddle,
Interpretation;-- Mark time, in place, five counts.
the cat and
Inter.;-- Imitate the action of playing the fiddle. One upward stroke of the bow.
the fiddle,
Inter.;-- One downward stroke of the bow.
2nd Line;-- The cow
Inter.;-- Turn to the left; place hands on edge of desk and back of seat and bend knees slightly.
jumped over
Inter.;-- Vault over the seat.
the moon;
Inter.;-- Turn to the right (front); stretch knees, lower heels and place hands on hips.
3rd Line;-- The little dog
laughed to see
Inter.;-- Bend trunk forward, hugging self, imitating great hilarity.
such sport,
Inter.;-- Assume erect position with hands on hips.
4th Line;-- And the
dish ran away with the spoon.
Inter.;-- Execute a complete turn to the right with seven running steps, terminating action upon the word, "spoon."
Stamp feet twice, in place, at the completion of the entire activity.

Permission to use words and music:-- Miss Lydia Clark and Benj. H. Sanborn & Co.
Arr. by +Fannie Robertson+
[Music: Oh where, oh where has my little dog gone? Oh where, oh where has he gone? With his tail cut short and his ears cut long, Oh where, oh where has he gone?]
Formation;-- Standing in the right aisle at attention with hands on hips.
1st Line;-- Oh where,
Interpretation;-- Shade eyes with the right hand and with a jump execute 1/4 turn to the right.
oh where
Inter.;-- With a jump execute 1/4 turn to the left. (Front.)
has my little
Inter.;-- With a jump execute 1/4 turn to the left.
dog gone?
Inter.;-- With a jump execute 1/4 turn to the right. (Front.)
2nd Line;-- Oh where
Inter.;-- Replace right hand to hip; shade eyes with the left hand and with a jump execute 1/4 turn to the left.
oh where
Inter.;-- With a jump execute 1/4 turn to the right (Front.)
has he g-
Inter.;-- With a jump execute 1/4 turn to the right.
Inter.;-- With a jump execute 1/4 turn to the left
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