Dramatized Rhythm Plays | Page 5

John N. Richards
pupils sit upon own desks; feet hanging in aisle.
2nd Line;-- Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;
Inter.;-- Upon the word, "fall," pupils jump into the right aisles; bending knees deeply, facing the front of the room.
3rd Line;-- All the King's horses and all the King's men,
Inter.;-- Assume position of attention with arms stretched forward holding imaginary reins, at the same time "marking time" (ten counts), raising knees waist high.
4th Line;-- Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together again.
Inter.;-- Shaking the head in sorrow; right, left, right and front. Hands are placed upon hips during this movement.

First Verse
Permission to use words and music:-- McLoughlin Bros.
+J. W. Elliott+
[Music: Dickory, dickory, dock; The mouse ran up the clock; The clock struck, One. The mouse ran down; Dickory, dickory, dock.]
Formation;-- Standing in the right aisle at attention.
1st Line;-- Dickory, dickory, dock;
Interpretation;-- Hands clasped overhead; swaying right, left and erect.
2nd Line;-- The mouse ran up the clock;
Inter.;-- Upon the word, "ran," stand in own seats with the arms stretched sideward.
3rd Line;-- The clock struck, One,
Inter.;-- Upon the word, "One," clap hands overhead and lower arms sideward.
The mouse ran down;
Inter.;-- Upon the word, "ran," jump into the left aisle with hands clasped overhead.
4th Line;-- Dickory, dickory, dock.
Inter.;-- Swaying right, left and erect.
Repeat activity to the right, bringing all pupils back to former aisles.
[Illustration: THE PENDULUM]
Second Verse-- Music on Page 25
Formation;-- Standing in the right aisle at attention.
1st Line;-- Dickory, dickory, dock,
Interpretation;-- Hands clasped overhead; swaying right, left and erect.
2nd Line;-- "Why scamper," said the clock.
Inter.;-- Place hands on hips; execute six running steps forward. (Seven counts.) (Left; right; left; right; left; right; close left to right, completing the movement.)
3rd Line;-- You
Inter.;-- Execute 1/2 turn right about.
me so,
have to go;
Inter.;-- Execute three running steps forward. (Four counts.) (Left; right; left, and close right to left, completing the movement.)
4th Line;-- Dickory, dickory, dock.
Inter.;-- Hands clasped overhead; swaying right, left and erect.
Repeat to bring the class back to the original position.

Arr. by +J. N. Richards+
[Music: Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet, eating of curds and whey, Along came a spider And sat down beside her; And frighten'd Miss Muffet away. Dear me! Dear me! Dear me! Dear me!]
+Miss A. E. Barth+
Formation;-- Standing in the right aisle at attention. Alternate aisles act as Miss Muffet; other aisles act as the Spider. (Count off from left flank by twos. No. 1-- Miss Muffet. No. 2-- The Spider.)
1st Line;-- Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet, eating of curds and whey.
Interpretation;-- Upon the word, "sat," Little Miss Muffet climbs into her own seat, faces back of room and sits upon the right side of desk. Hold imaginary plate in left arm and imitate eating.
2nd Line;-- Along came a spider
Inter.;-- Upon the word, "Along," the Spider hastens over own seat and Miss Muffet's aisle; climbs upon seat and sits with Miss Muffet.
3rd Line;-- And sat down beside her;
Inter.;-- Completion of second line activity.
4th Line;-- And frighten'd Miss Muffet away.
Inter.;-- Upon the word, "frighten'd," children return to own seats.
Upon returning to their own seats the children sing-- Dear me! Dear me! Dear me! Dear me!
[Illustration: ALONG CAME A SPIDER (Spiders vaulting seats)]

Arr. by +J. N. Richards+
[Music: Jack and Jill went up the hill, to fetch a pail of water; Jack fell down and broke his crown, And Jill came tumbling after, Boohoo! Boohoo! Boohoo! Boohoo!]
+Miss A. E. Barth+
Formation;-- Standing in the right aisle at attention. Alternate aisles act as Jack. (Girls and boys.) Other aisles act as Jill. (Girls and boys.) Count off from left flank by twos. No. 1-- Jill. No. 2-- Jack.
1st Line;-- Jack and Jill went up the hill,
Interpretation;-- Upon the word, "up," Jack and Jill take hold of hands and climb into same seats. (The climbing of the hill.)
2nd Line;-- To fetch a pail of water;
Inter.;-- No activity.
3rd Line;-- Jack fell down and broke his crown,
Inter.;-- Upon the word, "fell," Jack falls (jumps) into own aisle, bends knees, deeply covering his face with his hands, imitating crying.
4th Line;-- And Jill came tumbling after.
Inter.;-- Upon the word, "tumbling," Jill falls (jumps) into the same aisle as Jack; bends knees, deeply covering her face with her hands, imitating crying.
Upon completion of the song all children return to their own seats, singing--
Boo-hoo! Boo-hoo! Boo-hoo! Boo-hoo!

Arr. by +J. N. Richards+
[Music: Bye O Baby Bunting, Daddy's gone a-hunting; To fetch a little rabbit skin To wrap the Baby Bunting in.]
Formation;-- Standing in the right aisle at attention.
1st Line;-- Bye O
Interpretation;-- Hold the baby in the arms, looking down at it, and sway gently to the right.
Inter.;-- Sway gently to the left.
Inter.;-- Sway gently to the right.
Inter.;-- Assume stationary position.
2nd Line;-- Daddy's gone a-hunting;
Inter.;-- Mark time, in place, seven counts; carry gun over the right shoulder
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