Dramatized Rhythm Plays | Page 7

John N. Richards
3rd Line;-- With his tail cut short and his ears cut long,
Inter.;-- Upon the word, "tail," bend forward, placing hands behind back (palms together; fingers extended.)
Upon the words, "and his," assume erect position with hands at sides.
Upon the word, "ears," raise arms sideward, placing thumbs in ears (fingers extended.)
4th Line;-- Oh where,
Inter.;-- Replace left hand to hip; shade eyes with the right hand and with a jump execute 1/2 turn right about.
oh where has he
Inter.;-- With a jump execute 1/2 turn right about. (Front.)
Inter.;-- Replace right hand to hip, bow and assume erect position.
[Illustration: LOOKING FOR THE DOG]

Arr. by +J. N. Richards+
[Music: Ride a Cock-horse to Banbury Cross, To see a fine lady upon a white horse, Rings on her fingers and bells on her toes, She shall have music wherever she goes.]
Formation;-- Standing in the right aisle at attention with hands on hips.
1st Line;-- Ride a Cock-horse to Banbury Cross,
Interpretation;-- Stretch arms forward, holding imaginary reins; bending and stretching knees. (Three times.)
2nd Line;-- To see a fine lady upon a white horse,
Inter.;-- Replace left hand to hip; shade the eyes with the right hand and rotate the body to the right upon the word, "To." Replace the right hand to hip; shade the eyes with the left hand and rotate the body to the left upon the word, "upon." Replace the left hand to hip and turn the body forward upon the word, "horse."
3rd Line;-- Rings on her fingers and bells on her toes,
Inter.;-- Raise arms forward, palms forward, fingers and thumbs extended upon the word, "Rings." Bend the trunk slightly forward and lower arms (palms forward), looking at the toes, upon the word, "bells." Assume erect position with hands on hips, upon the word, "toes."
4th Line;-- She shall have music wherever she goes.
Inter.;-- Wave the baton with the right hand (forefinger extended; thumb and remaining fingers clenched) to the left, right, left, right and left, upon the words, "She shall have music." (Five counts.)
Replace the right hand to hip, bow and assume erect position upon the words, "wherever she goes."
[Illustration: THE SALUTE (See page 35)]

[Music: Yankee Doodle came to town, A riding on a pony, He stuck a feather in his hat, And called it Macaroni. Yankee Doodle, Ha! Ha! Ha! Yankee Doodle Dandy; Mind the music and your step And round the house be handy.]
Formation;-- Standing in the right aisle at attention with hands on hips.
1st Line;-- Yankee Doodle came to town,
Interpretation;-- Children mark time, in place. (Seven counts.)
2nd Line;-- A riding on a pony,
Inter.;-- Stretching arms forward as if holding imaginary reins; bend and stretch knees (four times), finishing with hands on hips.
3rd Line;-- He stuck a feather in his hat,
Inter.;-- Upon the word, "stuck," take off the hat with the left hand and upon the word, "in," insert the feather. Finish with hands on hips.
4th Line;-- And called it Macaroni.
Inter.;-- Mark time, in place. (Eight counts.)
1st Line;-- Yankee Doodle,
Inter.;-- Mark time, in place. (Four counts.)
Ha! Ha! Ha!
Inter.;-- Clap hands, three times. Finish with hands on hips.
2nd Line;-- Yankee Doodle
Inter.;-- Mark time, in place. (Four counts.)
Inter.;-- Bow and assume erect position.
3rd Line;-- Mind the music
Inter.;-- Wave the baton with right hand (forefinger extended) left, right, left and right. (Four counts.) Finish with hands on hips.
and your step
Inter.;-- Mark time, in place. (Three counts.)
4th Line;-- And round the house be handy.
Inter.;-- Upon the word, "round," execute a half turn to the right about by jumping. Upon the word, "house," execute a half turn to the right about by jumping. Upon the word, "handy," jump, in place, three times and salute with the right hand.

Arr. by +J. N. Richards+
[Music: Pat-a-cake, Pat-a-cake, Baker's Man, Stir it and stir it as fast as you can; Roll it and prick it and mark it with "B," And put in the oven for baby and me.]
Formation;-- Standing in the right aisle at attention with hands on hips. Count off by twos from left to right and have "ones" face to the right and "twos" face to the left. (Open line formation; partners facing each other.)
1st Line;-- Pat-a-cake,
Interpretation;-- Clap own hands three times.
Inter.;-- Clap partner's hands three times.
Baker's Man,
Inter.;-- Hands hips; bow and assume erect position.
2nd Line;-- Stir it and stir it as fast as you can;
Inter.;-- Hold imaginary bowl in the left arm (shoulder high), stirring with the right hand, increasing revolutions upon the word, "fast." Upon the word, "can," the hands return to hips.
3rd Line;-- Roll it and prick it and mark it with "B";
Inter.;-- Upon the words, "roll it," raise hands (palms together; right hand on top) shoulder height, and roll it by a sliding movement.
Upon the words, "prick it," suit action to the words and prick cake, using forefinger of right hand, pressing same into left palm.
Upon the words, "mark it,"
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