David DeAngelo - Double Your Dating - Attraction Isnt A Choice | Page 5

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finding out my food preferences so he wouldn’t order
something I disliked FOR HIMSELF. It’s not like I didn’t have my own food
It kind of made me sad actually, because he really did seem nice, but he
was just missing that thing. It seems like none of these guys have that
magical thing about them that my old flame James did. It’s funny, because
James wasn’t exactly the most handsome guy around, and he certainly
wasn’t modest, but there was just something magical about the way he
carried himself… like he didn’t have a care in the world. I can still feel it now
when I think about him.
If he called me tonight everything would be perfect! But I know he won’t,
so I’ll stop dreaming now.
I figured just ONE of these last few guys would make me happy. The
gifts and the dinners are nice, (and Steve’s yacht was amazing!) but none of
these guys can make me feel the way I did with him… It was so exciting… I
never knew what was going to happen next.
I guess it’s better to be wined and dined that sit home alone thinking
about James, but it’s really nothing special anymore knowing that some guy
is just going to do whatever I want and give me whatever I ask for…

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„2004 All Rights Reserved. - Attraction Isn’t A Choice - By David DeAngelo
thinking that it’s going to make me want him.
Where, oh where is a man that can make me feel that way again? And
would it even be the same? I fear not. I just can’t help but think of him over
and over.
I wish so badly that I could just forget him and be happy with one of
these nice guys that I keep meeting. It would make Mom so happy… but
they just don’t get it. What’s a girl to do?”
Meeting Women Isn’t Magic
To most men who have never experienced it, success with women is
unexplainable—it basically looks like magic.
And unfortunately, many men will excuse themselves from success by
saying, “I’m not rich or famous… I’m not tall or handsome. I don’t have a
chance to be successful like those other guys.” This, of course, puts the idea
of success into the mental realm of impossibility.
When a person believes that something isn’t possible, it sets up quite an
obstacle. Many experts thought that it was physically impossible for a man
to run a mile in under four minutes. Many even thought that it would cause
instant death from over-exertion. Then, of course, Roger Bannister ran a
mile in under four minutes. In the next year, TWELVE more people broke the
four- minute barrier.
When I started my personal journey to learn how to be more successful
with women and dating, I didn’t know what was possible. I doubted that an
“average looking” guy like myself could have much success. How wrong I
In the process of learning, I saw guys do things that I would have said
were totally impossible. I watched one guy get 25 phone numbers in one
weekend from different women. I watched a guy walk into a topless dance
club and take home a dancer that he’d just met. I met a guy that meets
almost all of his dates on the Internet… and I met even met one of his dates
in person (she was VERY hot). I met guys that were short, guys that were
overweight, guys that were older, and guys that were bald who had
extraordinary success with women.
I saw things that are even more incredible than these examples that I’ve
described, but I fear that if I mention them here they won’t sound

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„2004 All Rights Reserved. - Attraction Isn’t A Choice - By David DeAngelo
In other words, I basically saw it all. I learned that it IS possible to be
successful with women, no matter what your perceived limitation or
disadvantage is.
I now believe that any man can learn how to attract women, if he is
willing to learn how and do what it takes. Unless you are unconscious (or
have really bad breath combined with absolutely no social skills), then you
can do it.
Now let’s shake things up a little.
The Power Of Attraction
I have something bold to say:
If you meet a woman and interact with her long enough for her to form
an initial impression of you, and she feels no attraction for you, then
kicking, screaming, calling, trying, buying her things, or taking her out will
do a damn thing about it.
If you meet a woman and interact with her long enough for her to form
an initial impression of you, and she DOES feel attraction for you, then
there’s nothing SHE can do about it! And no amount of logic, thinking about
it, or peer-pressure can stop it. In fact, some women will endure abuse,
neglect, and all kinds of other horrible things because
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