C Essentials basics | Page 4

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an expression which returns the newly
assigned value. Some programmers will use that feature to write things like the following.
y = (x = 2 * x);// double x, and also put x's new value in y
The opposite of promotion, truncation moves a value from a type to a smaller type. In
that case, the compiler just drops the extra bits. It may or may not generate a compile
time warning of the loss of information. Assigning from an integer to a smaller integer
(e.g.. long to int, or int to char) drops the most significant bits. Assigning from a
floating point type to an integer drops the fractional part of the number.
char ch;
int i;
i = 321;
ch = i;// truncation of an int value to fit in a char
// ch is now 65
The assignment will drop the upper bits of the int 321. The lower 8 bits of the number
321 represents the number 65 (321 - 256). So the value of ch will be (char)65 which
happens to be 'A'.
The assignment of a floating point type to an integer type will drop the fractional part of
the number. The following code will set i to the value 3. This happens when assigning a
floating point number to an integer or passing a floating point number to a function which
takes an integer.
double pi;
int i;
pi = 3.14159;
i = pi;// truncation of a double to fit in an int
// i is now 3
Pitfall -- int vs. float Arithmetic
Here's an example of the sort of code where int vs. float arithmetic can cause
problems. Suppose the following code is supposed to scale a homework score in the
range 0..20 to be in the range 0..100.
int score;
...// suppose score gets set in the range 0..20 somehow

score = (score / 20) * 100;// NO -- score/20 truncates to 0
Unfortunately, score will almost always be set to 0 for this code because the integer
division in the expression (score/20) will be 0 for every value of score less than 20.
The fix is to force the quotient to be computed as a floating point number...
score = ((double)score / 20) * 100;// OK -- floating point division from cast
score = (score / 20.0) * 100;// OK -- floating point division from 20.0
score = (int)(score / 20.0) * 100;// NO -- the (int) truncates the floating
// quotient back to 0
No Boolean -- Use int
C does not have a distinct boolean type-- int is used instead. The language treats integer
0 as false and all non-zero values as true. So the statement...
i = 0;
while (i - 10) {
will execute until the variable i takes on the value 10 at which time the expression (i -
10) will become false (i.e. 0). (we'll see the while() statement a bit later)
Mathematical Operators
C includes the usual binary and unary arithmetic operators. See the appendix for the table
of precedence. Personally, I just use parenthesis liberally to avoid any bugs due to a
misunderstanding of precedence. The operators are sensitive to the type of the operands.
So division (/) with two integer arguments will do integer division. If either argument is
a float, it does floating point division. So (6/4) evaluates to 1 while (6/4.0)
evaluates to 1.5 -- the 6 is promoted to 6.0 before the division.
%Remainder (mod)
Unary Increment Operators: ++ --
The unary ++ and -- operators increment or decrement the value in a variable. There are
"pre" and "post" variants for both operators which do slightly different things (explained
var++increment"post" variant
++varincrement"pre" variant

var--decrement"post" variant
--vardecrement"pre" variant
int i = 42;
i++;// increment on i
// i is now 43
i--;// decrement on i
// i is now 42
Pre and Post Variations
The Pre/Post variation has to do with nesting a variable with the increment or decrement
operator inside an expression -- should the entire expression represent the value of the
variable before or after the change? I never use the operators in this way (see below), but
an example looks like...
int i = 42;
int j;
j = (i++ + 10);
// i is now 43
// j is now 52 (NOT 53)
j = (++i + 10)
// i is now 44
// j is now 54
C Programming Cleverness and Ego Issues
Relying on the difference between the pre and post variations of these operators is a
classic area of C programmer ego showmanship. The syntax is a little tricky. It makes the
code a little shorter. These qualities drive some C programmers to show off how clever
they are. C invites this sort of thing since the language has many areas (this is just one
example) where the programmer can get a complex effect using a code which is short and
If I want j to depend on i's value before the increment, I write...
j = (i + 10);
Or if I want to j to use the value after the increment, I write...
j = (i + 10);
Now then, isn't that nicer? (editorial) Build programs that do something cool rather than
programs which flex the language's syntax. Syntax -- who cares?
Relational Operators
These operate on integer or floating
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