you are walking up, you build a gentle level of \
non-verbally (there is a specific way I show you to do this in my
Instant Connections
report). As you get closer you make eye contact and hold
this a little longer than normal and at the same time you slowly “gro\
w” a
genuine smile. I will guarantee if you do this right you will get 99% of women
smiling back at you. The 1% that don’t ar e not worth your attention or have
had far too much plastic surgery.
What does this do for you? Well smiling relaxes people. Two people smili\
ng at
each other is an instant rapport builder and will just deepen the connection.
Making Instant Connections report sets you up with a variety of exercises
that will ingrain this approach unt il you do it instinctively.
DOWNLOAD MY REPORTS to Discover the Three Master Keys to
Success with Women
Learn what you MUST know to attract women of your dreams NOW!
I guess that some of you already know how to match and mirror as this is\
news in some quarters. Please believe me there are ways of getting these\
results that are far less mechanical and create deeper level of connections,
faster than you can imagine. If you are already good with rapport there is
enough information here for you to practice walk-ups that build great
connections instantly…and you don’t have to just do this with wome\
n. Any of
you that feel you could do with a little more to really develop this ful\
ly feel free
buy my special report on Making Instant Connections as this will give you
everything to be able to do this like a grand master.
- The Language of Success -
Here’s the thing, making conversation is not always easy and this is \
not the
simplest of the three parts of the system. The good thing is if you have
already taken on the first two parts of this system you have already inc\
your opportunities dramatically. Th is section will just guarantee taking
someone home with you each and every night.
Can you imagine just how good that would feel if you were doing it right
Please reread the first line of the last paragraph and as you say it to yourself
notice how it feels. How would it have been if I had said, “It’s hard making
conversation and this is the most complex part of the system”
Do the two sentences sound different and do you get a different feeling from
them? Of course there is no difference in the meaning as you look at it, but I
hope you can see how different they feel. So listen in because I want yo\
u to
see the
Key Point:
Words have power and the way you use language makes a real difference to\
how you feel about what is being said.
So here’s the deal…there are two parts to this section. The first is about
understanding just how you can adjust your language to create different
feelings inside someone else. The second is how to weave this seamlessly\
into a normal conversation.
Trust me on this one; once you have really studied this, no conversation\
ever be the same again.
Can you imagine people going through differ ent emotions and states at your
whim? Often when I go out with some of my friends, just for the practice\
, I get
them to go from laughing hysterically to becoming really sombre, to gett\
them back to laughing hysterically just through the language I use.
Would that be a great skill to have? Well you can, there is enough to get you
started in this report and for those of y ou who want more, there is the whole of
Capture and Lead the Imagination report just waiting for you to download.
In very simple terms, people will imagine something, just because you ar\
saying it. Now obviously if you went up to a woman and said:
- “Imagine having a night of wild passionate sex with me”
She will process this information. If you looked like her ideal type you\
get a result, but the chances are she would run away screaming, or at least
that was the general result I used to get with this approach.
So a more gentle approach might be called for. I would suggest that a be\
approach would be to get her talking about some great experiences she ha\
had and get her to start associating these with

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