Alphabetical Vocabularies of the Clallum and Lummi | Page 6

George Gibbs
and to be really an adverb signifying "presence" or "existence"); I live there, l?k-si tel-l��.
LONG, in dimension, kl?-kut.
LOOK OUT! kw��-la.
LOOKING GLASS, skwo-n��-s��ng, sku-ko-n��-s��ng, hu-ku-n��-sing; the image or reflection in the glass, kukh'-k��tl.
LOSE, to, ek-kwa.
LOUSE, n��s��s��n.
LOVE, to, n[=u]s-tl��, nis-kl��.
MAGIC, conjuring, ch'si-��-w��n; for medicine, shi-n��m.
MAKE, to, chai; what are you making? stang n's chai? I am making a canoe, chai its sno��hw��tl; make fire, imp., ch��k-k��s.
MAMMALS: Horse, st��k-k��-u. Elk, kw��-watsh, kai-y��ts. buck, sist-��n, i.e. "horned." Deer, sm��-yis. buck, sist-��n. fawn, st��l-la. Bear, black, sp?s. grizzly, kw��i-et-chin. Big horn (ovis montana), kwe-kw��t-chen. Mountain goat (aploceras), sw��t-le, pi-k��lkh-kan. Racoon, bl[=o]ps. Dog, sk��-mai. Wolf, st'k��i-ya. Cougar, shwo��wa. Lynx, sk��ts-a��m��s. Beaver, sk��l-l��-u. Sea otter, t��m��m��s. Land otter, s'katl. Seal, ��ss��hu. Mink, kai-yakh, s'ch��-a-k��n. Weasel, k��l-k��-la. Skunk, s��p-p��k. Squirrel (sciurus), tsip-si-��-s��n. Striped squirrel (tamias), hw��-pe-chin. Kamass rat (neotoma), n��-wit. Mouse, kwa��t��n. Mole, spi-l��-w��n. Hare, sk��-ka-was.
MAMMALS, parts of: Neck, tatsh-s��ns. Atlas joint, k��k-kak-w'chis. Ribs, l��k-h'ws. Marrow of legs, t��ts-��sh��shins. Brain, smet-k��s. Gristle of vertebr?, kwa-��-l��s. Liver, st��k��ch��ng. Lights, sp��l��hu. Paunch, spukh. Wind-pipe, hwang-��n. Tail, klo��wak-��s. Skin, kw��l-los. A dressed skin, h��l-la-kan. Hair, s'chais. Hoofs, kwa-n��ngs. Kidneys, s��n-s��ns. Sinews of legs, kli-��-mins. Sinews of back, t��ng-��-sens. Horns, tses��t��n. Heart, ts��-la. Os calcis, k��t-lin-s��ns. Thighs, kat-chat-chs. Saddle or hind quarters, as-satch-chatsh (chus-sa, two). Leg, sku-sh��m-shins. Lower joint of do., s'h��n-n��s. Fore quarter, t?-los. Both do., sk��l��la-hans. Fat, nas. Meat, sl��-��k.
MAN, sw��-yi-ka.
MANY, n'gann, n'g��n; many people, n'g��nhl-t��-ling-hu; I have many people, n'gan al-t?-ling-hu ti-us.
MAT, sl?��w��n; the large mat used for making temporary lodges, s��-letch; cedar bark mat, ts��m��m��t, lo��kwai.
MEND, to, ch��ts-��l-kw��t��t��n.
MERRY, n��ks-n��-ni.
MIDDLE (of length), ��-no-w��ls.
MISTAKE, to, either in speech or on the road, m?l-min.
MOLLUSCS, RADIATES, ETC.: Small round clam (Venus), sk��t-hlai; quahog (Saxidomus), s��kh-hwa; large clam (Lutraria), sw?m. Cockle (cardium), sk��l?m. Mussel (Mytilus), kla-k��m. Oyster, klokh-klokh. Whelk, s��k-kw��i-y��kh. Barnacle, s��m-mai-ya. Chiton, h��l��l��ng. Land snail (helix), w��k-k��k'h. Slug (limax), kai-yat��lin. Sea egg (Echinus), skw��t-si. Sea slug (holothuria), sekt. Star fish, kw��l-l��-chi, k��l-l?-sis. Cuttle fish, sk��-m[=u]k. Shells, k��-ya-men.
MOON, kl-k��ltsh.
MORNING, skw��-chi.
MOSQUITO, kw��-an.
MOTHER, t[=a]n.
MOUNTAIN (same as rock), sng-��nt.
MOUTH, s��-s��n.
MOVE FARTHER, yi-h��-w��l t��l-l��; go there, t��k��whist.
MUCH, n'gun; much food, n'g��n s��t-l��n.
MYTHOLOGY: Ha-��ls, the principal super natural being, equivalent to Hun-n�� of the Nisquallies, No-kw-makhl of the Clallams and Skagits, and Ik��-ni of the Chinooks. S'hui-��b, or S'hui-��m, the pre-human demon race. Y[=u]tl-ma, or Shwa-mat-wun, the spirit that presides over good fortune. Ch'si��o-w��n, a particular gift or capacity acquired by fasting, etc., or by incantation, similar to the Chinook tam��nowas. Shi-n��m, magic or medicine.
NAILS, t'sals, chi-s��-lis.
NAKED, kl��t-s?ng.
NAME, s'n?; my name, ��s-n?. Vide "who."
NAVEL, m��k��h-hwoi-ye.
NEAR, kl-k��-a-ke, t��t-l��-kai, sti-talst��.
NEEDLE, ch?t��s��n.
NET, for catching ducks, etc., t��k��h��m; seine, aukh-wh��i-yen.
NEW, h��u-w��s.
NIGHT, snat.
NINE, t��k'hw, t��k-wh?-la, t��k-whalt-hu.
NO, a-w��, a-w��kh��, ��kh-wa.
NONE, there is none, a-w��n��na; are you not ashamed? a-w��n-na s'h��t-sil? (literally "no shame?")
NOSE, n��k��s��n.
NOSTRILS, skw��-l��k-sen.
NOW, ti-a, ti-an��k'h.
NUMERALS: Simple Cardinals-- 1, n��t��sa. 2, ch��s��sa. 3, klikhw. 4, ng-oss��. 5, kl-kats��. 6, t'h��nkh. 7, ts��kws. 8, tats. 9, t��k'hw. 10, o��p��n. 11, ��-p��n it n��t��sa. 12, ��-p��n it ch��s��sa. 20, ts��k-k��s, ts��k-w��s. 30, kl-whl-sh��. 40, n��sl-sh��. 50, k��ts'hl-sh��. 60, t��kh-h��m-sh��. 70, skwl-sh��. 80, t��sl-sh��. 90, to-wol-sh��. 100, nat-sa-w��tsh. 1000, o-p?ntsh.
Personal Cardinals-- 1, nat��sa. 2, ch��-sa. 3, kl-wh��i-la. 4, ni-s?-la. 5, hl'-katch-s?��la. 6, t��kh-h��ng-?-la. 7, ts��k-s?-la. 8, t��s-s?-la. 9, t��k-hw?-la. 10, o-p��n-?-la. 20, nt-su-ku-s?-la.
Cardinals of Valuation-- 1, tsak��w��t-hu. 2, tch's-s?lt-hu. 3, kl-wh?lt-hu. 4, s?lt-hu. 5, k��tch-s?lt-hu. 6, t��kh-h��ng-?lt-hu. 7, s��k-s?lt-hu. 8, t��s-s?lt-hu. 9, t��k-wh?lt-hu. 10, o-p��n-?lt-hu. 20, ts[=u]-kw-s?lt-hu.
OAK, s'ch��ng-altsh.
OLD, tsa-k��ng, sn��k-k��i; an old man, as-��-lokh, as-mes��s��n.
ONE, n��t-sa, nat��sa, tsak��w��t-hu.
OUT DOORS, s��t-l��ng (a��l��ng, a house).
PADDLE, to, ist.
PAN, or plate, l?-s��n.
PANTALOONS, s��k-k��-us.
PENIS, shel-l��.
PEOPLE, i.e. Indians, atl-t��-ling-hu; people inhabiting the woods, "Stick Indians," m?s-hwi (whence the name of a tribe on Fraser River, generally known as Maskwies); people living on the salt water, s'chit-lals��ha (klals, the sea); River Indians, chis-t��-lo, st��l-t��-lo (st��-lo, a river); white men, hwa-ni��tum.
PERHAPS, y��kh-wh��.
PIGEON, h'mo, h��m-o'h.
PIN, a, h��m-m��n; large blanket pin, kw��n-n��-sing.
PIPE, p?kw.
PLANE, to (boards), sh��-sh��b; (probably by onomatop[oe]ia).
PLANTS, ETC.: (See also Trees.) Salmon berry, al-��-la. Barberry, skwa-cha-sitsh. Red raspberry, t��k��w��m. Gooseberry, k��m-kw��ltsh. Dewberry, sk��l-nu-wh��lsh Rose bush, k��l-k��l. Berries of do., k��l-l��k. Snowberry bush, pat-saltsh. Berries of do., p'pi-k��i-yas. Honeysuckle, kat-kat-��ltsh, saltsh; (the leaves are chewed as a medicine.) Spir?a, kads-sulch. Wild pea, h��m-kwai-��-sin. Wild rye, pshai. Yarrow (Achillia multifolia), p��l-l��-a-kw��tsh; (it is used to expedite delivery.) Prickly pear (cactus), ts?-ta. Thorns, chit-t��m-m?s. Equisetum, m?khw, ��-is-k��d. Root of do., ko-ma-lokh. Cat-tail rush, s��-k��n. Tule or round rush, skw��l-l��l. Wild onion, sw��l-nitsh. Brake fern, s��k-ka-an��. Roots of do. (eaten), skwi��yu. Small brake, ts��k��kwa. Wood fern, s'h?-l��m. Liquorice fern (an expectorant), kl��s-s��p. Lichens, k��t-che. Spanish moss, st��l-h��i-is. Liverworts, m��kh��t��l-l��s; a species of moss with a peppery taste, used in medicine, k?t-si. Sea weeds, chil-l��m. Kelp (fucus gigantia), kw��-ang.
PLANT, to, chin-eng-��tl.
PLENTY, n'g��n.
POINT of anything, i-s��k��sin.
POOR, wretched, s��l-l��-wa.
PORCUPINE QUILLS, ts��ts-��l-kan.
PORPOISE, kw��-nat.
POSTS for supporting the roof of a house, k?-kan.
POUND, to (as seeds, grain), kli-a-kw��ng-��tl.
PRAIRIE, spelkh��han.
PREGNANT, sk?-kwi.
PRESENTLY, hwa-sing-ang��a; in a little while, h'wes��ta-��l, hu-as-ta-al��.
PRONOUNS: I, us; suffixed to a verb (copulative), s��n. My, ti-us; prefixed to noun (possessive), n's,
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