Alphabetical Vocabularies of the Clallum and Lummi | Page 5

George Gibbs
AND BYE, o-w?s-h��s.
CANOE (generic), skwalkh; Chinook and Makah pattern, ��t-h��s, [=o]t-h��s; small do., k��k-ho�䨹tl; large Kawitchen canoe, shwa-atl; small fishing canoe, sno��wh'tl; shovel-nosed or burden canoe, klai.
CARRY, to, s��ng-at��; to carry on the back, s��ng-��ng; on the shoulder, ang-ut-t��n; in the hand, wi-kwo-nat��.
CEDAR, (Thuja), h'pai.
CERTAINLY, of course, ho��w��s.
CHALK (properly a white diatomaceous earth used for cleaning skins), stau��okw.
CHIEF, si-��m.
CHISEL, of stone, sh-we�䨹kh.
CHOP WOOD, to, k��m��m��t.
CLEAR SKY, shu-ewk'h-hu.
CLEAR OFF, to, (of the weather), s'ai-y��t-tung; it is clearing off, ta-chil shu-auk-hu (clear it comes).
CLOTH, calico, as-h��lkh (i.e. "figured"); domestics, p��k'h; (white); baize, tsats��a-wh��n; flannel, ts��l��wh��m.
CLOUDS, spa��hu; it is clouding over, ta��chil n��kh-no��-w��s.
COALS of fire, chtist.
COAL, stone coal, pe��chit.
COAT, snu-��ks.
COLORS: White, p��k��h. Black, n��k-kikh. Red, n's��k'h, n's��kw. Blue, chi-��-lis; pale do., ni-hwekw. Yellow, n's-kw��l-la-w��n, n��k-w��i. Green, ni-tlut'h, n��k-w��i.
COME, to, n'a, e-n��; I come from Simiamoo, si-t��-sin Si-mi-a-mu; come with me, n��k-w��-shin-nus; come into the house, an-��-la we-l��ng, or an-ush-ta no ��-l��ng (a-l��ng, a house); come near (imp.), n'at��la.
COOK, to cook on hot stones, k'k'pak.
COOKED, it is cooked ("done"), kw��l.
COPULATE, to, s��n-n��kh.
COUGH, to, ta��kw��n.
CRADLE, pat��s��ts.
CRUSTACEANS: Crab, bes-kwu, ?-ch��kh. Spider Crab, ku-kw��tl-shin. Stone Crab, ku-kwin-n��-wa.
CRY, I, ho-ang��s��n.
COVER, to, kle-hw��s-t��ng.
CUP, mem��t��k'h.
CUT with a knife, to, shipt.
DANCE, to, koi-el��lish, kwi-��-lish.
DARK, klatch.
DAUGHTER, ng-��n��na.
DAY, skw��-chil.
DEAD, kw��i-i, ko-��ikh.
DEEP, kl��tsh.
DEER, smis, sm��-is, h[=o]pt; a buck, ses��t��n ("horned"); in Kawitchen, hau-pa; amongst the forest or "Stick" Indians, klalk-ten-na.
DIG, to, roots in general, p?-n��khw��, p?n-hu; potatoes, si-a-kw��ls; fern roots, tlai-��kw; clams, k��kh-h��l��la.
DIRTY, t��ng-hw?s��.
DISHES, nu-wh'tsh-kw��-la.
DOG, sko-m��i, sk��-ha.
DON'T, kwe-��t.
DOOR, also road, satl.
DREAM, to, k��l-k��l-la��sin.
DRESS a skin, to, e�䨹kh.
DRINK, to, ka-ko, nus-kakh; I drink, kwa��kwa-s��n.
DRUM, to, as in conjuring or at dances, kau-?��t��ng.
DRUNK, foolish, as-hw��kw, ?s-hw��kw-t��n.
DRY, sel��-��p.
DUCK, spl-h?ntl; mallard, ti-n��k-sen; (vide "birds.")
DULL, as a tool, k��l-l��s.
EAR, kw��l��l��n.
EAR RINGS, sklau-��n.
EARTH, the, land, s'che-tung��a-wh��n, s'che-t��ng-a-h��ng; earth, dirt, s��-y��k.
EAT, to, it��l��n, it��l'nkh; I eat, nit-s��t-lin, it-l��n-s��n.
ECHO, s?n-g��n.
EGG, sn'lng-��nt, kw��n-kw��n-n��.
EIGHT, tas, tus-s?-la, tus-s?lt-hu.
ELBOW, or knee-joint, kl-y��t-s��-t��n.
ELK, kw��u-watsh, ky-y��tsh, kai-y��ts.
END, the end of anything, s?-ans.
EVENING, t'tang��en.
EVERY^1 THING^2, m��kw^1 stang^2.
EXCHANGE, to, i-yakt��.
EYE, k��l��l��ng.
EYEBROW, s��ng�䨹n; one-eyed, as-takws.
FACE, sas.
FAR, chakw, ch[=o]kw.
FART, t��k-snitch. It is the common expression of disgust at anything, or any one.
FAT, adj., tlet-l��k.
FATHER, m?n.
FEATHERS, st��-kw, sl'pal��kan.
FEMALE, sl��-ne.
FETCH, to, an-��khw.
FILE, a, cl��k-h��n; to file, ch��k-k��s.
FIND, to, kw��n��n��ng.
FINGERS, chi-hals��.
FINGER RINGS, hi-a��l��m-chis.
FIR TREE, ch��l-li-��ltsh, ch��l-chils��; fir bark, ch��l-li.
FIRE, ch��k-h��s; bring fire, kw��n-tatsh.
FIRST, il-ch?-la.
FISH, ETC.: Cod, ait. Flounder, o��we. Herring, slang-��t. Calorhynchus, skwa-ma. Large cottus, sk��n-n��khw. Skate, k��kh-k[=o]kh. Oulakan (thale?chthys), ti-a-ko-wa. Pencil fish, a small fish that comes in schools, katl. Salmon, vide infra.
FISH, parts of: Scales, sl��s. Fins, k��-ting-��s. Tail, s'h��p-shin. Roe, he-a-hetl; herring roe, ch��-m?sh.
FISH WEIR, large, s'chi-y?k; small do., ti-k��p.
FIVE, kl-kats, kl-k?tch-s?-la, k��tch-s?lt-hu.
FLEA, t��t-a-tl��m.
FLESH, meat, sl��-��kw.
FLY, a, i-kw��l��l��ng, kwil-l��ng.
FOG, spi-��-hw��n.
FOOD, set-l��n, s?-w��n.
FOOLISH, as-hw?kw.
FOOT, s'h��n��na.
FOOT-PRINT, h��n-n��ug��en.
FOREHEAD, skwang��us.
FORMERLY, kw��t-li sil-la.
FOUR, ng��oss, ni-s��-la, s?lt-hu.
FRIEND, kl��-n��k-wil; my friend, n's-kl��; (literally, I like him.)
FULL, h[=e]ts.
FUNDAMENT, kla-w��kh.
GAME (beaver teeth dice), smi��-la-li.
GET, to, kw��n��n��t; I want^1 to get^2 pantaloons^3, nus-kl��-��k^1 kw��n-n��t^2 s��k-k��-��s^3; get something to eat, fetch^1 food^2, imp., kw��n-nas-s��ng^1 s'it-l��n^2; get into the canoe, l?-ti kw��t-la-tsi ti shw��-atl; ��i-ba k��n slang�䨹t; (l?-tsi seems to be "at" or "into;" vide "at" and "live;") get fire wood, to, t��k-k��tsh��.
GIRL, st-hl��-ni, sln-ch��-atl.
GIVE, to, (to give as a present), ��ng-us; (in the sense of "to help or to hand to,") kl?tch; give it me, an-��khw, (i.e. bring it.)
GLOVES, ts'-kw��-lit-cha, no-s��-sin.
GNAT, chetsks.
GO, to, h'ya; I go, kw��l-h'ya��-s��n, yas-sin-sa; I am going to Lummi, y��-sin-kin N[=u]kh-l��m-mi; presently I will go, wi-a-sin-sa; let us go, is-t��; go you, imp., ho-ni-chitl'h; go out, imp., sk��-l��ng, ho-nes-k��-l��ng (a-lung, house); go there, a little further off, yi-h��-w��l-t��l-l��.
GOOD, aikh.
GRAVE, serious, [=o]kw-h��m��.
GRASS, s'h��s-s��i.
GREAT, hai-yikh��, ke-yikh��.
GREEN, ni-tl��t��h, n��k-wai.
GREY HAIRED, s��ts-��m-m��khw.
GUM, resin, light wood, sm��-nitsh.
GUN, north west musket, p��-y��k (pu, the sound of a gun); regulation musket, y��m-k'sn; rifle, hai-choi-i-k��tl; double-barrelled gun, nu-ch��s��a-kun (ch��ssa, two); pistol, chi-chai-etl p��-y��k (s'chi-chai-an, an infant); revolver, n��n-h��k-��n-��k-��n; to load a gun, h'nu-w��l-l��s��s��n; to ram down the load, s��-a-k��n; to fire a gun, kw��l-sh��l��la, (Simiahmoo) kl��m-kw��l��la.
GUNPOWDER, kw?lkh; flints or caps, kw��l-l?n.
HAIL, kl��m-wh��i-la.
HAIR, si-at��t��n.
HALF, kl-ch��kh��.
HAMMER, to, h'kw��s��chis; hammer, a, s'kw��s��chis.
HAND, sa��l��s.
HANDLE, k��lt-sh��-n��n.
HE, nekhl, nitlkh.
HEAD, s-kw��ng-i, skwang-i.
HEAR, to, chis��a-lan.
HEART, st-s��-la, ts��-la. In the sense of the mind, h'ching-ing.
HEAVY, h��m.
HERE, ti-��-kwu.
HIGH, ses'l.
HONE, or whetstone, shu-t��ks.
HOUSE, ��-l��ng; the posts that support the roof, k��-kan; the ridge pole, s'kl��m-smelt-hu; side plates, ha��met-sin.
HOW, how shall I do it? sw��n-n��-��ng-set ti-��?
HUNCHBACKED, sko-m��-sin.
HUNDRED, nat��so-itch, nat��so-w��tsh.
HUNGRY, kw��-kwi.
HUNTER, ts��m-��-m��n-sa; seal hunter, nus-l��m-��kh.
HUNTING BAG, shit-t��-la.
HUSBAND, n'st��-lush.
I, us.
ICE, s'lel-lokh, s��-ma.
IN, into, nu-?s; put in, imp., nu-as�� ats-ches��s��k; to be at or in, lak-si; vide "live;" it is in the house, lak-si ��-l��ng.
INDIANS, people, atl-t��-ling-hu.
INFANT, s'chi-ch��i-an, k��k-k��, n's-ch��i-in.
IRON, k��m-t��m��.
ISLAND, kl-chas, s'kw��s-s��, sk'-sas.
JEALOUS, s[=a]-si-si.
KICK, to, l��m-mat��.
KILL, to, k'cha-t��kh, ku-chel��la.
KISS, to, n��kh-wh'm-kw��st.
KNIFE, shp��l-tin; do. with one edge, il-k��kh-han; two-edged, wat-ch?-han.
KETTLE, iron, skl��-lup; wooden, sko��ten.
KNOW, to, Do you know Sk��-��kl? (a man of that name?) h��t-ch��-t��s-hu Sk��-��kl?
LAKE, s'weltsh.
LANCE, st-kw��i-itch.
LARGE, mokw.
LAUGH, I, n��n-n��i-y��ng-sen.
LAZY, s?��h��ng, sakhw; I am lazy, sa��wh��ng-sin.
LEAF, s'ch��-s��n.
LEAP, to, hw��-t��ng.
LEG, sl��-h��tsh, sk��-k��n; calf of leg, k��tl-s��n.
LEND, to, ?-yil.
LIAR, kai-y��-kan.
LIE, I, hukh-k��i-ya-k��n.
LIGHT, adj., st��-tu.
LIGHTNING, cha-��-kwa-ch��k, cha-k��ts-o-kikh.
LIKE, sh��n-��ngs.
LISTEN, imp., ni-hw��-i-yan.
LIVE AT, to, l?ksi; (this word appears to be the equivalent of the Nisqually at-suts,
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