Alphabetical Vocabularies of the Clallum and Lummi | Page 4

George Gibbs
SQUIRREL (Sciurus), sp'si��yut-sen; (Tamias), ha-h��i-yu-wetsh.
SPEAK, to, kw��i-it-sen.
SPEAR FISH, to, te-chut.
SPEAR, pronged, for birds, ts��-kw��n, s'h[=o]m.
SPLIT, ch��-y[=u]ts.
SPOON, kl?-m��ks.
SPRING, chin-es-hw��-as.
STAND, to, tsit-l��ng.
STAR, te-t��-se-na.
STEAL, to, kan.
STONE, s'nangt.
STOP, h��-i; stop talking (imp.), s��m-m��'h-tchi.
STORY, y��t-s��m.
STRANGER, natsh.
STRAWBERRIES, t��-y��kw.
STRIKE, to, k��-cht.
STRONG, k��m-k��m��.
STURGEON, kw't��it-sin.
SUN, s[=u]-sh��t'sht.
SUMMER, kla-t��-k��m, tchin-��-si.
SURF, skw-lai-y��-kan.
SWIM, to, t��ng-[=o]ng.
TAKE, to, kl-kw��t��.
TEETH, tchin��nis.
TELL THE TRUTH, to (1st pers.), as-kl��'w-chin skwai.
TEN, ��-pen, ��-pen-ai, ��-pen-��it-hu.
TESTICLES, ng'��t-s��n.
THAT THING (the there), ta-s��i-ya.
THERE, ta-s��i-ya; I go there, [=o]ts-na ta-s��i-ya.
THEY, kwas��sa, tsa-ta.
THICK, as a plank, ch'hl��t��.
THIN, as paper, ch��-ch��m-��.
THIRSTY, I am, kwa-kw��i-ing-sen.
THOU, n��kw.
THOUSAND, p'ne��itsh.
THREE, klekhw, kl-hw��i-ya, kl-hw��it-hu.
THROW AWAY, to, kw��-n��s.
THUNDER, ��ts-a-kw��tl.
TIDE, high, t��ng; low, s��ng-[=o]t-sen.
TIE, to, k��-a-k��t.
TOAD FISH (cottus), s'chem-[=u]k'h.
TOBACCO, sm��-nash.
TO-DAY, te-a-skw��-tchi, ai-��-n��k.
TOES, kl-t��-s'n.
TOGETHER, two, ch��-sa.
TO-MORROW, kw��-tchi.
TO-NIGHT, as-nat��.
TONGUE, tikh��hw'lts.
TOWARDS SHORE, ch��i-y��kw.
TRAIL or road, so'tl.
TREE, ski-kai-��i-yu.
TRENCHER or wooden dish, klo-t��.
TROUT, k'hu-m��-m��n.
TROWSERS, no-s��n��ten.
TRUE, as-kl��-wtl.
TWO, chis��sa, ch��-sa, n'sh��it-hu.
UNDER, ki-tch��-wtl.
UNDERSTAND, do you? h��t-chit��[=u]ts-hu.
UP, t��-yit.
UPSET, kw��i-kwi.
WALK, to, sht��ng.
WANT, to, n[=u]s-kl��.
WARM, kla-t��-k��n.
WARRIOR, ns'ch��ng-k��n.
WASH the face, to, n[=u]t-s��-ko-sen; wash the clothes, to, tsa-kw��ng-��tl.
WATER, ko.
WATERFALL, ts��t-sil-st��-a-wi.
WAVES, n'k��i-n��kh, s'ch��-ilts.
WE, kl-ning�䨹tl.
WEIR, for fish, sw'kl��tl.
WHALE, ch'wh��-yu.
WHAT? stang; what do you want? stang chins-kl��; what are you doing? stang chin-ch��i; what is your name? stang chins-n��; what is that? stang ta-s��i-ya.
WHERE? ta-h��n; where do you come from? cha-h��n-tin st��-chi; where do you go? tw��nts-hu.
WHISTLE, to, n[=u]s-kwi-��-s��ng.
WHITE, p��k'h.
WHITE MEN, hwa-n��-t��m.
WHO? tsan; who is that? tsan ta-s��i-ya.
WIND, s't'ch[=u]ng; North wind, kais-hwu; South wind, skangt, skang�䨹t.
WIFE, my, n-sl��-a-ni.
WINGS, skl-k��i-ai.
WINTER, kl��-chi.
WITHIN, inside, es-ch��-yu.
WOLF, st��-ching.
WOMAN, sla-ni.
WOOD, dead, kw��t-l��i.
WORK OR DO, to, chai; I work, ats ch��i or ch��it-sen; thou workest, n��k'w ch��i or ch��i-��ts-hu; he works, kw's�� chai; we work, n��ng'l ts��-ch��i; ye work, n��k'w't-sa ��i-a-ch��i; they work, tsa-tsa chi��chai.
WORTHLESS, tl-wh��-os.
WRIST, s'h[=o]ts-kwats.
WRITE, s'h��-ikh.
YAWN, to, w��-uks.
YE, kl-n��kw��; all ye, n��kw�� h��n��na.
YELLOW, an-nu-kw��i-kwai.
YES, a-��h.
YESTERDAY, ch��-ak-kl.
YOUNG MAN, sw��-wus.
YOUR, n'skwa; your house, n'skwa n'��i-y��ng.

S'ng-o. A river running into the Strait of Fuca, above Neah Bay.
Ok-ho. Another river near the last.
Klat-l��-was. A village on the Strait.
Pisht'st. Village at Canel River, Pillar Point.
Kwa-h��-mish. Fishing Station at Lyre River.
El-wha. The village at the mouth of the Elkwa, west of Port Angeles.
Tsi-whit��zen, Yin��nis. Villages at Port Angeles.
St��t-lum. Village at New Dungeness.
Shkwin. Village at Sequim Bay.
K��-kaitl or Skw��-kwel. Village at Port Discovery.
K��-tai. Lower village on Port Townshend.
Chem��a-kum. Village site at head of do.

ABOVE, se-suk��tl.
ADZE, s'ch��m��m��n.
AFRAID, s��i-sin.
AFTER, il-kwa-w��s.
ALDER, skwang-l'tch.
ALIVE, hal-ikh, hal-l��.
ALL, makw, mokw.
ALWAYS, wai, wa-h��i, o-w��i-la; always so, wa-h��i-yu sh��ng angs.
ANGRY, kwin-t��n.
ARM, ta��lo; my arm, n��ta��lo; right arm, si-l?-me��[=u]s; left arm, suk-kwe��[=u]s.
ARROW, yitcht.
ASHES, kw��i-chp.
AT, to be at, l?-si or lak-si; he is at Lummi, l?-si la N[=u]kh-l��m��mi. See also "live," "be."
AXE, ku��k��m. (k��m-m��t, to chop.)
BACK, the, stas-kwitl.
BAD, h'?s, s'h?s.
BAG or sack, chu-kwal��.
BAIL A BOAT, to, chi-kw��st; (in Simiamoo), kw��l��l��t.
BALD, ko��a-lekw.
BARK, of the fir, ch��l��li; of the cedar, sl-kw��m��.
BASKET, potato basket, kl-p?k; load basket, s'pi-ch?; small basket, pep-ch?lkh.
BEADS, large blue kind, shkwe��-kw��n; small white do., ts��ts-h��t; small green beads, tchi-kw��l-lekh��.
BE, to, See "at," "live." It is in the house, lak-si ��-lung.
BEAR, black, sch��t��h��n; grizzly, kwe��chin.
BEARD, kwin��s'n; moustache, kwinks.
BEAVER, sk��l-l��u.
BEFORE (in point of time), kw��l-h��s-l��t-sin.
BELLY, kw��l��la, kl?s.
BELOW, kl?khl.
BIRD, water fowl, mo��[=o]k; small birds, ts��ts-at-s��m.
BIRDS: Eagles, golden eagle, kw��l��-l��ng-sen; bald eagle, y��kh-w��l-la. Hawks, pa-��ls, tsekhw-ts��khw, t��l-kwe��mitl, tsi-ha-litsh; sparrow hawk, s��s-so-wak-chil-la. Owls, great horned owl, che��-t��ng-hu; small owl, kwai-el-hu. Woodpeckers, logcock, skw��l-l��t��t��n; flicker (P. Mexic.) tse��a-k't; small woodpeckers, ts��t-t��ng. Swift (Cypselus), kuk-s��tch. Kingfisher, s��s-she��la. Robins (T. Naevius), kw��s-k��k'h; (T. Migrat.), tsel-tcha. Warblers, hu-hw��l-l��sh. Chickadee (Parus), ts-ka-yis. Finches (generic), tch-kwa��kwa; ground robin, t��l-t��lk-si-n��n; snow finch, tchi-sa-w��tsh. Wren, te��ti-t��m. Raven, sku-takh. Fish Crow, sku-kwa��ta. Blue Jay, chi-ya. Magpie, s'h��n��n��n. Pigeon, h��m-��kh. Ruffed Grouse, skw��ts, skw��ts��ha. Dusky Grouse, ng'e��et. Sand-hill Crane, slem. Plover, chit-h��n-natsh��. Oyster Catcher (hematopus), sw��-k��k. Yellow-shank Snipe, sk��k-ka��-ye. Beach Birds, small snipe (?generic), pel-latsh, skeks. Curlew, m��k-m��k-kwa. Swan, ho��ha-han. Snow Goose, kla-w��kh-han, kla-hwa��han. Canada Goose, ��kh-ha. Brant (Bernicla), h��l-h��l��tsh, h��l-h��l��cha. Mallard (a. Boschas), ti-n��k-sen. Teal (Nettion), h��s-natch, chil-si��set. Shoveller (Spatula), klel-l��k-t��k-sen. Gadwal (Chaulelasmus), shes��-s��n-na. Sea Ducks (generic), kwal��-hu. Golden eye (Clangula), h��l-h��l-l��l��o-witl. Canvass back (Aythya), h��kh-ko-nitsh. Spirit Duck (Albeola), hekh-k��n-n��, k'k-h��n��na. Merganser (Mergus Am.), kwa-[=o]kw; (Mergus Serrator), sk��m-m?tsh. Cormorant, m?s-sitch. Gulls, large kinds, kw��n-n��; small kinds, sk��kh-kwa. Loons (Colymbus), swa��kw��n, hwekhw-kw��s. Grebes (Podiceps), sk[=u]l-k��ls��, hwa��nitsh, hw��t-tis. Guillemot (Uria), sko-kwa-kw��ts, ko-k[=o]kh-k��ts.
BIRDS, parts of: Beak, n��k��s��nsh (v. nose). Wing, ki-ka��al, sk-k��-al. Feathers, stli-p?l-kan, stakw. Quills, stli-k?l. Down, sk��i-us. Tail, klap-��i-sin-itsh. Gall, m��s-suns. Entrails, ��k-khes. Gizzard, s'he��a-kw��ns. Liver, t'?-kas. Heart, ts?-li.
BITE, to, tsing-ut-t��ng.
BLACK, n��k-kikh.
BLANKET, feather blanket (a native manufacture), st��m-mo-whitl; woollen do., swa-kwatl; white blanket, pe-k��l-kw��t; figured do., n��t-sa��lo-w��t; red do., nu-kwim; green do., n��k-chal-kw��t; blue do., chi-al-k��t; large dark blue do., chil-t��l-kw��t.
BLAZE, to, hu-ta-ku.
BLIND, kl?-litsh.
BLOOD, s?s-tchin.
BLOW with the breath, to, pa��-hwt; blow the nose, to, n��k-l��ng-sin��na.
BLUE, chi-��-lis; pale, ni-hw��kw.
BOARD, planks, s��l-to.
BOIL, to, kw��l-l��s��.
BONE, s[=o]m, s'ham.
BORE, to, as with a gimlet, sl��k��-w��t, n��k-sl��k��w��t.
BOSOM (female), sk��m��ma.
BOW, ts��-cha-sen.
BOWSMAN, of canoe, he��u.
BOX or chest, kla-y��ks.
BOY, s'ch-chi-��lkh, schi��atl, stet-l��tkl.
BRACELETS, of brass wire, tsa-met-chin.
BREAD, baked, tau�䨹kh.
BREAK, to, (broken), ti-kw��t-t��ng.
BREAST (chest), ts��ng�䨹tl.
BRING, to, an-��kh-hu.
BROAD, n��kh-hw��i-��k-w'tl.
BROTHER, elder, shi-itlkh; younger, s��i-tchin, ni-wha-ka.
BURN, I, ch��kw�� sin; it is burning, ch'y��kw.
BURY, to, (to cache), as-ch��-n��tl.
BUY, to, (to trade or barter), hw��i-��m; I want to buy, nus-wh��i-y��m, nus-kl��-a-k��ng s��l-k��l��la (nus-kl��, I wish).
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