Alphabetical Vocabularies of the Clallum and Lummi | Page 3

George Gibbs
good so (that's well), ��i-yu-h��-nang; good man, ais sw��-ka; good dog, ais k��-ha.
GOOSANDER (mergus merganser), ho-[=o]k'w.
GOOSE, y��kh��ho-na.
GRANDFATHER, s��-ya, tch��tt.
GRASS, s'hats-ai; mat grass for thread, kl��tl.
GREASE or oil, sm��ts.
GREBE (podiceps), kla-��i-k��n.
GREEN, ��n-tl��tlh, an-nu-klikhtl.
GROUSE (tetrao obscurus), gn��-et; (tetrao umbellus), ste��yu-h[=u]ng.
GUILLEMOT, sas-s��-mats.
GULL, ku-t��-��k, kw��n-n��.
GUM, pitch, tch��-��kh.
HAIL, chit-la-h��i-sin.
HAIR, si-at��tn.
HAIQUA (the dentalium), klets��-chin.
HALF, il-chukh��.
HALIBUT, s'h[=o]t'h, ts[=o]t'h.
HAND, s'ch-hats��.
HARD, ko-sang��.
HARE, rabbit, ka-k��it-se.
HAUL, to, ho-kwut��.
HAT, s'ches��euk'h.
HE, when present, tsa-mukw; if absent, netl.
HEAD, sk[=u]ng-i.
HEAR, I, yai-y��-n��ng-sen.
HEART, ha-chin-nin��.
HERE, te-at��hla.
HERON (ardea herodias), sn[=o]k-ho.
HERRING, kl[=o]ngt.
HIDE, to, kwai's.
HIT, I, tcho��kwe-n[=u]t-sen.
HOLLA, to, kw��-kw��t-ching.
HOW MANY? kw��n-chis; how many people? ko-n��i-ya; how many dollars? ko-nai chis ng��n dolla; how much money have you? ko-nai te chin dolla.
HOUSE, ��i-y��ng; my house, n'skwai, te ai-y��ng.
HUNDRED, na-tcho-w��tsh.
HUNGRY, hwam.
HUSBAND, my, n'sw��-i-ka.
I, ��tza.
ICE, sle��a-hu.
INDIANS, people, tl-st��i-ing-hu, ats-il-t��i-ing-hu.
INFANT, s'ch��-in.
IRON, k��m-t��m��.
ISLAND, kl-ch��s.
JAY (garrulus stelleri), s'h��ikh-hai.
JUST NOW, lately, chatsh��ta; I have just come chatsh-ta't n's-ta��chi.
KAMASS, k'whl��-i.
KETTLE, skw��-ten.
KILL, to, ko-ch��-yu.
KNEE, skai-y��-ko.
KNIFE, sheath, ko-kw��i-is; pocket, n��ng-n��n.
KNOW, I, h��t-ch��t 't-sen.
LAKE, ts��-ikhtl.
LARGE, tch��k.
LATELY, just now, ch��tsh-ta.
LAUGH, to, net��ching.
LAZY, ts��-h[=u]ng.
LEAF, s'ch��-s��n.
LEAP, to, hw��-t��ng.
LEG, s'h��n��na.
LIE, to, kai-y��kh��.
LIGHT, w��i-yu.
LIGHTNING, chin-��-kwa.
LIKE, hon-��ng.
LISTEN (imp.), y��-ya-n��ng-[=o]ts-hu.
LONG, klakt; long ago, hets.
LOOK FOR, to, kli-y��ng.
LOSE, to, tsits-hw��-n��ng.
LOVE, to, nus-kl��.
LOW TIDE, s��ng-[=o]t-sen.
LYNX (L. fasciata), ts��t-sats.
MALLARD, duck, t��-n��k-sen.
MAMMALS: Bat, klat-li-pi-��-h��n. Bear, black, s'chi-kw��itsh. Bear, grizzly, kw��i-it-shin. Beaver, sk��-yau. Buffalo, kw��isp. Cougar, kan-et��sap. Deer, h[=o]pt, sm��-yis. Dog, sk��-ha. Elk, kai-y��tsh. Goat, mountain, sw��t-le. Hare, rabbit, ka-k��it-se. Lynx, tsat-sats. Mink, mis-tcho. Mouse, skwa��t��n. Musk rat, sk��lkh-k��t'lkh. Land otter, ska��atl. Sea otter, t��m��m��s. Seal, ?ss��hu. Skunk, smat-s'n. Squirrel (sciurus), sp-si-y[=u]t-s'n; (tamias), ha-h��i-yu-wetsh. Wolf, sta��ching. Whale, ch-wh��-yu.
MAN, sw��-ka; plur. sw��-yi-ka; young man, sw��-w[=u]s; old man, kwilt-ch��k.
MANY, ng' ��nn; many men, ng' ��ngt' sw��-yi-ka.
MAT, of round rushes (tul��), taks-lats��hu; flat do. (cat's tail), su-ya-��tsh, kai-nim; cedar bark, ts��m��m��t.
MAT NEEDLE, ho-k'h��n.
MEDICINE, s't��i-ing-hu.
MEDICINE MAN, magician or doctor, s'hu-n[=a]m.
MIDDLE, ets-t��ng-en.
MILK, sk��b-��.
MINK, mis��tcho.
MISS a mark, to, tang-��n; miss the road, to, ti-t��kh.
MISTAKE, to, in speech, ti-takh.
MOCCASINS, kl��k��shin.
MOLLUSCS, ETC.: Barnacle, ts[=o]ngt. Clams, quahog (Venus), ski-he-yu; large (Lutraria), swa��-h��m; blue striated, sk��k-hl��i. Cockle (cardium), skl��-y[=o]m. Hai-kwa (Dentalium), klets-chin. Mussel, to��y��k. Oyster, klokh-klokh. Scallop (pecten), na��na. Sea egg (echinus), skw��t-si.
MOON, kl-k��itsh.
MORNING, kw��-tchi.
MOSQUITO, pw��ik-sen.
MOTHER, t[=a]n.
MOUNTAIN, h'kwi-��tsh.
MOUSE, skw��-t��n.
MOUTH, tsu��ts'n.
MUSK RAT, sk��lkh-k��t'lkh.
MUSSEL, the small blue, to��y��k.
MY SISTER, na ais; my house, na ai-y��ng; my things, n's-kwa-na-akw.
MYTHOLOGY: N��-kwe-m[)a]tl or D��-kwe-b[)a]tl, the principal supernatural being, corresponding to Ik��ni of the Chinooks. S'hui-��b, the primal or demon race. S'hu-n[=a]m, magic or medicine. Te-y[=u]tl-ma, the genius of good fortune. Hun-ha-n��-ti, a performance of conjuring or "tam��-nous" (Chinook), known to the Nisquallies as s'h��-na, in which it is pretended that the person initiated is killed and then restored to life.
NAME, s'd��.
NAILS, ts��sh[=u]ts.
NEAR, klat-l��-a-ke.
NEEDLE, ch��t-s��n.
NECK, h[=o]ng-en.
NEW, h��u-us, k'hau-��s.
NIGHT, s'nat��.
NINE, t[=o]kw, t'kw��i-ya, t'kw��it-hu.
NONE, ��-w��n-na, au-w��ts-an.
NOON, k'��-yit.
NOSE, n��k'sn.
NOW, ti-��-no.
NUMERALS: Simple Cardinals-- 1, nit��zo. 2, chis��sa. 3, klekhw. 4, ng-os. 5, kl-katcht 6, t'hung. 7, ts[=o]ks. 8, tats. 9, t[=o]kw. 10, ��-pen.
Personal Cardinals-- 1, n��t-so. 2, ch��-sa. 3, kl-wh��i-ya. 4, ni-s��i-ya. 5, kl-k��t-sh��i-ya. 6, t��kh-��ng-��i-ya. 7, tsakw-ts��i-ya. 8, tats-s��i-ya. 9, t'kw��i-ya. 10, o-pen-��i.
Cardinals of Valuation-- 1, n'sakt��hu. 2, n'sh��it-hu. 3, kl-wh��it-hu. 4, nu-s��it-hu. 5, kl-k��t-sh��it-hu. 6, t��kh-h��ng-��it-hu. 7, tsak-s��it-hu. 8, tats-h��it-hu. 9, t-kw��it-hu. 10, o-pen-��it-hu. 11, o-pen it nitzo. 12, o-pen i'tch��s-sa. 20, t's-kw��ss. 30, h'l-l[=u]tl-sha. 100, na-tcho-w��tsh. 1000, p'n��-itsh.
OLD, sn��k-ai.
OLD MAN, kwil��tch��k; old woman, kwil��tch��k sl��-ni.
ONE, nit��zo, nat��so, n's��kt-hu.
OTTER, land, sk��-atl; sea, t��m��-mus.
OULAKAN, a small fish, klais.
OUT DOORS, as-saktl��.
OYSTER, kl��kh-klokh.
OFF SHORE, ts��t-so.
PADDLE, a, h[=o]ng-��t.
PADDLE, to, ist.
PEOPLE, tl-st��i-ing-hu, ats-il-t��i-ing-hu.
PENIS, shel��la.
PIGEON, h��m-��kh.
PIPE, p��-akw.
PITCH, tch��-��k.
PLANK, s��-y't-hu.
PLANTS, ETC.: Barberry (berberis), sh��-tchin. Berries (generic), s'ch��-y��k-w'tl. Bilberry, y��-hun. Grass, s'hats-��i. used for mat thread, kl��tl. Kamass (squilla), k'whl��-i. Rush, cat-tail, kwo-[=o]t. Sallal (Gualtheria), tak��a. Salmon berry, al-e��lo. Strawberry, t��-y��kw. Tobacco, sm��-nash.
POINT or end, elk'hs.
POUND, to, as grain, ts��t.
POUR, to, kwi-yet��.
PORPOISE, s'h[=u]-ma-h��ns.
PRAIRIE, spelh��han.
PREGNANT, as-kw��-kwai.
PRESENTLY, kwa-kw��t-hu.
PRONOUNS: I, absolute, ��t��za; copulative, prefixed to a verb, ats; suffixed to do., s��n, sen, sin. My, na, n's, n, n'skwai. Thou, n��kw; copulative prefixed, chin; suffixed, hu; or in the imperative, chi. He, if present, tsa-n��kw; absent, netl. We, n��ng'l, kl-ning�䨹tl. Ye, n��kw, kl-n��kw. They, kwas��sa, tsa-ta.
PRONGS OF FISH GIG, sta-wh��i-��ts.
PUSH, to, ch[=o]ng-��t.
QUICK, come quick! ��-atl.
RAIN, to, s'lem��hu.
RAKE, v., to take small fish with a rake, tl��t��a-men.
RAVEN, sku-t��.
RED, ��n-ts��kw��, an-nu-ts��k��o.
RELATIONS, nis-ch��-cha.
RELATIONSHIPS: Father, i-��i-in. Mother, tan. Grandfather, s��-ya, tch��t. Grandmother, s��-ya. Son, my, n��ng-��n��na. Daughter, my, n��ng-��n��na. Husband, my, n'sw��-yi-ka. Wife, my, n'sl��-ni. Brother, elder, s[=u]t-h��-n��k. younger, s��i-tchin. Sister, elder, s[=u]t-h��-n��k. younger, ais.
RETURN, to, ho-w��-y��ng.
RHODODENDRON, kwalt-h��ltsh.
RIVER, st��-a-wi.
ROAST, by the fire, ch��k-[=o]ts.
ROPE, hw��-l��m.
ROTTEN, as wood, ts��-kong; as fruit, skwang�䨹tst.
RUSH, cat-tail, kwo-[=o]t.
RUN, I, skw��-n��ng-��t��sen.
SALMON: S. quinnat, kwit��shin. S. truncatus, kl��t��shin. S. Scouleri, k��tch��k��s. S. proteus, h��n��n��n. S. (undetermined), m��t-hlets. S. canis, kl'wh��i. S. Campbelli, kwatcht.
SALMON ROE, kai-y��kh��.
SALT, klatl.
SAND, pe-kw��t-chin.
SAND PIPER (tringa), sk��-uks.
SCALLOP (pecten), n��-na.
SCULPIN, swan-itl.
SEA, kl-lalts.
SEA FOWL, m��-[=o]k.
SEAL, ?ss��hu.
SEASONS: Spring, tclin-es-hw��-as. Summer, kla-t��-k��m, tchin-��-si. Autumn, tchin-s��-le. Winter, kl��-tchi.
SEAT, the, kl��-w��k.
SEE, to, kw��n't.
SEVEN, ts[=o]ks, ts?kw-ts��i-ya, ts?k-s��it-hu.
SEW, to, chit-seng-��t-sen.
SEINE, so-y��k.
SHADOW, nu-kw��-ku-no-sing, k��-katl.
SHARK, kl��-y��k-a-t��t-s'n.
SHARP, ��i-y[=u]ts.
SHIRT, sli-p��i-k��t; woollen do., sno-w��ks.
SHOES, kw��t-l��-shin.
SHOULDER, ts��-a-kw��n.
SHORT, ch��i-yetl.
SICK, as-h��tl'h; I am sick, as-h��tl'h-sen.
SING, to, te-y��m��tsen.
SISTER, elder, s[=u]t-h��-n��k; do. younger, ais.
SIT, to, ��-m��t.
SIX, t'h��ng, t��kh-h��ng-��i-ya, t��kh-h��ng-��it-hu.
SKATE, fish, k��-kaukh.
SKUNK, sm��t-s'n.
SKY, tsit-sl.
SKIN, k��-wi.
SLAVE, skw��-its.
SLEEP, to, et-t��t-sen.
SMALL, kl[=o]t-la, ma-m��-min.
SMOKE, sp-k[=o]ng.
SNAKE, swa-h��t-si.
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