A Pocket Dictionary - Welsh-English | Page 8

William Richards
Anlliosogrwydd, n. infrequence
Anlliw, a. colourless: n. a stain
Anllosgadwy, a. incombustible
Anllosgedig, a. unignited
Anllostog, a. without a tail
Anlluddedig, a. unfatigued
Anllwybraidd, not easily passed
Anllygredd, n. incorruption
Anllygredigaeth, n. incorruptive
Anllwythedig, a. imburdened
Anllygradwy, a. incorruptible
Anllythyrenog, a. illiterate
Anllythyrog, a. illiterate
Anllywodraeth, n. anarchy
Anmhar, a. out of repair
Anmharch, n. disrespect
Anmharod, a. unprepared
Anmharattoawl, a. unpreparatory
Anmhendod, n. indecision
Anmhenodol, a. indefinitive
Anmherchenogi, v. to unappropriate
Anmherthynasol, a. unappertaining
Anmherthynu, v. to make irrelevant
Anmhetrus, a. indubious
Anmhlantadwy, a. barren
Anmhleidiol, a. impartial
Anmhlethol, a. uncomplicated
Anmhlygu, v. to undouble
Anmhrawf, a. without proof
Anmhreswyl, a. without a home
Anmhridwerth, without ransom
Anmhriodolrwydd, n. disappropriateness
Anmhrydferthedd, n. inelegancy
Anmhreiddiog, a. undepredatory
Anmhriod, a. unmarried
Anmhriodol, a. unappropriated
Anmhrofiadol, a. unpropationary
Anmhrudd, a. insedate
Anmhryderus, a. unanxioust
Anmhrydferth, a. inelegant
Anmhrydlon, a. unseasonable
Anmhrysur, a. undiligent
Anmhuredd, n. impurity
Anmhwyll, n. indiscretion
Anmhwylledd, n. irrationality
Anmhwyllog, a. irrational
Anmhybur, a. impotent, infirm
Anmlasus, insipid, tasteless
Anmraint, n. dishonour
Anmri, a. void of privilege
Anmrwd, a. unheated, unboiled
Annadleuadwy, a. incontestable
Annadleuol, a. undisputative
Annair, n. reproach, disgrace
Annarbobaeth, n. improvidence
Annarpwylliad, n. impersuasion
Annarfod, a. endless; infinite
Annarllenol, a. unlegible
Annarostyngiad, n. insubjection
Annarpar, a. unprepared
Annattodol, a. inexplicable
Annatoddiad, n. indissolvability
Anneallus, a. unintelligent
Annechrcuol, a. uncomencing
Annedwydd, a. unhappy
Annedwyddwch, n. unhappiness
Annedd, n. a dwelling
Anneddfa, n. a dwelling place
Anneddfolder, n. immorality
Anneddiad, n. residing
Anneddl, n. a dwelling place
Anneddu, v. to dwell
Annefnyddiol, a. unsubstantial
Annefod, n. lack of ceremony
Annefodol, a. unceremonial
Anneffro, a. unwake
Annegyddol, a unnegative
Anneheuder, n. indexteriety
Anneilio, v. to drop leaves
Anneilliedig, a. underived
Anneilltuoldeb, inseparabillty
Anneirfuwch, n. a young cow
Anneiryd, a. irrelevant
Annesyfol, a. unrequesting
Annelog, a. on the bend; aiming
Anneliad, a stretching; aiming
Annelu, v. to stretch; to aim
Anner, n. a heifer
Annerbynioldeb, n. unacceptableness
Annerth, n. impotence
Annestledd, n. indelicacy
Annewisiol, a. ineligible
Annewr, a. irresolute
Annhaeniad, n. inexpansion
Annhaerni, n. uninportunity
Annhananadwy, a. unignitable
Annhaw, a. unsilent, untacit
Annhawel, a. unsilent
Annhebyg, a. dissimilar
Annhegwch, n. unfairness
Annheilwng, a. unworthy
Annheilyngdod, n. unworthiness
Annheimlad, n. apathy
Annhelediw, a. ungraceful
Annheredd, n. impurity
Annherfyn, a. boundless
Annherfynol, a. infinite
Annherfysgol, a. untumultuous
Annhesog, a. void of sun heat
Annheuluog, a. undomestical
Annhiriog, a. void of land
Annhirion, a. unpleasant
Annhlysni, n. inelegance
Annho, a. void of covering
Annhoddadwy, a. indissolvable
Annholiant, n. undimunition
Annholladwy, a. undeductable
Annhoradwy, a. irrefragable
Annhoraeth, a. void of produce
Annhostedd, n. inseverity
Annhosturi, n. ruthlessness
Annhosturiol, a. unpitying
Annrhachwantus, a. uncovetoua
Annrhaethadwy, inexpressible
Annrhafodol, a. unbustling
Annhrallodus, a. unafflicting
Annhrancedig, a. unannihllated
Annhrafferthus, a. unassiduous
Annhras, a. void of kindred
Annhrefig, a. aonresident
Annhrefnu, v. to disorder
Annhrefnus, a. disorderly
Annhreiddiol, a. unpenetrating
Annhremygol, a. undespising
Annhrethadwy, a. untaxable
Annhreiliedig, a. unconsumed
Annhrigiant, n. nonresidence
Annhroseddus, intransgressive
Annhrugarog, a. unmerciful
Annhruthrol, a. unfulsome
Annhrwsiadus, a. unarrayed
Annhrwydded, n. unlicensed
Annhrybelid, a. inelegant
Annhryloyw, a. untransparent
Annhrywanadwy, impenetrable
Aunhuddo, v. to uncover
Annhueddol, a. impartial
Annhwng, a. nonjuring
Annhwyllo, v. to undeceive
Annhwyllodrus, a. unfraudulent
Annhycianus, a. unsuccessful
Annhyciant, n. improsperity
Annhymig, a. unseasonable
Annhymoraidd, a. unseasonable; uncomfortable
Annhyner, a. unkindly, harsh
Annhynged, n. misfortune
Annhyngedfenol, a. unfated
Annhywyll, a. inobscure
Annialedig, a. unrevenged
Anniarhebus, a. unproverbial
Anniog, a. unslothful, not idle
Annibech, a. not sinless
Anniben, a. infinite
Anniblog, a. unbedaggled
Annibynol, a. independent
Annichell, a. without guile
Annichlyn, a. incircumspect
Anniddan, a. comfortless
Anniddig, a. unappeased
Anniddigrwydd, n. peevishness
Anniddos, a. not secured from wet
Anniddymol, undefeasible
Annifaol, a. unconsuming
Anniflanadwy, a. unfading
Annifrif, a. unsedate
Annifrodol, a. undilapidating
Anniffoddadwy, a. unquenchable
Annigiol, a. unoffending
Annigonedd, n. unsufficiency
Annigrifol, a. unamusing
Annileadwy, a. indelible
Annilys, a. uncertain, not sure
Annillynu, v. to make ugly
Anniofal, a. not careless
Anniogel, a. not secure
Annioledig, a. unobliterated
Annirgel, a. unconcealed
Annirmygol, a. undespicable
Annirnadiad, n. inapprehension
Annirprwyol, a. unsupplying
Annirwestwch, n. inabstinency
Annirwyol, not liable to penalty
Anniryw, a. undegenerate
Annisberod, a. undispersed
Annisgynol, a. undescending
Annistrywiol, a. undestructive
Anniwair, a. unclean, unchaste
Anniwallus, a. unsatiating
Anniweirdeb, n. incontinence
Anniwyd, a. indolent
Anniwygiol, a. unreforming
Anniwylledig, a. uncultivated
Annodi, v. to suspend
Annoeth, a. unwise, imprudent
Annoethineb, n. indiscretion
Annofi, v. to become refractory
Annog, n. incitement; v. to indite; to exhort
Annogaeth, n. admonition
Annogedig, a. incited; admonished
Annogiad, n. an inciting
Annogol, a. inciting
Annolurus, a. unpainful
Annoniog, a. giftless, unskilful
Annos, n. a driving; v. to drive to chase
Annuw, a. atheistic; faithless
Annuwiaeth, n. atheism
Annuwiol, a. ungodly, wicked
Annuwioldeb, n. ungodliness
Annwfn, n. the great deep
Annwyd, n. a cold, a chillness Cael yr annwyd, to catch cold
Annwydaidd, a. chilly, cold
Annwydedd, n. chilliness
Annwydog, a. cold, chilly
Annyben, a. void of purpose; endless
Annybendod, n. endlessness; tediousness
Annybenol, a. inconclusive
Annyblyg, a. unfolded
Annychweladwy, a. irreversible
Annychymygol, a. unimaginary
Annyddan, a. comfortless
Annyfal, a. lazy, heedless
Annyfodadwy, a. inaccessable
Annyfrol, a. not watery
Annyffygadwy, a. indefectible
Annygymodol, a. unconciliatory
Annyledus, a. unincumbent
Annylyedog, a. not having claim
Annylynol, a. inconseguent
Annymchweladwy, a. not returnable
Annymunol, a. undesirable
Annynsoddol, a. impersonal
Annynwaredol, a. unimitative
Annyoddefadwy, a. unsufferable
Annyolchgar, a. unthankful
Annyrchafedig, a. unexalted
Annysbeidiol, a. unintermitting
Annysbendawd, n. inconclusiveness
Annysgedig, a. unlearned
Annysglaer, a. not bright
Annysgwyliad, n. inexpectation
Annystaw, a. not silent
Annyundeb, n. disagreement
Annyunol, a. disagreeable
Annywedadwy, a. unspeakable
Annyweddog, a. unconjugal
Annywyllyniog, a. uncultivated
Anobaith, n. hopelessness
Anobeithiad, n. desperation
Anobeithio, v. to despair
Anobeithlon, a. unhopeful
Anobrwy, a. unrequited
Anobryn, a. void of reward
Anocheladwy, a. unavoidable
Anodidog, a. unexelling
Anodinebus, a. unadulterous
Anoddefadwy, a. insufferable
Anoeth, n. incomprehensibility
Anofal, a. careless; imprudent
Anofidiol, a. untroubled
Anofnog, Anofnus, a. fearless
Anofwyedig, a. unvisited
Anofynol, a. uninquisitive
Anogonol, a. inglorious
Anohebol, a. uncorresponding
Anolau, a. indistinct; dark
Anolrhain, a. trackless
Anoludog, a. poor, not rich
Anoluddiol, a. unobstructed
Anolygiadol, a. unspeculative
Anolygus, a. unsightly, ugly
Anollyngedig, a. unloosened
Anorbwyllig, a. not frantic
Anorchestol, a. unescelling
Anorchfygedig, a. unvanquished
Anorchuddio, v. to uncover
Anoresgynadwy, unconquerable
Anorfod, a. unsurmounted
Anoriog, a unfickle; sedate
Anormesol, a. unmolesting
Anorphen, a. endless, infinite
Anorphwyllog, a. undistracted
Anorphwys, a. restless, unquiet
Anorsafol, a. unstationary
Anorthrechol, a. unsubduing
Anorweddol, a. unrecumbent
Anosodedig, a. undeposited
Anosteg, a. unsilent, noisy
Anostyngol, a. unsubjected
Anrhadlon, a. ungracious
Anrhagddarbodus, unforeseem
Anrhagfarnedig, a. unprejudicated
Anrhagflaenol, a. unanticipating
Anrhaghanfodol, a. not pre-existent
Anrhagluniaethol, a not providential
Anrhagorol, a. not excelling
Anrhagrithiol, a. not hypocritial
Anrhaith, n. pillage; distress
Anrhanog, a. unparticipating
Anrheg, t. a pregent, a gift
Anrhegedig, a. presented, gifted
Anrhegiad, n. a presenting
Anrhegol, a. presenting, giving
Anrhegu, v. to present, to give
Anrheidiol, a. not necessitating
Anrheidus, a. not necessitious
Anrheithgar, a. depredatory
Anrheithiad, n. depredation
Anrheithiedig, a. desolate
Anrheithio, v. to prey, to spoil
Anrheithiol, a. depredating
Anrheithiwr, n. a desolater
Anrhiniol, a. unmysterious
Anrhinwedd, n. want of virtue
Anrhithio, v. to disappear
Anrhodresol, a. unostentatious
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