a. unbestowed
Anrhwydd, a. not free, difficult
Anrhwym, a. unbound, untied
Anrhwystrus, a. unobstructive
Anrhybyddiedig, unforewarned
Anrhydedd, a. honour
Anrhydeddol, a. honouring
Anrhydeddiad, n. honouring
Anrhydeddu, v. to honour
Anrhydeddus, a. honourable
Anrhyddiad, a. void of liberty
Anrhyfygus, a. unpresuming
Anrhythedig, a. undistended
Ansadrwydd, n. instabuity
Ansafadwy, a. unstable
Ansail, a. baseless, vileness
Ansangedig, a. untrampled
Ansalw, a. not vile or mean
Ansarhaus, a. uninsulting
Ansarig, a. not froward
Ansathredig, a. untrodden
Ansawdd, n. a being, a person; astate; a quality
Ansawdd-air, an adjective
Ansefydlog, a. unstationary
Anseibiant, n. want of leisure
Anseiliedig, a. unfounded
Anseiniol, a. unresounding
Ansenol, a. unrebuked
Anserchog, a. void of love
Anserchiad, n. a ceasing to love
Anserchogi, to become loveless
Anserchu, v. to cease loving
Ansiaradus, a. not loquacious
Ansigladwy, a. firm, stable
Ansodi, v. to personify
Ansodol, a. personal
Ansodoldeb, n. personality
Ansoddadwy, a. that may blend
Ansoddi, to endow with quality
Ansoddiad, n. constituting
Ansoddol, a. component
Ansomgar, a. undecerning
Ansoniarus, a. not sonorous
Ansyberwyd, n. incivility
Ansylweddol, a. unsubstantial
Ansymudoldeb, n. immobility
Ansyniad, n. inadvertency
Ansynwyr, a. senseless, witless
Ansyrthiol, a. not apt to fall
Antur, n. an attempt, venture; ad. scarcely, hardly
Anturiad, n. a venturing
Anturiaeth, n. an enterprize
Anturiedig, a. adventured
Anturio, v. to venture
Anturiol, a. adventurous, bold
Anu, v. to contain, to hold
Anudon, n. false oath, perjury
Anudoniaeth, n. perjury
Anudonol, a. falsely swearing
Anufudd, a. disobedient
Anufuddhau, v. to disobey
Anufudd-dod, n. disobedience
Anundeb, a. disunion
Anunion, a. indirect, crooked
Anuniondeb, n. indirectness
Anuno, v. to disunite
Anunol, a. disagreeing
Anurddas, n. dishonour
Anurddasol, a. dishonourable
Anurddasu, v. to dishonour
Anurddo, to deprive of orders
Anwadal, a. unsteady
Anwadalder, n. unsteadiness
Anwadalu, v. to act inconstantly
Anwadalwch, n. fickleness
Anwaddol, a dowerless
Anwaeredd, n. incontinency
Anwahaniad, indiscrimination
Anwahanred, uncharacteristic; indiscriminate
Anwaharddus, a. unprohibitory
Anwahoddedig, a. uninvited
Anwaith, n. inaction
Anwar, a. ungentle, arrogant
Anwaradwyddus, not disgraceful
Anwaredol, not delivering
Anwaredd, n. ungentleness
Anwarth, a. shameless
Anwarthruddol, a. unignominious
Anwasanaethol, a. unserviceable
Anwasgar, a. unscattered
Anwasgodol, a. unsheltered
Anwastad, a. uneven, unsteady
Anwe, n. a woof
Anweddaidd, a. unseemly
Anweddog, a. unyoked, unmarried
Anweddol, a. immoderate
Anweddus, a. unbeseeming
Anweinyddiol, a. unconducive
Anweladwy, a. invisible
Anwelladwy, a. incurable
Anwenwynig, a. unpoisonous
Anwes, n. indulgence
Anwesog, a. indulgent; peevish
Anwir, a. untrue; wicked
Anwiredd, n. untruth, iniquity
Anwireddol, a. iniquitous
Anwirio, v. to falsify, to lie
Anwirion, a. not innocent
Anwisgiedig, a. unclothed
Anwiw, a. unworthy, useless
Anwladaidd, a. not rustic
Anwledychiad, misgovernment
Anwneuthuradwy, a. impracticable
Anwresog, a. unfervid
Anwrhydri, n. unmanliness
Anwrol, a unmanly, cowardly
Anwroldeb, n. invirility
Anwrolder, n. unmanliness
Anwrteithiol, a. uncultivated
Anwrthblaid, a. unopposed
Anwrthbrawf, a. unrefuted
Anwrthdro, a. unrecurrent
Anwrthebol, a. unreplying
Anwrthnysig, a. unrefractory
Anwrthodadwy, a. unrejectable
Anwrthredol, a. unretrograde
Anwrthsafiad, n. inopposition
Anwrthun, a. undeformed
Anwrthwynebol, a. unopposing
Anwybod, a. ignorant, dull
Anwybodaeth, n. ignorance
Anwybyddiaeth, inconsiousness
Anwych, a. not brave, infirm
Anwyd, n. temper, cold
Anwydaidd, a. affecting, disposing
Anwydiad, n. disposition
Anwydol, a. temperamental
Anwyl, a. unbashful; beloved dear. O'r anwyl, dear me
Anwylad, n. an endearing
Anwylaeth, n. endearment
Anwylaidd, a. endearing, lovely
Anwylder, n. unbashfulness
Anwylddyn, n. a sweatheart
Anwyledd, n. belovedness
Anwylhau, v. to endear, to love
Anwylo, v. to become lovely
Anwylyd, n. a loved one
Anwyllt, a. unwild, not furious
Anwyn, a. unimpassioned
Anwyr, a. unoblique
Anwyrthiol, a. not miraculous
Anwysedig, a. unsummoned
Anwystledig, a. unpledged
Anwywder, n. unfadingness
Anymadroddus, a. untalkative
Anymarfer, a. unaccustomed
Anymarhous, a. impatient
Anymaros, a. unforbearing
Anymbleidiol, a. impartial
Anymchweladwy, a. irreversible
Anymdaenol, a. inexpansive
Anymdrechol, a. uncontentious
Anymddibynol, a. independent
Anymddiriad, n. diffidence; v. to mistrust
Anymddygiad, n. misdemeanor
Anymgeledd, a. uncherished
Anymgyffred, a. incomprehensible
Anymgynal, a. incontinent
Anymgyrchol, a. incongressive
Anymladdgar, a. not apt to fight
Anymofynol, a. uninquisitive
Anymogel, incautious
Anymorchestiad, n. a ceasing to emulate
Anymranol, a. unschismatic
Anymrithiol, a. undisguising
Anymroad, n. non-resignation
Anymroddiad, n. inapplication
Anymrysonol, a. incontentious
Anymsyniad, n. inconsideration
Anymuniad, n. disunion
Anymwad, a. unrenounced
Anymwthgar, a. inobtrusive
Anymyrus, a. unimportunate
Anynad, a. peevish, petulent
Anynadrwydd, n. petulence
Anyni, a. without energy
Anysgogol, a. unmoveable
Anysgrifenedig, a. unwritten
Anysgrythyrol, a. unscriptural
Anysgymod, n. dissention
Anysplenydd, a. unresplendent
Anysprydol, a. unspiritual
Anystig, a. unassiduous
Anystumiad, n. inflesibility
Anystwyth, a. unpliable, stiff
Anystwytho, v. to grow stiff
Anystyniad, n. ineatension
Anystyriaeth, n. inconsiderateness
Anystyrio, v. to be inconsiderate
Anystywallt, a. untoward. Any other word not mentioned here commencing with AN, see AN, then the remaining part of the word.
Ar, n. the faculty of speech: n. surface, ploughed land, prep. on, upon. Ar i fyny, upwards, ar i waered, downwards, pref. gives intensity to the signification of words; as arch in English.
Arab, a. joyous, merry, pleasant
Arabawl, a. yielding, merriness
Arabedd, n. jocundity, drollery
Arabeddu, v. to create mirth
Arabeddus, a. facetious
Arabwr, n. a jester, a buffoon
Arad, n. a plough
Aradiad, n. tillage
Aradol, a. ploughing; arable
Aradu, v. to plough, to till
Aradwr, n. a ploughman
Aradwy, n. ploughing: a. arable
Araeth, n. speech, oration
Araf, a. slow, soft, mild, still
Arafaidd, a. rather slow; gen le
Arafedd, n. slowness
Arafeiddio, v. to slacken pace
Arafu, v. to go slower
Arafwch, n. slowness, mildness
Arall, a. another, other
Arallair, n. a paraphrase
Aralledig, a. diversifled
Aralleg, n. an allegory
Arallegiad, n. an allegorizing
Arallegol, a. allegorical
Arallegu, v. to allegorize
Arallegwr, n. an allegorizer
Aralliad, n. alteration
Arallrwydd, n. alternity
Arallu, v. to alter; to invert
Aramred, n. perambulation
Aran, n. high place, or alp
Araul, a. serene; pleasant
Arbed, n. a sparing, a saying: v. to spare, to save
Arbediad, n. a sparing a saying
Arbedol, a. saving, sparing
Arbedwr, n. a sparer
Arbenig, principal; excellent; peculiar
Arbenigol, a. superior, excelling
Arbenigrwydd, n. supremacy
Arbenog, a. principal, supreme
Arbenol, a. sovereign, supreme
Arberyglu, v. to endanger
Arbetrus, a. very dubious
Arbetruso, v. to doubt much
Arbrinder, n. great scarcity
Arbwyll, n. reason, intellect
Arbwylleb, Arbwylleg, n. logic
Arbylu, v. to blunt greatly
Arch, n. a request, a petition, a demand: n. a trunk, or chest: a. chief, topmost, principal
Archangel, n. archangel
Archdeyrn, n. a monarch
Archdeyrnaeth, n. monarchy
Archdeyrnol, a. monarchial
Archddug, n. an archduke
Archdduges, n. archduchess
Archddugiaeth, n. archdukedom
Archddugol, a. archducal
Archedig, a. demanded, required
Archedigaeth, n. requisition
Archedigol, a. imperative
Archen, n. a shoe, sandal
Archenad, n. apparel, clothing
Archenu, v. to put on shoes
Archesgob, n. archbishop
Archesgobaeth, n. archbishopric
Archesgobawd, n. archiepiscopacy
Archiad, n. a demanding
Archlen, n. the loin, or waist
Archoll, n. a wound, a cut
Archolladwy, a.
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