A Pocket Dictionary - Welsh-English | Page 7

William Richards
Anghydfodol, a. disagreeing
Anghydffurfiad, n. nonconformity
Anghydffurfiol, nonconforming
Anghydgerdd, n. discordance
Anghydnabyddus, unacquainted
Anghydnaws, a. unsocial
Anghydsafedd, n. disagreement
Anghydsail, a. incompatible
Anghydsain, a. discordant
Anghydsyniad, n. incompliance
Anghydsynio, v. to disagree
Anghydsyniol, a. dissentaneous
Anghydweddol, a. inconsistent
Anghydwybod, a. unconscionable
Anghyfaddas, a. inconvenient
Anghyfaddasol, a inconcruous
Anghyfaddasu, v. to render inconvenient
Anghyfaddef, a. unconfessed
Anghyfagos, a. incontiguous
Anghyfamserol, a. unseasonable
Anghyfan, a. incomplete
Anghyfander, n. discontinuity
Anghyfanedd, a. uninhabited
Anghyfanedd-dra, n. desolation
Anghyfaneddol, uninhabitable
Anghyfaneddu, v. to desolate
Anghyfansawdd, n. decomposite
Anghyfansoddi, v. to decompound
Anghyfartal, a. disproportional
Anghyfartaledd, n. disproportion
Anghfartalu, v. to disproportion
Anghyfarwydd, a. unacquainted
Anghyfatebol, a. unanswerable
Anghyfathrach, without kindred
Anghyfeiliorn, a. unerring
Anghyfeillgar, unfriendly
Anghyfeillgarwch, n. unfriendliness
Anghyfeiriad, n. indirectness
Anghyfwrdd, a. incontiguous
Anghyfyrddol, a. unopposing
Anghyfiaith, a. of different language
Anghyfiawn, a. unrighteous
Anghyfiawnder, n. unjustice
Anghyfiawnhaol, a. unjustifying
Anghyfieithu, v. to mistranslate
Anghyfieuad, n. disjunction
Anghyfing, a. unconfined
Anghyflawn, a. uncomplete
Anghyflawnder, n. incompletion
Anghyfle, n. lack of opportunity
Anghyfleu, v. to displace
Anghyfleus, a. inconvenient
Anghyfleusdra, n. inconveniency
Anghyflo, a. not with calf
Anghyfluniad, n. disconformity
Anghyflym, a. not quick
Anghyfnewidiad, immutability
Anghyfnewidiol, a. immutable
Anghyfnewid, a. void of change
Anghyfnod, a. inopportune
Anghyfochrol, a. not parallel
Anghyfodol, a. not rising
Anghyfoed, a. of unequal age
Anghyfoen, a. not big with lamb
Anghyfoes, a. not contemporary
Anghyfraith, n. illegality
Anghyfranol, incommunicative
Anghyfrdro, a. imperfect
Anghyfrdwyth, a. unelagtic
Anghyfredol, a. inconcurrent
Anghyfreidiol, a. unnecessary
Anghyfreithgar, a. unlitigious
Anghyfreithiol, a. illegal
Anghyfreithlawn, a. unlawful
Anghyfreithlondeb, n. unlawfulness
Anghyfraith, a. without semblance
Anghyfrodeddu, v. to untwine
Anghyfroddol, a. uncontributive
Anghyfrwydd, a. unespeditious
Anghyfrwys, a. uncunning
Anghyfryngiad, n. unintervention
Anghyfrysedd, a. unexcessive
Anghyfundod, n. disagreement
Anghyfundeb, n. disunion
Anghyfuwch, unequal in height
Anghyfwedd, a. incompatible
Anghyfwerth, a. unequivalent
Anghyfwng, a. void of space
Anghyfystyr, a. of different import
Anghyffelyb, a. dissimilar
Anghyffelybrwydd, n. dissimilarity
Anghyffred, a. uncomprehended
Anghyffredin, a. uncommon
Anghyffroad, n. want of motion
Anghyhoedd, a. not public
Anghyhuddol, a. unnaccused
Anghyhyd, a. unequable
Anghyhyrol, a. unmusculous
Anghymal, a. jointless
Anghymath, a. dissimilar
Anghymdeithasol, a. unsociable
Anghymedrol, a. immoderate
Anghymeradwy, a. unacceptable
Anghymeradwyaeth, n. unacceptableness
Anghymeriad, n. inacceptation
Anghymesur, a. unproportioned
Anghymar, a. matchless
Anghymariaeth, n. disparity
Anghymelliad, n. incompulsion
Anghymen, a. inelegant
Anghymbleth, a. uncomplicated
Anghymhwys, a. unqualified; improper
Anghymhwysder, n. unfitness
Anghymodiad, n. disagreeing
Anghymodlonedd, n. irrasibility
Anghymwl, a. cloudless
Anghymwynas, n. unkindness
Anghymydogol, a. unneighbourly
Anghymyn, a. intestate
Anghymysg, a. unmingled
Anghyndyn, a inobstinate
Anghynes, a. not warm; uncheerful
Anghynyrfol, a. undisturbing
Anghynnar, a. not early; unforward
Anghynnefin, a. unusual
Anghynnefod, a. uncustomary
Anghynneuol, a. uncontending
Anghynnil, a. unfrugal
Anghynniweiriol, a. unfrequenting
Anghynnrychol, a. not present
Anghynnull, a. uncollective
Anghynnwys, n. incontinence
Anghynyrch, a. void of increase
Anghynnysgaeth, a. unendowed
Anghynghanedd, inconsonancy
Anghyrbwyll, a. without a hint
Anghyrchedig, a. unapproached
Anghyrchol, a. unrecurrent
Anghyrhaeddiad, n. non-attainment
Anghysain, a. dissonant
Anghysbell, a. not adjoining
Anghystadledd, n. disproportion
Anghystal, a. unequivalent
Anghysefin, a. unprimitive
Anghysgodi, v. to unshelter
Anghyson, a. discordant
Anghysondeb, n. disagreement
Anghystlynol, a. unallied
Anghystuddiol, a. unafflicting
Anghystwyol, a. unchastising
Anghysur, a. comfortless
Anghysurus, a. disconsolate
Anghysylltiad, n. disjunction
Anghyttal, a. without contribution
Anghytoni, v. to discord
Anghyttras, a. void of kindred
Anghyttundeb, n. disagreement
Anghyttuniad, a. inconcurrence
Anghyttuno, v. to disagree
Anghythruddol, unperturbated
Anghywair, a. innaccurate; discordant
Anghyweithas, a. untoward
Anghywerth, a. unequivalent
Anghywilydd, a. shameless
Anghywilydd-dra, n. impudence
Anghywir, inaccurate; faithless
Anghywirdeb, n. inaccuracy
Anghywlad, n. an absentee
Anghywraint, a. unskilful
Anghywreinrwydd, n. unskilfness
Angladd, n. a burial, a funeral
Anglawdd, n. a cemetry
Anglef, n. a hollow noise
Angor, n. an anchor
Angordreth, n. anchorage duty
Angoredig, a. anchored
Angori, v. to anchor
Angoriad, n. an anchoring
Angraddol, a. ungraduated
Angraifft, n. correction; example
Angreddfol, a. degenerative
Angreiddiol, a. unscorching
Angylaidd, a. angelical
Angyles, n. a female angel
Angyliaeth, n. angelic state
Anhad, a. fretful; seedless
Anhaeddiant, n. demerit
Anhaeddol, a. undeserving
Anhael, a. illiberal; mean
Anhaelioni, n. illiberality
Anhaerllugrwydd, n. unfrowardness
Anhalogrwydd, n. undefiledness
Anhallt, a. unsaline, unsalted
Anhanesol, a. unhistorical
Anhanfod, a. non-existent
Anhap, n. mischance, mishap
Anhapus, unfortunate, unhappy
Anhardd, a. unseemly indecent
Anhatru, v. to disarray
Anhawdd, a. uneasy: difficult
Anhawddgar, a. unamiable
Anhawl, n. nonsuit
Anhawsder, n. difficulty
Anhebgor, n. indispensableness
Anheddychol, a. unpacificatory
Anheddychlawn, a. unpeaceful
Anheinyf, not nimble; sluggish
Anhelaeth, a. inextensive
Anheulog, a. not sunny; obscure
Anhidlaid, a. unstrained
Anhiliog, a. destitute of progeny
Anhocedus, a. undeceitful
Anhoddiad, n. indefeasibility
Anhoenus, a. unlively; sluggish
Anhoff, unamiable; undesirable
Anholiadol, a. uninterrogaton
Anholltog, a. uncleft, unsplit
Anhonedig, a. unasserted
Anhoriant, n. want of indulgence
Anhoywder, n. unsprightliness
Anhualu, v. to unfetter
Anhudoliaeth, n. unallurement
Anhuddol, a. unobscured
Anhulio, v. to direst of covering
Anhunanedd, disinterestedness
Anhunedd, n. sleeplessness
Anhwyl, n. indisposition
Anhwylio, v. to distract
Anhwylus, a. out of order
Anhwylusdod, n. obstruction
Anhy, a. not bold, bashful
Anhyalledd, n. impossibility
Anhyar, a. not easily ploughed
Anhyawdledd, n. ineloquency
Anhyballedd, n. infallibility
Anhybarch, unworthy of respect
Anhybarthedd, n. indivisibility
Anhyblygrwydd, n. inflexibility
Anhybwylledd, n. imprudence
Anhydawdd, a. undissolvable
Anhyder, n. distrust
Anhyderus, a. distrustful
Anhydor, a. infrangable
Anhydraeth, a. unuterable
Anhydraidd, a. impenetrable
Anhydraigl, a. undeclinable
Anhydraul, a. indigestible
Anhydrefn, not easily arranged
Anhydrig, a. uninhabitable
Anhydrinedd, n. untractability
Anhydro, a. unconvertible
Anhydwyll, a. undeceivable
Anhydyn, a. obstinate
Anhydynrwydd, n. untractableness
Anhyddadledd, indisputability
Anhyfder, a. inesperienced
Anhyfedrwydd, n. unskilfulness
Anhyfryd, a. unpleasant
Anhyffordd, a. impassable
Anhyfrwyn, a. not easily bridled
Anhygael, a. unattainable
Anhygall, a. not apt to be wary
Anhygar, a. unamiable
Anhygas, a. not execrable, inobnoxious
Anhyglod, a. disreputable
Anhyglud, a. not easy to carry
Anhyglyw, a. inaudible
Anhygoel, a. incredible
Anhygof, a. immemorable
Anhygoll, a. inadmissable
Anhygosp, a. incorrigible
Anhygred, a. incredible
Anhygryn, a. not apt to tremble
Anhygudd, a. not easily hidden
Anhygwymp, a. unapt to fall
Anhygwyn, a. unapt to complain
Anhygyrch, a. unfreguented
Anhyladd, a. not easily cut off
Anhylanw, a. unsatiable
Anhylaw, a. unhandy, inexpert
Anhyled, a. inexpansible
Anhylosg, a. incombustible
Anhynaws, a. inaffable; untoward
Anhynod, a unnotable
Anhysbys, a. not manifest
Anhysbysrwydd, n. uncertainty
Anhysbydd, a. exhaustless
Anhywaith, a. untractable
Anial, n. a desert: a. uncleared
Anialog, a. desert, savage
Anialfan, n. a savage scene
Anialu, v. to desolate
Anialwch, n. a wilderness
Anian, n. a nature; instinct
Anianawd, n. temperament
Aniander, n. naturalness
Aniandduwiaeth, n. physic-theology
Anianddysg, n. physiology
Anianol, a. natural
Anianolder, n. natural right
Anianydd, n. naturalist
Anianyddiaeth, n. physics
Anianyddol, a. physiological
Anifeilaidd, a. brutish, brutal
Anifeileidd-dra, n. brutality
Anifeileiddio, v. to imbrute
Anifeilhau, v. to brutalize
Anifeilig, a. brutal, beastial
Anifel, n. animal
Anlanwaith, a. uncleanly
Anlanweithdra, n. uncleanlinegs
Anlew, a. not brave; not clever
Anlewder, n. uncourageousness
Anlewdid, n. dastardliness
Anloyw, a. not bright, not lucid
Anllad, a. wanton, lascivious
Anlladaidd, a. apt to be wanton
Anlladedd, n. wantonness
Anlladfab, n. a wanton man
Anlladferch, n. a wanton woman
Anlladu, v. to grow wanton
Anllariaidd, a. ungentle
Anllathraidd, a. unresplendent
Anllathrudd, a. void of fornication
Anllesol, a. disadvantageous
Anllettygar, a. inhospitable
Anlliosog, a.
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