A Pocket Dictionary - Welsh-English | Page 6

William Richards
sundry, divers, various
Amrywaith, n. variegated work
Amrywedd, a. of various aspects
Amrywellt, n. variety of grass
Amrywiad, n. diversification
Amrywiaeth, n. variety
Amrywiaethu, v. to diversify
Amrywiaeth, n. a dialect
Amrywiedig, a. diversified
Amrywio, v. diversify
Amrywiog, a. various
Amrywiogaeth, n. intermixture
Amrywiol, a. miscelaneous
Amsang, n. a treading about
Amsathr, n. a trembling about
Amsathru, v. to tread about
Amseinio, v. to reverberate
Amser, n. season; time: a. timely
Amserol, a. timely, seasonable
Amseroldeb, n. seasonableness
Amseru, v. to time, to fix a time
Amwasgu, v. to compress
Amwe, n. a selvage
Amwedd, n. style; conformity
Amweddu, v. to make conformable
Amwel, circumspect, wary
Amweled, v. to be circumspect
Amwes, n. enjoyment
Amwisg, n. a covering
Amwisgo, v. to shroud, to inwrap
Amwiw, a. exellent every way
Amwniad, n. a stiching all reund
Amwnio, v. to stitch round
Amwresygu, v. to begirt
Amwys, a. equivocal: witty
Amwysiad, n. a punning
Amwyth, n. wrath; ferocity
Amyd, n. mixt corn
Amygiad, n. giving refuge
Amyn, conj. except; unless; but
Amynedd, n. patience
Amyneddgar, a. patient, forbearing
Amyneddgarwch, n. forbearance
Amyneddus, patient
Amyriad, n. an intermeddling
Amyru, v. io intermeddle
Amysgar, n. bowels, entrails
An, n. an element, principle, privative particle equal to UN
Anad, a. peculiar, especial
Anndl, n. the breath
Anadlfvr, a. short breathed
Anadliad, n. breath, respiration
Anadlog, a. breathing
Anadlu, v. to breath
Anadlyn, n. m. a single breath
Anadnabyddiaeth, n. want of acquaintance
Anadnabyddus, a. unfcnown
Anaddas, a. improper, unmeet
Anaddasiad, n. disqualification
Anaddasu, v. to disqualify
Anaddfed, a. unripe
Anaddurno, v. to disarray
Anaele, a. awful, terrific
Anaf, n. m. a wound, blemish
Anafaelgar, a. void of hold
Anafiad, n. m. blemish
Anafod, n. sore, ailment
Anafu, v. to maim or hurt
Anafus, a. blemished
Anagweddiad, n. disfiguring
Anagweddus, a. unseemly
Anair, n. infamy, ill report
Analwedig, a. uncalled
Anallu, n. inability
Analluoedd, n. impotency
Analluogi, a. to disenable
Analluog, a. unable
Analluogrwydd, n. impotence
Anamgyffred, n. incomprehsion; a. inconceiveable
Anamgyffredol, a. inconceivable
Anaml, a. rare, infrequent
Anaml, n. scarcity, fewness
Anamlwg, a. indistinct
Anamlygawl, a. unmanifesting
Anamlygiad, n. indistinction
Anamyneddgar, a. impatient
Anamyneddrwydd, n. impatience
Anamryfused, n. unerringness
Anamserol, a. untimely
Anamseru, v. to render untimely
Ananwyl, a. unendearing
Ananghofus, a. unforgetting
Anaradwy, a. unarable
Anarlliad, n. inalienation
Anaraul, a. not calm, ruffled
Anarbed, a. unsparing
Anarbedrwydd, unsparingness
Anarcholladwy, a. invulnerable
Anardymmer, a. indisposition
Anarferol, a. unaccustomed
Anarferu, v. to disuse
Anarfog, a. unarmed
Anarwyddocad, n. insignificance
Anattaliadwy, a. unrestrainable
Anattebol, a. unanswerable
Anchwiliadwy, a. unsearchable
Andras, n. an enemy; Satan
Andwyo, v. to ruin; to disorder
Andwyol, a. ruining
Aneang, unspacious, unample
Anebrwydd, a. not quick
Anedifarus, a. unrelenting
Anedifeiriol, a. impenitent
Anedifeirwch, n. impenitence
Anedmygedd, n. irreverence
Aneffeithiol, a. ineffectual
Aneffeithioldeb, n. inefficacy
Aneglur, a. not clear, indistinct
Aneglurdeb, n. indistinctness
Anegwan, a. potent, unfeeble,
Aneiddil, a. unslender
Aneirif, a. innumerable
Aneirifedd, n. innumerableness
Anelwig, n. shapeless
Anennill, a. without gain
Anenwog, a. unrenowned
Anenwogi, v. to make ignoble
Anenwogrwydd, n. ignobleness
Anerch, n. a salute, a greeting; v. to salute, to greet
Anerchiad, n. a salutation
Anerchol, a. gratulatory
Anerchwr, n. complimenter
Anermygawl, a. inorganical
Anesgariad, n. inseperability
Anesgor, a. without deliverance
Anesgud, a. not quick, slow
Anesmwyth, a. uneasy, painful
Anesmwythder, n. uneasiness
Aneamwytho, v. to make uneasy
Anewyllysgarwch, n. unwillingness
Anfad, a. naughty
Anfadu, v. to become naughty
Anfadrwydd, n. impiousness
Anfaddeuant, n. unforgiveness
Anfalch, a. humble
Anfanwl, a. inaccurate
Anfanylrwydd, n. inacuracy
Anfarwol, a. immortal
Anfarwoldeb, n. immortality
Anfas, a. not shallow; deep
Anfawl, v. void of praise
Anfedrus, a. unskilful, bungling
Anfedrusedd, n. unskilfulness
Anfedrusrwydd, n. unskilfulness
Anfeddygol, a. incurable
Anfeddylgar, a. incogitative
Anfeidredd, n. infinity
Anfeidrol, a. infinite; immense
Anfelus, a. not sweet; insipid
Anfelusder, n. lack of sweetness
Anferth, a. without beauty
Anferthedd, n. unsightliness
Anfesurol, a immeasureable
Anfethiant, n. infalability
Anfodd, n. displeasure
Anfoddgar, a. displeasing
Anfoddhad, n. a displeasing
Anfoddhau, v. to displease
Anfoddiad, n. idisobliging
Anfoddio, v. to displease
Anfoddlawn, a. discontented
Anfoddlondeb, n. discontentedness
Anfoddloni, v. to discontent
Anfoddog, a. dissatisfied, implacable
Anfoddogrwydd, n. implacableness
Anfoddogi, v. to discontent
Anfoes, n. immorality, rudeness
Anfoesgar, a. unmannerly
Anfoesol, a. immoral
Anfoesoldeb, n. immorality
Anfoethus, a. not dainty
Anfon, a. sending; v. to send
Anfonadwy, a. that may be sent
Anfonedd, a. without nobility
Anfoneddig, a. ungenteel
Anfoneddigaidd, a. ungentle
Anfoniad, n. a mission
Anfonol, a. missive; missionary
Anfri, a. disrespect, disesteem
Anfucheddol, a. of ill habit
Anfudd, a. lack of profit
Anfuddiol, a. unprofitable
Anfwyn, a. unkind, uncivil
Anfwynhau, v. to cease enjoying
Anfwynder, n. unkindness
Anfyfyrdod, n. unstudiousness
Anfyfyriol, a. inconsiderate
Anfynegol, a. undeclared
Anfynych, a. unfrequent, seldom
Anfywiog, a. inactive
Anfywiogrwydd, n. inanimation
Anffawd, n. misfortune
Anffel, a. not cunning, unwily
Anffodiog, a. unfortunate
Anffodrwydd, n. miscarriage
Anffrwynol, a. unbridled
Anffrwythlawn, a. unfruitful
Anffurfiol, a. deformed
Anffyddlawn, a. unfaithful
Anffyddlondeb, n. unfaithfulness
Anffyniant, n. improsperity
Angad, n. grasp of the hand
Angar, n. receptacle of heat
Angau, n. death
Angawl, a. capacious
Angder, n. capaciousness
Angel, n. an angel
Angell, n. a pinion; an arm
Angen, n. necessity; need; fate or destiny
Angerdd, n. hot steam; heat; strength, force
Angerddol, a. vehement; intense
Angerddoldeb, n. vehemency
Angeuo, v. to render deadly
Angeuol, a. deadly; mortal
Angeuoldeb, n. martality
Anghadarn, a. unpowerful
Anghaead, a. unshut
Anghaeriad, n. a dismantling
Anghaeth, a. unconfined
Anghaffaeliad, n. non-attainment
Anghaledu, to make inobduratt
Anghaloni, v. to dishearten
Anghall, a. indiscreet
Anghallineb, n. indiscreaon
Anghar, n. unloveliness
Anghariad, n. disaffection
Anghariadus, a. unamiable
Angharu, v. to cease to love
Angharuaidd, a. unlovely
Anghefnogi, v. to discourage
Angheinder, n. inaccuracy
Anghel, a. uncovered; unveiled
Angheledig, a. unconceiled
Anghelfydd, a. unskilful
Anghelfyddyd, n. unskilfulness
Anghelu, v. to reveal
Anghen, n. a destitude state
Anghenfil, n. a monster
Angheniad, n. necessitating
Angheniatau, v. to disallow
Anghenus, a. necessitious
Anghenoctyd, n. necessitude
Angenrhaid, n. necessity
Anghladd, a. uninterred
Anghlaer, a. not bright; not clear
Anghlod, n. dishonour; dispraise
Anghlodfawr, a. dishonourable
Anghlyd, a. uncomfortable
Anghoel, n. disbelief
Anghoelgar, a. disbelieving
Anghoelio, v. to disbelieve
Anghoeth, a. impure
Anghof, n. forgetfulness
Anghofio, v. to forget
Anghofus, a. forgetful, oblivious
Anghorffol, a. incorporeal
Anghosp, a. without punishment
Anghraff, a. void of sharpness
Anghraifft, n. a pattern
Anghred, n. unbelief
Anghredadwy, a. incredible
Anghredadyn, n. an infidel
Anghrediniaeth, n. unbelief
Anghrediniol, n. incredulous
Anghredu, v. to disbelieve
Anghrefydd, n. impiety
Anghrefyddol, a. irreligious
Anghrist, n. antichrist
Anghroesaw, n. inhospitability
Anghroesawgar, a. inhospitable
Anghroesawu, v. to treat inhospitably
Anghroyw, a. inarticulate
Angrhwn, a. not round
Anghryno, a. incompact
Anghrynodeb, n. incompactness
Anghudd, a. unobscured
Anghwaneg, a. additional
Anghwanegiad, n. augmentation
Anghwanegol, a. augmentative
Anghwanegu, v. to augment
Anghybyddlyd, a. uncovetious
Anghydbwys, a. not equipollent
Anghydfod, n.
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