A Minniature ov Inglish Orthoggraphy | Page 7

James Elphinston
and _Rhodes_; rhomb, rhumb, rheum, and rhubarb.
Dhe Rhine brought _Rhenish_; az rhythmus rhythm, rhyme and
_rhime_; til at length harmonious rezon introduced rime, boath into'

French and Inglish; hwence dhe regennerated Rine, pouring purified
Rennish, rouzed dhe rappid Rone to' rezistles emmulacion; brought
Roda to' Rodes, and rubarb to' reumatism. Dhe verry rinosceros
disdains now alike to' ruffen hiz horn widh adscitiscious snorting, and
to' stifel even hiz moddern sibbilacion.
Hwen dhe guttural aspirate lost dhe aspiracion, dhe simpel guttural
alone cood remain: az in Caron, Kiron, Akilles, Cloe, _Cronus_; widh
carracter, corus, and coral, stil quite clear ov _corral_: wonce seen,
because wonce herd, Charon, Chiron, Achilles, Chloe, Chronus,
character, chorus, and choral.
* * * * *
Among medial idellers, hiddherto', not onely suffered, but sanccioned,
even after parental ejeccion, ar[3] dhe s ov _isle_; l ov fault and vault, p
ov receipt, b ov debt and _doubt; c_ ov perfect and _verdict_[3]; here
at last fairly seen ile, faut, vaut, receit, det, dout, perfet, verdit. Alike
idel iz dhe raddical g ov feign and deign, for fein and _dain_; and,
werse (if possibel) dhan idel, dhe
g ov foreign and sovereign, for
forrain and sovverain, from forain and _souverain_; az dheze from
foraneus and supraneus.
* * * * *
How manny final fantoms, in articculating shape, must Truiths torch
beam away! how manny dubblers ov a singuel clozer, espescially l, f, s,
and c! az ill, off, ass, _back_; so err, inn, ebb, add, odd, _egg_: really
no more, nor capabel ov being more, dhan il, of, as, _bac_; er, in, eb,
ad, od, eg. Shall, for shal, doz addiscional mischief, by inviting
ignorance to' brauden dhe vowel.
* * * * *

Our misrepprezented consonants seem reducibel to' dheze. 1. Licquid
for licquid: l for r, in dhe French colonel for dhe Inglish _curnel_; n for
m, in dhe unutterabel Banff, for dhe good town ov Bamf. Here too may
enter for explozion, dhe n ov dhe indeffinite artikel, hweddher before a
licquefaccion or an aspiracion; nedher ov hwich iz a vowel: so can we
no more say an unicorn dhan an horse, for a unicorn or a horse. 2.
Direct for depressive; f for v, in of for _ov_; s for z, in as, has, was, is,
_his_; for az, haz, waz, iz, _hiz_: in dhe verbs, house, use, peruse,
abuse, excuse, amuse, like muse, noun or verb; chuse or choose, widh
dhe dubbly fallacious lose and _vase_: for houz (like _brouz_), uze,
peruze, abuze, excuze, amuze, muze, chuze or
chooz, looz, and vauz.
Dhe verbs dhus, duly sevvered from dhe nouns, lead to' distinguish dhe
verb refuze from dhe adjective refuse, az wel az from dhe substantive
reffuse. Profuze and profuse, diffuze and diffuse, ar simmilarly
distinguishabel. Az we saw s play dubbel z in visit and vision, for vizzit
and _vizzion_; so see we dubbel s for z in dhe middel, and for won s in
dhe end ov possess, for _pozes_; hwich hwile oppozite stres secures to'
dhe ear from dhe formative ov poze, az cares from dhat ov care, dhe
context may wel guide dhe eye ov attension to' dhe undouted meaning.
No wonder if dhe direct figgure ov dhe sibbilant frenchly rose, and
occasionally rises, for dhe depressive reallity; s for z in rose and rises,
occasionally between vowels; for occazionally roze and _rizes_; nay
for dhe dubbel depressive in risen, for rizzen. Dhis rivals indeed
Stephen for Steven, and even nephew for nevvew. If Stephanus
pretended to' pattronize dhe won, neveu (not _nepos_) must command
dhe oddher.
But dhe French acaddemy, so exemplary in evvery exhibiscion ov its
language, set nohwere so fatal or so followed an exampel, az in
pretending to' conjure ti into' si before a vowel: a combinacion indeed!
hwich Inglish picturage ventured onely to' constitute, raddher substitute,
a sibbilant aspirate; dhe same groop condition prezenting in won
picturage _condicion_; and dhence in dhe oddher condiscion
. Yet
French led not Inglish into' dhe dissolucion ov x into' ct, in flexion,

_reflexion_; hwich dhe former nevver violated into' flection, reflection,
or dhe like.
* * * * *
Innocent howevver wer oddher tungs ov mispainting, az ov
mispronouncing dhe dental aspirate; hwich not attempting to'
substanciate even direct, far les depressive, dhey aught not, at least
need not, to' paint at all: az dhe French Tomas, if les like hiz parent
dhan Thomas, wood be so much liker himself; hwile Tommas alone can
tel Inglish truith.
But dhat Tommas, dho a gennerous confessor ov conviccion, iz not dhe
alone Brittish truith-teller; dhat he iz rivalled
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