A Minniature ov Inglish Orthoggraphy | Page 6

James Elphinston
doutles, for som simmilarly
cogent rezon, doz kind a continnue to' gard dhe same shut vowel! in
realm, earl, _pearl_; earn, _learn_; early, _earnest_; earth, dearth,
hearth, heard, hearse, rehearse, searce, search, threat, deaf, dead,
head, bread, tread, dread, thread, stead, lead, _read_; ready, steady,
heady, _meadow_; zealous, jealous, weapon, leaven, heaven,
_endeavour_; pleasure, measure, treasure, leasure or leisure! for helth,
welth, _stelth_; relm, erl, _perl_; ern, _lern_; erly, _ernest_; erth, derth,
herth, herd, herse, reherse, serce, _serch_; thret, def, ded, hed, bred,
tred, dred, thred, sted, led, _red_; reddy, steddy, heddy, _meddow_;
zellous, _jellous_; weppon, levven, hevven, endevvor, plezzure, mezzure,
trezzure, lezzure.
How (alas!) wil BRITTISH LIBBERTY moarn her novvel chains,
hwen she must not onely speak az she thinks, but write as she speaks;
hwen rove, lov, and moov
, can chime no more togueddher; hwen lead
and led, read and red, live and liv, tear and tair, ar found oppozite, az
East and _West_; nay, az open and shut vowels!
* * * * *
No les embarrassing iz dhe redundance ov impracticabel articulacion,
iniscial, medial, or final, (in dhe beguinning, middel, or end, ov words:)

dhe first indeed chiefly in forrain names, titels, or terms, hware a
consonant, uncombinabel (mediately or immediately) widh a vowel,
remains a ded rellic: az dhe c ov czar (dho contracted from _Cezar_),
dhe p ov Ptollemy (mere _Tollemy_), or ptisic (for _tizzic_), dhe b ov
bdellium, herd onely _dellium_; and even dhe p ov psalm, herd but
sahm, dho dhe l be stil audibel in psalmist and psalmody, all effective
beside dhe labial (_p_).
* * * * *
But no exampel can warrant dhe aspiring ideller, dhat pretends to' lead
heir, heritage, heritable, _heritor_; herb, herbage, _herbalist_; honour,
honorary, _honourable_; and even dhe humble humour ov dhe _passing
hour_; insted ov eir, erritage, erritabel, _erritor_; erb, erbage,
_erbalist_; onnor, onnorary, _onnorabel_; widh dhe umbel umor ov
dhe prezzent _our_; hwich doutles can alone be called our our. Yet
aspiracion cannot be denied to' inherrit, inherritance, inherritor,
* * * * *
Dhe consonants dhat subjoin aspiracion (_h_), ar dhe labial, dental,
lingual, and guttural; or dhe articculants from dhe lips, teeth, tung, and
throat: p, t, s, and _k_; by dhe Lattins turned into _c_: az in
Philadelphus and Philadelphia, Thales and Thalia, Sharon and
Charon and Chilo, hoom dhe Inglish, havving smoodhed away dhe
aspiracion, ar fain to' call Caron and Kilo.
Aincient organs, howevver, dubbelled occazionally dhe guttural, az wel
az dhe labial aspirate; dooing equal justice to' Bacchus and to'
_Sappho_: moddern also, (peculiarly the Inglish,) dhe oddher two'; dhe
simpel always sufficing to' dubbel dhe aspirate. New dialects softening,
lost dhe guttural aspirate; til dhe Spannish probbably recovvered it

from dhe Morish. The Itallian and Spannish, and from dhem dhe
Inglish, endevvored to' make up dhe los, by prefixing dhe simpel dental
to' dhe lingual or sibbilant aspirate, hwich dhe Gallic ear preferred
widhout dhe dental; preferring dherfor dhe vertual sh and zh to' tsh and
dzh. Inglish organs loozing, like French, dhe guttural aspirate, edher
dropt dhe aspiracion, az in carracter and kemmist or _kymmist_; from
character and chemist or _chymist_; or turned dhe hoal ruf guttural
into' dhe smoodh labial aspirate. So softening cough, hough, trough,
through, _though_; rough, tough, slough, chough, widh dhe proppers
Hough, Brough, and _Loughborough_; into' cof, hof, _trof_; throo or
_thro'_, and _dho_: ruf, tuf, sluf, _chuf_; Huf, Bruf, and Lufburrough or
Lufburrow. But Gough perhaps Orrigin recalled into' Goffe or _Gof_;
hwile Lough became Inglishly Luf, and dhe guttural graddually melted
in burrow, ov hwatevver kind.
Aincient ellocucion depressed no aspirate; sattisfied widh ph or f, th, sh,
and kh or _ch_; widhout bh or v, dh, zh or gh. Dhe labial aspirate
gennerated dhe Eollic digamma F (howevver turned), hwich by and by
gave birth to' dhe Lattin V. If primmitive tungs gain dhus at length won
depressive aspirate; succeding expression, particcularly dhe Inglish,
came to' dubbel dhe depressive v
az wel az dhe direct ph or f. French
articculacion havving no more occazion for such dubbling dhan her
parent Lattin, dhe Inglish acute or sharp accent askt it evvery moment;
but seing no prescedent in oddher picturage, forbore to' exhibbit it,
even until dhe prezzent our, dhat Inglish anallogy, matured at last,
rezolved to' be seen, az wel az _herd_; to' reggulate practice by theory,
and realize theory in practice.
* * * * *
Som Greeks, followed by som Lattins, fancied to' ad rufnes to' dhe
licquid R, or to' paint its innate rufnes more foarcibly, by subjoining
aspiracion. Hence rushed dhe Rhine and dhe Rhone, dhe Rhemi and
Rheims, Rhoda
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