A Minniature ov Inglish Orthoggraphy | Page 5

James Elphinston
physic, visit, and vision, a dubbel

depressive; in dhe real phyzzic, vizzit, and _vizzion_; but work equal
wonders, in polysyllables ov anny extension; pretending, in dhe verry
name, to' paint pollysyllabels. And dhus dhe trokees grow innumerabel,
dhat shut and sharpen, shortening dhe former vowel; hwich dhey hav
hiddherto' pretended to' exhibbit slowly and smoodhly open: so leving
singuel dhe intermediate articulacion, hwich must be audibly dubbel,
(must shut az wel az articculate,) and continnue dhe equal
impossibillity, ov reading and writing our language.
For, hwen our diccion attains, like oddhers, dhe happy habbit ov
appearing hwat it iz; alternate strength and febelnes must prezent
mallice and maliscious, sollemn and solemnity, morral and morallity,
mannor and manorial, limmit and limmitacion, habbit and habittual,
spirrit, spirritual, and spirrituallity. So evvery consequencial,
hweddher ov trocaic or dactyllian stres: orrigin, oridginal, oridginality,
or originallity, reallity, quallity, equallity, verrity, verrily, ennemy,
ammity, appathy, _probbity_; so, widh propphet, propphesy, and
_propphecy_; but, by penultimate or antepenultimate ennergy, (dhe
stres on last but won, or last but two',) prophettic, or _prophettical_:
widh philossophy, philossopher, and _philosopphic_; widh avvarice,
_avvariscious_; lodgic, _logiscian_;
phyzzic, _phyziscian_; immage,
_imadgine_; madjesty, majestic. Az alliment, _saccrament_; az orrifice,
saccrifice, and orrator, widhout violacion ov aught sacred, or chainge
ov oracion.
* * * * *
Oracion indeed iz dhus kept sacred az _orrator_: for t cood nevver
sibbilate (or play _s_) in orthoggraphy, aincient or moddern; nor a
dubbel articulacion pretend to' look singuel, more dhan a singuel a
dubbel won. Dhe dactyl orthodox admits littel chainge in dhe dubbel
trokee _orthodoxy_; like mellancolly, vulgarly _melancholy_: but
orthoggraphy and orthograpphical ar, widh equal harmony, subject to'
antepenultimate power. Like Propriety dherfor inserts dhe shutter we
hear, in dhe duplication, az ov evvery simpel, so ov evvery aspirate,
duly dubbled by dhe simpel insertive. Dhus p dubbels ph, and even f,

_f_; in propphet, and proffit. But, az ph became _f_; so bh, universally
v, nescessarily dubbelled in provverb. Az s or z dubbels dhe soft
sibbilant aspirate, (sh or _zh_) in prescious, decizzion, t or d,
respectively, dubbled dhat dhey rendered equal to' tsh or _dzh_: az
tutching dhe madjesty ov relidgion.
But dhe Inglish tung, (raddher teeth,) enjoying dhe dental aspirate,
direct and depressive (th and _dh_), beyond perhaps anny oddher
language, aincient or moddern; can no longuer be denied dhe
appearance, hware it so peculiarly pozesses dhe reallity, ov dubbling az
wel az depressing its power. No more dhen can be confounded dhe
aspirates ov oath, _oadhs_; ov bath, badhs, and _badhe_; ov Otho and
oddher, Clotho and clodhier, dhis thing and _dhat thing_; dheze things
and _dhoze things_: misaspiracion wil no more embarras, dhan
misarraingement, Dhe Theater.
* * * * *
If defiscience ov symbols hav been so ezily and so amply exampelled; a
ballance may be proffered in _redundance_; ov consonants, no les dhan
ov serviles. Hwen evvery mute minnister waz supplied to' vocallity;
dhe hardening gard ov g, at least, shood not hav been forgotten. If i waz
indispensabel in aingel and _dainger, u_ iz az recquizite in anguel and
anguer, az in guerdon. Guet and guiv demand dhe (_u_) hardener, az
boldly az gues and guilt. So redundance alreddy recalls, in order to'
explode, guess and _give!_ Widh dhis not onely seeing (for _seing_)
and dhe like; but dhe falsifying final ov
are, _were_; awe, _owe_; some,
_come_; above, dove, love, _glove_; throve, drove, shrove, shove,
_hove_; for ar, _wer_; aw, _ow_; som, _com_; abov, dov, lov, _glov_;
throv, drov, shrov, shov, _hov_: hwere o for u guivs to' the ear, sum
distinctive, widh cum, abuv, and dhe rest.
Superfluous, dhence obstructive, (distractive indeed!) dhe i ov either,
_neither_; heifer and _friend_; dhe o ov people and _yeoman_; leopard
and _jeopard_; dhe u ov eulogy, az ov _eulogium_; ov conduit,
vertually _cundit_: a, obviously useles, after an oddherwize open

vowel, in season, reason, treason, treacle, _creature_; in eave, heave,
weave, leave, cleave, reave, _greave_; cease, lease, crease, _grease_;
teaze, ease, _please_; like dhe e final to' sieve, grieve, relieve,
_receive;_ dhe second e in sleeve, geese, fleece, freeze, breeze, squeeze,
_cheese_: for edher, _nedher_; heffer, _frend_; pepel and yeman,
leppard, and _jeppard_; ellogy, az _elogium_; widh _condit_: so sezon,
rezon, trezon, trekel, _creture_; eve, heve, weve, leve, cleve, reve,
_greve_; cese, lese, crese, _grese_; teze, eze, _pleze_: siev, griev
, reliev,
_receiv_; sleve, guese, flece, freze, breze, squeze, cheze. But, like dhe i
ov heifer and friend, dhe o ov leopard and _jeopard_; dhe u ov
_eulogy_; iz dhe a ov _leap_-year and ov _neap_-tide; for _lep_-year
and _nep_-tide; nay, shamefoolly, like dhe superfluity in all dheze, haz
dhe a hiddherto' remained in health, wealth, and _stealth_; becauz it stil
iz nescessary in heal, weal, and steal! and
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