A Minniature ov Inglish Orthoggraphy | Page 4

James Elphinston
cozzen az dozzen, no more dozen! jurney, _jurnal_;
sodjurn, adjurn, widh _tutch_; tuf and _ruf_: not to' reprezent dhe so
duly exploded, az authour, succour
, superiour for author, succor,
_superior_; hweddher agent, accion, or adjective.
* * * * *
Az vocallity must often depend on articulacion; consonants, like
vowels, must nedher be too manny, too few, nor oddher dhan
dhemselvs. If sounds open must not seem shut, sounds shut must not
appear open. No servile can attend a shut vowel; hwich, on dhe
contrary, must show dhe consonant dhat shuts it. Hwen a consonant
concludes dhe syllabel, after an open vowel; a servile must gard dhe
vowel from dhe consonant, hwich else wood shut it. A shut vowel dhen
must show dhe shutter, or be left apparently open.
Dhe first vowel (_a_), slender or braud, may doutles be more or les so,
by dhe prezzence or absence ov dhe stres, or vocal exercion. A slender,
self or substitute, iz open az garded, in fain, fein, and _fane_; wail, and
_wale_; open az unshut, in paper, favor, braver, bravest, braving,
_braved_: so in fainer, _feiner_; az wel az faining, _feined_; wailing,

_wailed_; waling, _waled_; articculated _pa-per_, _fa-vor_, _bra-ver_,
_bra-vest_; _fai-ner_, _fei-ner_, and so on: for a singuel consonant,
natturally (dhence nescessarily) _articculates dhe following, not dhe
preceding vowel_. A, slender, iz shut in fan, _fanning_; and the like.
_A braud (au)_ haz its own distinctive servile in faun and fawn, in all
and awl, ball and bawl. Dho l remain dhe servile in balling, az wel az
dhe w in _bawling_; it iz no servile, but dhe effective shutter, in ballot,
_bal-lot_, or dhe like.
A braud, shut, plays its own part, hwen articculated by w or qu
(vertually cw,) in dhe propper Waller, az in wallet or _quallity_; in war,
_quarrel_; wart, _quart_; wan, want, quantity, and such. A braud, shut,
not so articculated, substitutes o shut: dhus dhe o ov cord iz perfetly
coincident, or unison, widh dhe a in ward. Hware a performs its own
braud-shut part, o becoms dhe substitute ov u shut, az in _won word_;
quoth and quod.
E iz dhus open in mean and mien, tiend and fiend, siev and _seiz_; widh
grief, _griev_;
relief, _reliev_; receiv, receit, and dheir fellows. Open iz
e likewize in meat, meet, and _mete_; (three coincident!) meeting,
meting, and _meter_; shut in men, pen, _fen_; met, _set_; penny,
_fennel_; penning, _setting_: and so foarth.
I iz open in fine, finer, _finish_; dine, dining, and _diner_; rime, riming,
and _rimer_; _fi-ner_, _fi-nish_, and so on: shut in fin, _finnish_; din,
_dinner_; brim, _brimmer_; _fin-nish,_ and simmilar.
O iz open in Po, pole, polar, and _polish_; mode, _modish_; soal, sole,
and _soll_; shut in sollace, pollish, and _moddest_; _po-lish_,
_pol-lish_, and dhe like.
U iz open in unit, _unite_; tune, tunic, punic, _studious_; shut in studdy,
_unabated_: _u-nit_, _stu-dent_, _stud-dy_, _un-a-ba-ted_; such
compounds being licenced to' take in dhe singuel consonant ov dhe
So hear we, and so see we,

a, e, i, o, u, open; ar, er, il, on, us, shut; may, me, my, _mow_[2],
_mew_; mas, mes, mis, mos, must. So Mary, _marry_; even, _sevven_;
ivy, _Livvy_; odor, _odder_; student, _studdy._
If dhen open vowels must appear open, shut vowels must appear shut.
Forrain, even parental, diccions cannot rule dhe picture ov dhe native:
for picture can hav but won oridginal. Widh parrity ov rezon may (and
must often) dhe parental vowel be open, and dhe descendant shut. To'
edher iz Popes laconnic line applicabel:
_Dhis dhey, dhat know me, know; dhat lov me, tel._
To' keep Inglish, dhus like French and Lattin, or spelling dhe contrast
ov speech; our litterature haz hiddherto' no likenes ov our language;
and haz continnued inaccessibel to' evvery native, az much az to'
evvery strainger. For, hwile we lernedly lov to' see
Aloe, melon, lily, solemn, carol, very, spirit, coral, borough, manor,
tenant, minute, honor, punish, clamor, blemish, limit, comet, pumice,
chapel, leper, triple, copy, habit, rebel, tribute, probate, heifer, profit,
cavil, revel, drivel, novel, hovel, city, pity, british, critic, madam, credit,
idiom, body, study, tacit, licit, hazard, ezad, lizard, closet, bosom, vicar,
liquor, liquid, rigor, rigid:
We shrewdly hope to' hear,
Alloe, mellon, lilly, sollemn, carrol, verry, spirrit, corral, burrow,
mannor, tennant, minnute, onnor, punnish, clammor, blemmish, limmit,
commet, pummice, chappel, lepper, trippel, coppy, habbit, rebbel,
tribbute, probbate, heffer, proffit, cavvil, revvel, drivvel, novvel, hovvel,
citty, pitty, brittish, crittic, maddam, creddit, iddiom, boddy, studdy,
tascit, liscit, hazzard, ezzad, lizzard, clozzet, buzzom, viccar, liccor,
licquid, riggor, ridgid.
Hwile dhus notthing but s can dubbel soft c, or sibbilantly shut dhe
preceding vowel; and render precious, or vicious, hwat dhey ar; but
prescious, or _viscious_; dhe sibbilants direct simpel figgure may not
onely becom, in dhe ostensibel
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