female ejaculation | Page 9

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wet, messy, and have some fun. ☺

Cara Jade Croft
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The History~

The Enlightened Second Century~
At least three famous writers described female ejaculation in the second century: Aristotle, Galen and
De Graaf. So we know that this is not a new understanding of women’s sexuality, it is simply not provided
in the form of education to the public, which is a shame considering how great it is!

De Graaf wrote in his "New Treatise Concerning the Generative Organs of Women," the following-
“… during the sexual act it discharges to lubricate the tract so copiously that it even flows outside the
pudenda. This is the matter which may have been taken to be actual female semen." He describes the
fluid as "rushing out" with "impetus" and "in one gush."

The 1800’s
During this period, if a woman exhibited female ejaculation, it was thought of as a medical problem.
Simply exhibiting an interest in sex could be diagnosed as “hysterical tension”. A “prescription” of
masturbation performed by a midwife or doctor, was provided to ease the symptoms of this “condition”
which included irritability, a temperature and swollen pudenda (vulva). Hey masturbation always sounds
like a good “prescription” to me! ☺

In the book "The G Spot" by Alice Kahn Ladas, Beverly Whipple, and John D. Perry, there are letters from
many women who describe their personal turmoil over ejaculating during lovemaking. The lack of
understanding women’s sexuality and their bodies has lead to many problems including needless
surgeries, expensive counseling and in some cases divorce. God only knows how many uneducated
doctors, gynecologists, and psychiatrists told women that they were urinating and needed either surgery
or psychotherapy.

Perry and Whipple’s film and paper indicates that there is such a thing as female ejaculation and
compares the fluid to being similar to prostate fluid from a man’s body.

May of 1981~
Newsweek published an article entitled "Just How the Sexes Differ." In this article indications were made
that a major difference between men and women was that men could ejaculate, and women could not.
Guess they weren’t into Aristotle’s work? ☺

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I mention the Newsweek article because it is just one of many sources that indicate that there is no such
thing as female ejaculation, when there has been a long history of documentation that there is. There
simply has not been enough interest in women’s health and sexuality to provide a reasonable amount of
attention from the medical community on a mass scale basis.

The publication of the explosive book “The G-spot” by Dell provided female ejaculation with increased
recognition because he mentioned it as a real phenomenon.

Late 1990’s & The Millennium
Slowly (and not as thorough as I believe it should be) mainstream media is starting to explore the vagina
more, examples include~ “Sex And The City,” and the “Vagina Monologues. “ This type of movement will
hopefully bring more awareness to such issues of female ejaculation.

Other Cultures~

The whole world is not uneducated about female ejaculation. Other cultures have
long known about it and embrace it as a common sexual response. An example of
this is in the African Country Rwanda, where they are taught to maximize their
orgasms, and female ejaculation is considered the norm. In fact is it thought that a
woman who does not ejaculate is not as sexually desirable.

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CChhaapptteerr TThhrreeee::
Basic Female Anatomy Review ~~
Getting Ready! Bring On The Towels!

Remembering That Male And Female Sex Organs Have A Common Origin
You might not think so from looking, but the male and female sex organs actually have a lot in common.
Did you know that in the womb, we all start out as female? This is because we all start as the X
chromosome. If another X is added we remain female, if a Y is added, our development changes to male
and our female organs are transformed into male organs.

On the backside of a penis are the remnants
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