female ejaculation | Page 6

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partner are feeling ambitious and are going for your personal
record. ☺

Remember that much like some men can have sex a large number of times in a night, and others can’t
achieve orgasm again for at least several hours; women are similar in their ability to ejaculate. Age,
physical shape, inhibitions, and other factors all play a part.
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Where Does It Come From?

It comes out of the urethra opening, so it is easy to see why people might think it is urine. However,
where it originates is still a debate, as opinions differ on whether the fluid originates in the bladder, in the
urethral sponge (which holds the paraurethral/skenes glands), or a combination of both.

The Paraurethral/Skenes Glands vs. The Bladder

The paraurethral glands are about half an inch in diameter and 1.5 inches in length, so fitting two cups of
ejaculate in that area seems improbable. However, the paraurethral glands may have the capacity to fill
and empty at a rapid rate, and that would explain the large volumes of fluid measured by some

It would also mean the longer a woman's orgasm lasted, the more she would ejaculate, as is often the
case. If this is all true, it is possible for a woman to ejaculate a considerable amount of fluid without it
being urine or liquid from the bladder. Other researchers feel strongly that the liquid originates in the
bladder. What is known is that it is not urine.

In the illustration shown below, the tissue surrounding the urethra is labeled as the "urethral sponge;" the
paraurethal glands are imbedded in this tissue. This or the bladder (pending further research) is where all
the juicy female ejaculation liquid is created when a woman is sexually aroused.

Stimulation of the Paraurethral/Skenes
glands is done by simply stimulating the
g-spot, and there are oh so many
pleasureful ways to do that, which we will
cover later.

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The urethra fills with blood during sexual arousal, as is the case in a male. This results in the tissue
becoming firm to the touch; kinda like a female hard-on, but on the inside.

There have been clinical tests where a woman’s bladder is drained of urine before sexual stimulation and
exists ejaculation. Even though the women’s bladders had been drained, they were found to expel
anywhere from 50 ml to 900 ml of fluid into a catheter bag. This has lead researchers to conclude that at
least some of the liquid must come from the bladder.

This can all seem a bit confusing until you think of it this way… men have urine and cum exit out
their urethra, and that is similar to female ejaculation for a woman.

The diagram above shows you a close up view of the urethra and it’s paraurethral glands and ducts.

Cara Jade Croft

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CChhaapptteerr TTwwoo::
WWhhaatt AArree TThhee MMyytthhss && HHiissttoorryy OOff FFeemmaallee EEjjaaccuullaattiioonn ~~
Why Your Mother Did Not Know

What Are The Myths Of Female Ejaculation?

1) It does not exist
Well, we have obviously shown that this myth is ridiculous. Unless, many other women, their partners,
and all of the researchers, including myself, who believe it is a reality have taken on a wild mass delusion;
I am pretty confident that we all can say that those who don’t believe that it exists are the ones who need
a reality check!

Why then are there people who still think it does not exist? The main reason is due to the major lack of
societal interest in women’s sexual health and pleasure over the last few centuries!

2) Only rare women can achieve it
Ummm, no. ALL women can achieve female ejaculation. I had to laugh while reviewing porn sites during
my research for this book, when sexy porn chicks claimed to be “one of the few, the proud, the rare
female ejaculators!” Reminds me of a line from the movie As Good As It Gets, when Jack Nicholson’s
character flippantly says “Sell crazy somewhere else, we’re all stocked up here. “

3) Only women with g-spots can achieve it
All women have
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