Without Embarrassment Womens Needs | Page 8

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Status Men
I'm 5'6" , unathletic, and have a nasty lisp to my voice. Women find me
unattractive and unacceptable as a potential mate. They laugh at guys like me...
This is basically how I thought about myself for years -- from adolescence to
adulthood -- in the deepest core of my being. I’m talking about my unconscious mind,

Without Embarrassment
Is Your Ego Roadkill Yet?
(Chap 1 -- Pg. 10)
where fundamental statements such as these which describe your sense of identity (or at
least, certain aspects of it) are held un-critically as the truth, and are then used by your
conscious mind to form the basis of a set of internal rules that guide all of your essential
behaviors and reactions to other people. Holding this specific sort of woe-is-me belief
in the very core of your unconscious mind where it’s accepted as absolute truth is
particularly life-damaging because it lays down the stench of the weak, rejected male
all over you. Even before you've ever actually been rejected by the very first girl you
may’ve approached in high school for a date or a dance, you’ve already been rejected.
The first person to have already rejected you, is YOU. And boy, does it show
At all costs you must remove this stink of rejection from your
being or women will smell it a mile away and happily join in on the
social embargo which you yourself have already begun.
If there’s one concept that I’m going to pound relentlessly into your skull at every
opportunity all throughout this book, it’s the notion of male dominant status. If this
sounds like some S&M shit that you’d find in one of your sick Mr. SpankyTime porno
videos, I assure you it isn’t. I never fully understood just how absolutely monumental the
whole male dominant status thing was to women when it comes to the process they use in
their minds to sort out men. With surprising speed, women will categorize men into
three distinct groups:
A ) men from whom they would accept romantic overtures, and ultimately
consider falling in love with, or at least fucking...
B ) men who, no matter what, could never be regarded as anything more than
mere friends, and...
C ) men who completely repulse them for some reason (physical, social, character
factor, biological, etc.) and whom they feel they must stay away from at all costs.
The key issue here is speed... women can make this judgement about your

Without Embarrassment
Is Your Ego Roadkill Yet?
(Chap 1 -- Pg. 11)
romantic potential in a highly temperamental, almost capricious way. They seem to
know within mere moments of meeting you which “pile” you belong in. That’s why it’s
essential that you immediately make the correct first impression or you are forever
banished to non-romantic “Friendsland” where you simply cannot recover. Okay,
sometimes you can recover, but it takes a Herculean effort. Why not learn to do things
right the first time and save yourself the hassle of always trying to heal a blown
opportunity? As you will discover, this notion of having to always remain light on your
feet in an emotional-intellectual sense cannot be over-emphasized.
Anyway, now for some more of my stupid fuck-ups as teaching tools...
One of the worse ways to act around women is in a way that attempts to make
them feel sorry for you so that they’ll take you home and nurture your poor lonely little
self back to emotional health with love and kisses and lots of wonderful, exhausting sex.
Unfortunately, this trick only works if you happen to be a kitten, puppy or some other
breed of cute furry animal (love and kisses only, no sex for Sparky...). If you’re a human
male however, you will soon find that attempting to appeal to a woman’s natural instinct
to love and nourish the downtrodden in such a pathetic way will only make you the
object of her merciless and never-ending contempt.
All the so-called “nice guys” of the world learn this simple fact of life, or others
like it, in the hardest possible way. They are way too needy (we’ll go into all the reasons
why later on), but for now understand that acting needy and desperate is a signal of
Low Male Status which is always a HUGE romantic turn off to women!
You see, women all have an instinctive attraction to males who demonstrate
specific behaviors which suggest that they have attained some kind of fairly high
“pecking order” status over other men. It’s similar to the way in which men are
universally attracted to the visual appeal of a sexy figure and a pretty face. These
subjective cues are genetically hard-wired into the “old” primitive brains of both sexes

Without Embarrassment
Is Your Ego Roadkill Yet?
(Chap 1 -- Pg. 12)
and resist being altered by social conditioning. In a similar fashion, women are drawn
almost magnetically to males who exhibit high status demeanors and attitudes, and are
driven away from males who display low status behaviors... personality
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