Who Was Who: 5000 B. C. to Date | Page 4

Irwin L. Gordon
Fred. A., of New
York City and Denmark. Dewey, George E., of U. S. N. Diaz, Perfiro,
of Mexico. Din, Gunga, of Kipling. Dreyfus, Captain, of France.
Fallieres, Armand, of the French Republic. Gorky, Maxime, of Russia.
Hafid, Mulai, of Morocco. Hamed, Abdul, of Turkey. Hammerstein,
Oscar, of New York City and London. Holmes, Sherlock, of Doyle.
Huerta, V., General of Mexico. Irish Home Rule, of Ireland and
London. Johnson, Jack, of U. S. A. Lloyd-George, David, of England.
Manuel, King, of Portugal. Pankhurst, Mrs., of England. Patti, Adelina,
of Wales. Roberts, Frederick S., of Kandohr. Rojesvensky, Admiral, of
Russia. Roosevelt, Theodore, of "The Outlook." Shackelton, Earnest, of

England. Shuster, Morgan, of Persia. Sulzer, William, of Tammany
Fall. Taft, William Howard, of Cincinnati, U. S. A. Time, Father, of
Everywhere. Turkey. Widow, Merry, of Paris, London, and New York

ADAM[1] (last name unknown), ancestor, explorer, gardener, and
inaugurator of history. Biographers differ as to his parentage. Born first
Saturday of year 1. Little is known of his childhood. Education:
Self-educated. Entered the gardening and orchard business when a
young man. Was a strong anti-polygamist. Married Eve, a close relative.
Children, Cain and Abel (see them). Was prosperous for some years,
but eventually fell prey to his wife's fruitful ambitions. Lost favor of
the proprietor of the garden, and failed in business. A. started a number
of things which have not been perfected. Diet: Fond of apples.
Recreation: Chess, agriculture. Address: Eden, General Delivery. Clubs:
Member of all exclusive clubs.
[1] Ed. Note: Adam should not be first, but he is given that position out
of respect.

ABEL, son of the above. Spent early days in the Garden of Eden with
his parents, and later traveled with them. Conducted a sheep raising
business. Finally had a row with his brother, and was knocked out in
the first round.
ABRAHAM, a patriarch whose descendants now own New York City,
Jerusalem, vast sections of the remainder of the globe, and control the
pawn-broking, diamond, theatrical, and old clothing markets. Camel
and sheep merchant. Considerable land was willed him. A. prospered.
Married Sarah (last name unknown). Marital infelicity followed, A.
having an affair with Mrs. Abraham's maid. The woman was
discharged, and the family lived happily ever afterward. Ambition: The
chosen people. Recreation: Riding, tennis, camel racing. Address:
Caanan. Clubs: Country.
ABRUSSI, Prince Luigi Amedeo Guiseppe Maria Ferdinando
Francesco, of the Italian nobility. Spent the greater portion of his life

taking care of his name, climbing mountains, fighting Turks, and
denying rumors regarding his marriage.
ACHILLES (first name unknown), a baby whose mother gave him a
bath, but forgot to wash all of his feet. Later was veteran of the siege of
Troy. Died before receiving pension.
AESOP, novelist, nature faker. Little is known of his childhood except
that he was fond of dogs and played with the cat. Later he made
animals his life's study. A. discovered the zoological principal that a
turtle can run faster than a rabbit, and that foxes never eat sour grapes.
Publications: Fables; the book has had a good sale. Address: Greece.
Clubs: Zoological Societies.
ALADDIN, of Somewhere. An ancient who possessed a lamp and a
genii with which he could secure anything an American millionaire or
actress can now purchase.
ALDRICH, Senator N. W., architect of the Aldrich Plan, a system for
removing the financial interests of the country from the common
people and placing them in the hands of the few.
ALPHONSO XIII, a king who enjoyed Paris without losing his job.
AMUNDSON, Captain Roald, another pole discoverer. Away back in
the year 1912 he reached the south pole after a considerable journey
through the Arctic regions. Like his predecessors he became an author
and lecturer. Publications: The South Pole. Price, Pd2.2S in England;
$10.50 in the U. S. Later A. retired and lived on his royalty. Ambition:
A few more poles, a few more books.
ANANIAS. See Dr. Cook and Roosevelt.
ANDERSON, Mary, actress; one of the wisest women who ever lived.
In the height of a brilliant stage career she fell in love, and decided that
a quiet home with a husband and children was more to be desired than
the empty plaudits of the crowd, and the attentions of stage-door
ANGELO, Mike, painter and sculptor of no mean ability. Born in Italy,
but named after Irish relatives. At school he showed his talents by
making cartoons of the teachers. These were unappreciated. Moved to
Florence, where he bought some chisels, brushes, and saw his first
model. A. remained a bachelor. Later he moved to Rome, and began a
brilliant church-decorating career. Secured permission of the Pope to
give an exhibition in the Vatican. This was finally made permanent.

Also made a fortune erecting tomb-stones for the Medici family,
leading politicians
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