Whittiers Complete Poems, vol 5 | Page 5

John Greenleaf Whittier

as respecteth his gentlemanly lineage, but also learned and ingenious,
and well-versed in the Scriptures, and the works of godly writers, both
of ancient and modern time. I noted that Robert was very silent during
the rest of our journey, and seemed abashed and troubled in the
presence of the gay gentleman; for, although a fair and comely youth,
and of good family and estate, and accounted solid and judicious
beyond his years, he does, nevertheless, much lack the ease and ready
wit with which the latter commendeth himself to my sweet kinswoman.
We crossed about noon a broad stream near to the sea, very deep and
miry, so that we wetted our hose and skirts somewhat; and soon, to our
great joy, beheld the pleasant cleared fields and dwellings of the
settlement, stretching along for a goodly distance; while, beyond all,
the great ocean rolled, blue and cold, under an high easterly wind.
Passing through a broad path, with well-tilled fields on each hand,
where men were busy planting corn, and young maids dropping the
seed, we came at length to Uncle Rawson's plantation, looking wellnigh

as fair and broad as the lands of Hilton Grange, with a good frame
house, and large barns thereon. Turning up the lane, we were met by
the housekeeper, a respectable kinswoman, who received us with great
civility. Sir Thomas, although pressed to stay, excused himself for the
time, promising to call on the morrow, and rode on to the ordinary. I
was sadly tired with my journey, and was glad to be shown to a
chamber and a comfortable bed.
I was awakened this morning by the pleasant voice of my cousin, who
shared my bed. She had arisen and thrown open the window looking
towards the sunrising, and the air came in soft and warm, and laden
with the sweets of flowers and green-growing things. And when I had
gotten myself ready, I sat with her at the window, and I think I may say
it was with a feeling of praise and thanksgiving that mine eyes
wandered up and down over the green meadows, and corn-fields, and
orchards of my new home. Where, thought I, foolish one, be the terrors
of the wilderness, which troubled thy daily thoughts and thy nightly
dreams! Where be the gloomy shades, and desolate mountains, and the
wild beasts, with their dismal howlings and rages! Here all looked
peaceful, and bespoke comfort and contentedness. Even the great
woods which climbed up the hills in the distance looked thin and soft,
with their faint young leaves a yellowish-gray, intermingled with pale,
silvery shades, indicating, as my cousin saith, the different kinds of
trees, some of which, like the willow, do put on their leaves early, and
others late, like the oak, with which the whole region aboundeth. A
sweet, quiet picture it was, with a warm sun, very bright and clear,
shining over it, and the great sea, glistening with the exceeding light,
bounding the view of mine eyes, but bearing my thoughts, like swift
ships, to the land of my birth, and so uniting, as it were, the New World
with the Old. Oh, thought I, the merciful God, who reneweth the earth
and maketh it glad and brave with greenery and flowers of various hues
and smells, and causeth his south winds to blow and his rains to fall,
that seedtime may not fail, doth even here, in the ends of his creation,
prank and beautify the work of his hands, making the desert places to
rejoice, and the wilderness to blossom as the rose. Verily his love is
over all,--the Indian heathen as well as the English Christian. And what
abundant cause for thanks have I, that I have been safely landed on a

shore so fair and pleasant, and enabled to open mine eyes in peace and
love on so sweet a May morning! And I was minded of a verse which I
learned from my dear and honored mother when a child,--
"Teach me, my God, thy love to know,
That this new light, which now I see,
May both the work and workman show;
Then by the sunbeams I will climb to
When we went below, we found on the window seat which looketh to
the roadway, a great bunch of
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