Whittiers Complete Poems, vol 5 | Page 4

John Greenleaf Whittier
down a basket, woven of white and red willows,
and pressed me to taste of her bread; which I did, that I might not
offend her courtesy by refusing. It was not of ill taste, although so hard
one could scarcely bite it, and was made of corn meal unleavened,
mixed with a dried berry, which gives it a sweet flavor. She told me, in
her broken way, that the whole tribe now numbered only twenty-five
men and women, counting out the number very fast with yellow grains
of corn, on the corner of her blanket. She was, she said, the youngest
woman in the tribe; and her husband, Peckanaminet, was the Indian we

had met in the bridlepath. I gave her a pretty piece of ribbon, and an
apron for the child; and she thanked me in her manner, going with us
on our return to the path; and when I had ridden a little onward, I saw
her husband running towards us; so, stopping my horse, I awaited until
he came up, when he offered me a fine large fish, which he had just
caught, in acknowledgment, as I judged, of my gift to his wife. Rebecca
and Mistress Broughton laughed, and bid him take the thing away; but I
would not suffer it, and so Robert Pike took it, and brought it on to our
present tarrying place, where truly it hath made a fair supper for us all.
These poor heathen people seem not so exceeding bad as they have
been reported; they be like unto ourselves, only lacking our knowledge
and opportunities, which, indeed, are not our own to boast of, but gifts
of God, calling for humble thankfulness, and daily prayer and
watchfulness, that they be rightly improved.
Newbery on the Merrimac, May 14, 1678.
We were hardly on our way yesterday, from Agawam, when a dashing
young gallant rode up very fast behind us. He was fairly clad in rich
stuffs, and rode a nag of good mettle. He saluted us with much ease and
courtliness, offering especial compliments to Rebecca, to whom he
seemed well known, and who I thought was both glad and surprised at
his coming. As I rode near, she said it gave her great joy to bring to
each other's acquaintance, Sir Thomas Hale, a good friend of her
father's, and her cousin Margaret, who, like himself, was a new-comer.
He replied, that he should look with favor on any one who was near to
her in friendship or kindred; and, on learning my father's name, said he
had seen him at his uncle's, Sir Matthew Hale's, many years ago, and
could vouch for him as a worthy man. After some pleasant and merry
discoursing with us, he and my brother fell into converse upon the state
of affairs in the Colony, the late lamentable war with the Narragansett
and Pequod Indians, together with the growth of heresy and schism in
the churches, which latter he did not scruple to charge upon the wicked
policy of the home government in checking the wholesome severity of
the laws here enacted against the schemers and ranters. "I quite agree,"
said he, "with Mr. Rawson, that they should have hanged ten where
they did one." Cousin Rebecca here said she was sure her father was

now glad the laws were changed, and that he had often told her that,
although the condemned deserved their punishment, he was not sure
that it was the best way to put down the heresy. If she was ruler, she
continued, in her merry way, she would send all the schemers and
ranters, and all the sour, crabbed, busybodies in the churches, off to
Rhode Island, where all kinds of folly, in spirituals as well as temporals,
were permitted, and one crazy head could not reproach another.
Falling back a little, and waiting for Robert Pike and Cousin Broughton
to come up, I found them marvelling at the coming of the young
gentleman, who it did seem had no special concernment in these parts,
other than his acquaintance with Rebecca, and his desire of her
company. Robert Pike, as is natural, looks upon him with no great
partiality, yet he doth admit him to be wellbred, and of much and
varied knowledge, acquired by far travel as well as study. I must say, I
like not his confident and bold manner and bearing toward my fair
cousin; and he hath more the likeness of a cast-off dangler at the court,
than of a modest and seemly country gentleman, of a staid and
well-ordered house. Mistress Broughton says he was not at first
accredited in Boston, but that her father, and Mr. Atkinson, and the
chief people there now, did hold him to be not only what he professeth,
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