Twains Letters vol 5 1901-1906 | Page 4

Mark Twain
early in 1901, said: "A
remarkable transformation, or rather a development, has taken place in
Mark Twain. The genial humorist of the earlier day is now a reformer
of the vigorous kind, a sort of knight errant who does not hesitate to
break a lance with either Church or State if he thinks them interposing
on that broad highway over which he believes not a part but the whole
of mankind has the privilege of passing in the onward march of the
Mark Twain had begun "breaking the lance" very soon after his return
from Europe. He did not believe that he could reform the world, but at
least he need not withhold his protest against those things which stirred
his wrath. He began by causing the arrest of a cabman who had not
only overcharged but insulted him; he continued by writing openly
against the American policy in the Philippines, the missionary
propaganda which had resulted in the Chinese uprising and massacre,
and against Tammany politics. Not all of his efforts were in the line of
reform; he had become a sort of general spokesman which the public
flocked to hear, whatever the subject. On the occasion of a Lincoln
Birthday service at Carnegie Hall he was chosen to preside, and he was
obliged to attend more dinners than were good for his health. His letters
of this period were mainly written to his old friend Twichell, in
Hartford. Howells, who lived in New York, he saw with considerable
In the letter which follows the medicine which Twichell was to take
was Plasmon, an English proprietary remedy in which Mark Twain had
invested--a panacea for all human ills which osteopathy could not
To Rev. Joseph Twichell, in Hartford:
14 W. 10TH ST. Jan. 23, '01. DEAR JOE,--Certainly. I used to take it
in my coffee, but it settled to the bottom in the form of mud, and I had
to eat it with a spoon; so I dropped the custom and took my 2
teaspoonfuls in cold milk after breakfast. If we were out of milk I
shoveled the dry powder into my mouth and washed it down with water.
The only essential is to get it down, the method is not important.
No, blame it, I can't go to the Alumni dinner, Joe. It takes two days, and
I can't spare the time. Moreover I preside at the Lincoln birthday

celebration in Carnegie Hall Feb. 11 and I must not make two speeches
so close together. Think of it--two old rebels functioning there--I as
President, and Watterson as Orator of the Day! Things have changed
somewhat in these 40 years, thank God.
Look here--when you come down you must be our guest--we've got a
roomy room for you, and Livy will make trouble if you go elsewhere.
Come straight to 14 West 10th.
Jan. 24. Livy says Amen to that; also, can you give us a day or two's
notice, so the room will be sure to be vacant?
I'm going to stick close to my desk for a month, now, hoping to write a
small book. Ys Ever MARK
The letter which follows is a fair sample of Mark Twain's private
violence on a subject which, in public print, he could only treat
effectively by preserving his good humor. When he found it necessary
to boil over, as he did, now and then, for relief, he always found a
willing audience in Twichell. The mention of his "Private Philosophy"
refers to 'What Is Man?', privately published in 1906; reissued by his
publishers in 1916.
To Rev. J. H. Twichell, in Hartford:
14 W. 10th Jan. 29, '01. DEAR JOE,--I'm not expecting anything but
kicks for scoffing, and am expecting a diminution of my bread and
butter by it, but if Livy will let me I will have my say. This nation is
like all the others that have been spewed upon the earth--ready to shout
for any cause that will tickle its vanity or fill its pocket. What a hell of
a heaven it will be, when they get all these hypocrites assembled there!
I can't understand it! You are a public guide and teacher, Joe, and are
under a heavy responsibility to men, young and old; if you teach your
people--as you teach me--to hide their opinions when they believe the
flag is being abused and dishonored, lest the utterance do them and a
publisher a damage, how do you answer for it to your conscience? You
are sorry for me; in the fair way of give and take, I am willing to be a
little sorry for you.
However, I seem to be going counter to my own Private
Philosophy--which Livy won't allow me to publish--because it would
destroy me. But I hope
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