Truth and the Myths | Page 5

A.R. Narayanan
him He created!
(* In
Hindu temples, the idols are fixed on the altar by
'Ashta bandham', i.e.
eight knots, a rite of cementing
and consecration using gum made of
eight ingredients
consisting of lacs and seeds)
Who created man is unsolved mystery
But, creation of god is man's
Who is, how is and what name is the God?
Man gives various
answers as per his mood!

If everywhere the god fill,
Where, on earth, do devils dwell?
Prayers are like letters sent by post –
Some may reach, some in transit,
get lost.
Why count thy incantations by rosaries,
To be accounted in Lord's
So good, you're praying for hitting jackpot,
But, buy a ticket at the
racing spot!
The timid bashful lotus, the mud born,
Reached the palm of the
Lord*, by devotion.
(* Hindu God Vishnu, the second among the
Trinity, is
depicted as holding a full bloom lotus on his right
Formless god is difficult to conceive
Formation of the formless is
God, like spice to the soup,
Adds flavour to life's scope.
For all our deeds, let Him be patron;
For he shall, all our mistakes,
Partha* prayed unto the Lord to be his charioteer;
Whom do you opt
to drive yours thro' the future?
(* Another name for Arjuna, the
warrior hero of Hindu
scripture, Mahabharata)
Rituals are based on solid truth;
The faithless find it all mere stealth.
"Man proposes but God disposes", an adage;
If proposal be divine,
even God will budge.
All the bank balance you have piled up
Can't tilt His balance when
you are called up.
Only at the hour of calamity
We all seek helping hand of Almighty!

Lord who taught us not to expect fruit of action*
Hath never sought
reward for prayers he'd sanction
(* Lord Krishna in Bhagvat Gita)
God is not one we should visit;
Make Him descend into our midst.
When one has to wage a Mahabharatha war
Certainly need a
"Krishna" to prop him from rear.
The religions amidst us were not founded
By Krishna, Jesus, Buddha
or Muhammad.
Unmanifest will manifest
When atheist becomes theist.
You shall thank God for being generous
In giving you that he's
denied others.
God used to come in the guise of man;
Now the man comes in the
guise of God.
If "child is the father of man",
Man is the father of God.
Drop the 'I' from "O I'm", "O me", "O my" and "O mine"
is Om,* chanting which makes one's life divine.
(* The monosyllable
hymn of Hindus called "Pranava
Manthra" believed to be the source
of the entire cosmos,
chanting of which is believed to produce
changes in the body)
If our god is present everywhere,
Should one go to temple for prayer?
God is in you and you are in God
But you are you, you cannot be
One step you pace forward on the road to God,
You will be few steps
nearer to his abode.
Sacraments are not made for God to eat.
In it, man gives himself his

choicest treat.
Radha* still awaits, on the banks of Yamuna,
That determined not to
return cupid Krishna.
(* Radha, was the consort of Sri Krishna until

adolescence in Brindanvan. When he left for Mathura for
good, He
promised to rejoin her soon but he never did.
She awaits him since
the moment He left her. The
expectation of sweet re-union keeps her
alive and her
fondness for Krishna remains fresh in her bosom. So
a devotee.)
Of God's creations, only man can laugh,
For, to be laughed at, he
does a lot enough!
The dawn marks the reign of Sun on earth;
The dust marks the reign
of sons of earth.
Only blind love can make us see
God who gave us two eyes to see.
Man is willing to do anything
For the sake of couple of Farthing!
Lady of the house is Lakshmy*,
And man of the house is dummy.

(* Lakshmy is the Hindu Goddess of prosperity. In India,
housewife who is at the realm of household stands
sentinel of the
moral codes of conduct and, by it, causes
the heavens to shower
prosperity on the entire family.
She is equated to Lakshmy.)
You can buy and own all that is on earth,
But will you enjoy it after
your death?
Live, and, while living, earn only for living;
For, you can't carry the
surplus while leaving!
From earth, plants produce things useful numerous;
Man only
consumes quantity enormous!

The most uncommon is common sense;
And most inhuman is the
Man is said to be a social animal
Since, in him, beastly qualities still
Man invented money for trading,
But, on man, money is now
Coming out of the womb
Man walks unto his tomb.
Man who will rest at last in a coffin
Wrests until his last to fill his
Lord hath rightly named woman
Since she is made to woo man
"Do not expect the fruit of action"*
But be on guard for its reaction!

(Expounds Lord Krishna in Bhagvat Gita)
Day man is born, creator's job's overHell
with Brahma*, who cares
for him thereafter?
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