Truth and the Myths | Page 4

A.R. Narayanan
others fancy.
"Of God's creations, only man can laugh –
For, to be laughed at, he
does lot enough"
Laughing at others, we should also be bold to direct the
very scorn at
ourselves. But many of us simply won't or
refuse to in the belief that
each one of us is an
exception. Laughter is a good medicine and,
coming out of
the hermit shell, we should learn to laugh at all

laughable actions of the self and others.
Man is sincere to and
concerned only about himself. In
his frenzy to own all the comforts
and happiness of the
world, he forgets his roots, tradition, nobility,
and obligations towards the society, rendering his every

action a ludicrous one.
"Man invented money for trading;
But, on man, money is now

Money has become everything to man and he is today and
addict to it.
His prayers, religious rites and marital,
paternal, filial and fraternal
relationships are guided
by the quantum of money inflow. Here, in
this era, man
would do anything for handful of money because
money is
Man derives all pleasures, respect, opportunities, and
even a ticket to
contest elections as candidate of a
popular political party, get through
it and reach
positions on the top rung of political ladder by mere

might of money. When the moneyed scoop all the fortunes
on earth,
the poor can only gaze agape at them, with a
The moneyed may be able to buy everything on earth, but
not love.
To exploit and live under his opulence, even
distant relations and kith
around him will pretend to
love him. He will live in a fool's paradise
that all of them really care for him, until the day his
pie is drained off and the love, sincerity and the
loyalty of this
so-called kith and kin are put to the
acid test.
Even after knowing the occult deceptive function of it,
man stakes his
life in the grand race for money. Blinded
by the spell of its tinkle,
money becomes everything for
him. He plunges into all sorts of
malpractice to earn
money and to create a comfortable cushion of
No man is an exception to it. However, the most culpable
are the
public servants that have turned the public
offices into private profit
centres. Their pray are the
poorest of the poor and those who are in
Religious consciousness and respect for human values are
exhibited and upheld by him and he goes though
all the rites and
customs, in the guise of a man
committed to social well being,
camouflaging the evil
intentions that lie deep beneath his heart. The

places of
worships, priests, charitable institutions and social

organisations get profuse patronage from such people who
steal the show wielding money. The poor are
trampled to earth by the
moneyed in their endeavour to
grow tall, tall and taller, piercing the
As the obeisance for money grew, the religious devotion
became a
mere ritualistic showpiece without any priming
or pricking of
conscience. Not only the religious rites,
but also man's every
interaction with his family,
relatives and the society, in general, have
become a real
deplorable mockery. The sacred profession people
are also being desecrated by taking short cuts to riches
at the
cost of quality.
Religious fanaticism is another epidemic that has, of
late, invaded the
mankind. The intolerance of alien faith
assumed devastating
proportions and threatens the very
existence of social, national and
international amity.
While none of the staunch fanatics have met God
ascertained his identity, they do not realise, all their
frenzies to
safeguard and sanctify the name they
attribute to the God are all ill
disposed. The masses
follow the religious leaders blindly reminding
innocent children that walked into the back of beyond
the Pied Piper under the spell of his magical
God and the religions are creations of man for the
betterment of
mankind. Trifling all tenets and codes of
moral conduct of their
religion, the fanatics violently
impose their ideology on the followers
of alien faith and
get easily infuriated on expression of slightest

dissention of criticism.
Where will this tendency take us? I am afraid, back to
savagery. I dart
my thoughts towards all social evils,
sprouted from the lust of money,
egoism, and religious
fanaticism, in the form of couplet quips,
instilled and sarcasm anointed.

Many of these couplets are impregnated with occult and

thought-provoking concepts and the reader may have to
think and
think over, even traverse through religious
scriptures to enjoy the real
kick of it.
I do not know how far I have succeeded in making an
impact on the
conscience of society and in summoning one
and all to throw down
their gloves against this social
You are the judge. I welcome your bouquets and brickbats
alike and,
whichever it may be, I love to treasure it
within the inner lobe of my
heart, wrapped in velvet,
A.R. Narayanan
OUM Namo Narayanaya! Chanting hymn octave
Narayanan offers at
Thy feet, his couplets stave.
If temple idols suddenly start speaking,
All the devotees, from
sanctum, start sneaking!
The god who is all pervading
For fear of human, now hiding!
The god Almighty is cemented*
To altar, by
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