The Wonder Island Boys: Treasures of the Island | Page 4

Roger Thompson Finlay
the prospective new ship. The growth of Unity. The tribesmen coming in. Introducing Blakely to the Chiefs. They marvel at his energy. The Professor. John tells him about the copper box. The new hotel. The wonderful work in Unity. Agricultural pursuits. What they shipped to the north. The plans for surveying the islands. How the lands were apportioned. Building homes on the island. Energy of the natives. Emigration pouring in. Farm implements. Coffee tree planting. Raising cocoa. The schools. The Korinos as teachers. Explaining the trade problems to the Chief. Ephraim's desire to have his children remain and attend school. The Chief also permits his children to remain. Information that the paralyzed man is getting well. What paralysis is. The triangle. The visit of the boys to Sutoto's home. The new automobile. The surprise for the boys.
Their new machines. Blakely's treat for the boys. The Professor's car. John in his runabout. The automobile procession. The Chief and the automobile. The cottage for the Chief's family. The boys and the Professor review their work. The great pleasure in their enterprises. George and Harry selected to manage affairs on Venture and Rescue Islands. The copper box. The skull in the package. The Professor announces the return of the reason of the paralytic. The word "triangle" announced by the paralytic. The remarkable coincidence. Opening the copper box. The triangle on the Walter letter. The skull within the copper box. The cryptic signs in the box. The counterpart of the skull they had found. The identical inscription. The agitation of the paralytic at the sight. He mentions the name of Walter. Retlaw enters and starts at the sight of the skulls. Tries to escape on seeing the paralytic. The latter announces his name as Clifford. Harry rightly judges that Retlaw is Walter reversed. Ephraim recognizes Clifford. Walter arrested.
Speculations concerning Walter. Sutoto informed. The mystery of their missing boat. Clifford's story. The paper with the markings on the skull identified by Ta Babeda. The secret in possession of Walter. The boys' suggestion as to proper names for the natives. Surnames, and how originated. The method adopted by the Romans. The Greek names. English surnames. Clifford's condition improving. Trying to identify the skeleton found on Venture Island. Clifford recognizes Ephraim. Walter's letter. The three islands. The triangle. The three southern stars. The southern cross. The three crosses. Thirty leagues. The charts of the islands.
Clifford awakes. The escape of Walter and his recapture. Clifford continues his story. His effort to find the treasure island. His meeting with Walter. Capture by the savages. The Juan Ferde. Blakely and Clifford. His knowledge of the skull. The finding of the boys' boat. Sailing down the river. Loss of the boat. Finding his companions. Sailing to Venture Island. His illness. Meeting with Walter on Rescue Island. His belief that Walter had hidden the chart. Walter brought in. Clifford apologizes to Walter. The Sign of the Plus and V. The chambers in the cave. What the inscriptions meant. Surprise when Walter learns of the finding of the copper box. Explains the meaning of the charts. Why there were three skulls. The mysterious letter. The remarkable happenings explained.

The scout from the rear now came in with a leap Frontispiece PAGE 'Stop!' cried John, 'It will be death for any one to touch him' 59 'It is copper,' said John 138 The old man pointed to the rocky wall 154
Fig. 1. The Marimba. 36 Fig. 2. The Atlantean Plateau. 42 Fig. 3. The Severed Hemispheres. 45 Fig. 4. Silencer: Convolute Blades. 54 Fig. 5. Spitting the Roast. 75 Fig. 6. Arialad Fruit. Sarsaparilla. 76 Fig. 7. The Mistletoe. 90 Fig. 8. The Jacchus. 95 Fig. 9. The Cave on Rescue Island. 119 Fig. 10. Cinnamon. 129 Fig. 11. Phonograph Disk. 146 Fig. 12. Types of Masonry. 154 Fig. 13. Types of Safety Lamps. 159 Fig. 14. How John made the Lamp. 160

"Do you remember, Harry, after discovering the treasure and the skeletons of the pirates in the cave near the Cataract, that we heard the doleful sound of some bird while going down the hill?"
"Yes; that cry was something like it. Do you recall the name of the bird, George?"
"It was the Alma Perdita."
"I remember, now; it means the 'Cry of the Lost Soul.'"
"Yes; but I don't think that came from a bird. It is more like an animal of some kind. Don't you hear a sound that seems to be answering it?"
"It does seem so; I think John would know what animal it is; but it is too late to speak to him about it to-night, George."
As Harry ceased speaking, the boys heard a noise, and
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