The Wonder Island Boys: Treasures of the Island | Page 3

Roger Thompson Finlay
trail. The outlet to the south. Tracked to the north. Uraso and Muro follow the fugitives. Their flight to the cannibal tribe. John and the boys return to explore the cave. A new series of caverns. A succession of four chambers. A large round chamber at the end of the lead. A mound in the center of the chamber. Removing the material in the mound. Discovery of the copper box. Peculiar character of the box.
The copper box taken to the ship. News from Uraso and Muro. Explaining mesmerism and hypnotism. Concentration. The effect on susceptible minds. The Korinos safe with the cannibal tribe. John advises Stut to sail, north for twenty miles, and await their coming. The march. The cinnamon tree. Cinnamon suet. Minerals. Sulphates. Copper ores. Omens. All peoples believe in signs and omens. The shelter for the night. How signals were made. Sighting the cannibal village. Earthenware cooking utensils. Meet the first natives. The dreaded Chief. A curious figure. The hunchback. A smile on his face. The American greeting. The surprise. A white man. Finding the Korinos. The welcome to his village. The Chief told about their ship. On the island fifty years. Telling John about the strange things which have floated ashore from wrecked ships. The Korinos assured of safety.
The Chief's house. The relics from the sea. The hunchback Chief's story. His trip as a whaler. Ill treatment. Runs away. Ships to China. His rudimentary education. Shipwrecked on the return from China. Rescued by native cannibals. Regard him with veneration. Misinterprets their motives. In desperation. Asserts himself. Becomes Chief of the tribe. Stops cannibal practices. His great influence over the people. The Pioneer arrives. Ephraim Wilmar, the hunchback. His surprise at the many changes during fifty years. His amazement at the telephone, the cable lines, the phonograph.
Ephraim's wife. The family. The gifts to Ephraim's family. Delight at the cooking utensils. John tells Ephraim about the treasures on the islands. Hidden treasures. Learning the secrets of early humanity. Archeology. The trip to the cave. The long journey. The cave which had the entrances sealed by Ephraim. The peculiar kinds of masonry. Entering the cave. Dogs with the party. Mysterious death of the dogs. The alarm of the natives. Carbonic gas. Its nature, and how tested. Methods for removing it. The Humphrey Davy lamp. The principle on which it is made. Designed to indicate the presence of deadly gases. Explosive mixtures. How a primitive safety lamp was made. Re?ntering the cave. A large chamber. The cross-shaped cave. A parchment. The object of John's search.
The map accompanying the parchment. One of the Treasure caves. Remarkable carvings, and hieroglyphics. The quarrel of the buccaneers. The story of the Spaniard who wrote the chart. The expeditions searching for the treasure. Death of all who participated. Great archeological wealth. No material treasures found. How Ephraim's story affected the boys. John explains why the cannibals feared him. Due to their superstitions. Demented people regarded by some as saints. Genius and insanity. Further explorations of the island. The proposed trip to Wonder Island. Ephraim invited. He and his family accept. Telling Ephraim about Hutoton. The curious tales that were told them about the convict colony. The wonderful character of the people at Hutoton. The Pioneer sails. The first time on the deck of a vessel for fifty-two years. Ephraim and the library. His conversation with the head of the convict colony. The identity of the paralyzed man not established.
The visitors at Hutoton received with rejoicing. John invites the leader to accompany them to Wonder Island. Retlaw, the captive, rescued, brought ashore. Caramo thought he recognized him. Sailing of the Pioneer for Wonder Island. Calling at the Malolo village. Ta Babeda agrees to accompany them to Wonder Island. Naming the island Rescue. The latitude and longitude noted. Introducing Ta Babeda to the cannibal Chief Ephraim. He explains how the Korinos misrepresented him and his people. The new world to Babeda when he stepped on board the Pioneer. The trip to Wonder Island. The mysteries on board the ship to the Chief. His inquisitive nature. How he characterized electricity. Ephraim's concern for his children. Approaching Enterprise River. The steamship Wonder in sight. The greeting. Going up the river. The excitement in Unity. The crowded dock. Sutoto and his bride. The flag on the Wonder. The curiosity of Beralsea at the sight of the Banners.
Sutoto and the great wide world. Their trip to Valparaiso. Cinda, and the latest fashions. Blakely, the man of business. The boys tell him of the wonderful islands. His eagerness. He tells them of the great enterprises, and of
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