The Whitehouse Cookbook (1887) | Page 7

Mrs. F.L. Gillette
to 2. An opening may be made by
cutting out a circular slice, as shown by the dotted lines at number 3.
Some are fond of the feet, and when dressing the duck, these should be
neatly skinned and never removed. Wild duck is highly esteemed by
epicures; it is trussed like a tame duck, and carved in the same manner,
the breast being the choicest part.
Partridges are generally cleaned and trussed the same way as a pheasant,
but the custom of cooking them with the heads on is going into disuse
somewhat. The usual way of carving them is similar to a pigeon,
dividing it into two equal parts. Another method is to cut it into three
pieces, by severing a wing and leg on either side from the body, by
following the lines 1 to 2, thus making two servings of those parts,
leaving the breast for a third plate. The third method is to thrust back
the body from the legs, and cut through the middle of the breast, thus
making four portions that may be served. Grouse and prairie-chicken
are carved from the breast when they are large, and quartered or halved
when of medium size.
Place your fork firmly in the centre of the breast of this large game bird
and cut deep slices to the bone at figs. 1 and 2; then take off the leg in
the line from 3 and 4, and the wing 3 and 5, severing both sides the
same. In taking off the wings, be careful not to cut too near the neck; if

you do you will hit upon the neck-bone, from which the wing must be
separated. Pass the knife through the line 6, and under the
merry-thought towards the neck, which will detach it. Cut the other
parts as in a fowl. The breast, wings and merry-thought of a pheasant
are the most highly prized, although the legs are considered very finely
flavored. Pheasants are frequently roasted with the head left on; in that
case, when dressing them, bring the head round under the wing, and fix
it on the point of a skewer.
A very good way of carving these birds is to insert the knife at fig. 1,
and cut both ways to 2 and 3, when each portion may be divided into
two pieces, then served. Pigeons, if not too large, may be cut in halves,
either across or down the middle, cutting them into two equal parts; if
young and small they may be served entirely whole.
Tame pigeons should be cooked as soon as possible after they are killed,
as they very quickly lose their flavor. Wild pigeons, on the contrary,
should hang a day or two in a cool place before they are dressed.
Oranges cut into halves are used as a garnish for dishes of small birds,
such as pigeons, quail, woodcock, squabs, snipe, etc. These small birds
are either served whole or split down the back, making two servings.
The mackerel is one of the most beautiful of fish, being known by its
silvery whiteness. It sometimes attains to the length of twenty inches,
but usually, when fully grown, is about fourteen or sixteen inches long,
and about two pounds in weight. To carve a baked mackerel, first
remove the head and tail by cutting downward at 1 and 2; then split
them down the back, so as to serve each person a part of each side
piece. The roe should be divided in small pieces and served with each
piece of fish. Other whole fish may be carved in the same manner. The
fish is laid upon a little sauce or folded napkin, on a hot dish, and
garnished with parsley.

This fish is seldom sent to the table whole, being too large for any
ordinary sized family; the middle cut is considered the choicest to boil.
To carve it, first run the knife down and along the upper side of the fish
from 1 to 2, then again on the lower side from 3 to 4. Serve the thick
part, cutting it lengthwise in slices in the direction of the line from 1 to
2, and the thin part breadthwise, or in the direction from 5 to 6. A slice
of the thick with one of the thin, where lies the fat, should be served to
each guest. Care should be taken when carving not to break the flakes
of the fish, as that impairs its appearance. The flesh of the salmon is
rich and delicious in flavor. Salmon is in season from the first of
February to the end of August.

Consommé, or Stock, forms the basis of all meat soups, and also of all
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