The Talking Beasts

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The Talking Beasts, by Various,
Edited by

The Project Gutenberg eBook, The Talking Beasts, by Various, Edited
by Kate Douglas Wiggin and Nora Archibald Smith
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Title: The Talking Beasts
Author: Various
Release Date: October 20, 2004 [eBook #13815]
Language: English
Character set encoding: ISO-646-US (US-ASCII)
E-text prepared by Al Haines

A Book of Fable Wisdom

Illustrations by Harold Nelson

"Accept, young Prince, the moral lay And in these tales mankind
survey; With early virtues plant your breast The specious arts of vice

I. Fables of Aesop. (Greek)
II. Fables of Bidpai. (Indian)
III. Fables from the Hitopadesa. (Sanskrit)
IV. Fables from P. V. Ramaswami Raju. (Indian)
V. Malayan Fables
VI. Moorish Fables
VII. African Fables
VIII. Fables from Krilof. (Russian)
IX. Fables from the Chinese
X. Fables of La Fontaine. (French)

XI. Fables from the Spanish of Carlos Yriarte
XII. Fables of Gay, Cowper, and others. (English)

For Eastern princes, long ago, These fables, grave and gay, Were
written as a friendly guide On life's perplexing way. When Rumour
came to court and news Of such a book was heard, The monarch
languished till he might Secure the Golden Word.
Prince of To-day, this little hook A store-house is of treasure. Unlock it
and where'er you look Is wisdom without measure. 'Twill teach thee of
the meed of greed, Of sowing versus reaping, Of that mad haste that
makes for waste, And looking before leaping.
'Twill teach thee what is like to hap To self-conceit and folly; And
show that who begins in sin Will end in melancholy. So take the book
and learn of beast And animate creation The lesson that the least may
teach, However mean his station.

"Among all the different ways of giving counsel I think the finest and
that which pleases the most universally is fable, in whatever shape it

How shall I bring to your mind the time and distance that separate us
from the Age of Fable? Think of what seemed to you the longest week
of your life. Think of fifty-two of these in a year; then think of two
thousand five hundred years and try to realize that Aesop--sometimes
called the Eighth Wise Man--lived twenty-five centuries ago and made

these wonderful tales that delight us to-day.
Shakespeare is even yet something of a mystery, although he was born
in our own era, less than five hundred years ago; but men are still
trying to discover any new facts of his life that might better explain his
genius. A greater mystery is grand old Homer, who has puzzled the
world for centuries. Scholars are not certain whether the "Iliad" or
"Odyssey" are the work of one or more than one mind. Who can say?
for the thrilling tales were told--probably after the fashion of all the
minstrels of his day--more than eight hundred years before Christ.
On the background of that dim distant long ago, perhaps two hundred
years later than Homer, looms the magnificent figure of another
mysterious being--Aesop the Greek slave.
Wherever and whenever he lived, and whether, in fact, he ever lived at
all, he seems very real to us, even though more than two thousand years
have passed. Among all the stories that scholars and historians have
told of him--sifting through the centuries the true from the false--we get
a vivid picture of the man. He was born in Greece, probably in Phrygia,
about 620 years before Christ. He had more than one master and it was
the last, Iadmon, who gave him his liberty because of his talents and his
wisdom. The historian Plutarch recounts his presence at the court of
Croesus, King of Lydia, and his meeting Thales and Solon there, telling
us also that he reproved the wise Solon for discourtesy toward the king.
Aesop visited Athens and composed the famous fable of Jupiter and the
Frogs for the instruction of the citizens. Whether he left any written
fables is very uncertain, but those known by his name were popular in
Athens when that city was celebrated throughout the world for its wit
and its learning. Both Socrates and Plato delighted in them; Socrates,
we read, having amused himself during the last days of his life with
turning into verse some of Aesop's "myths" as he
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