The Story of the Odyssey | Page 7

Alfred J. Church
inner parts and were burning the slices of flesh on the
thigh-bones to the god, when Telemachus's company moored the ship
and came forth from it to the shore. Athene spake to Telemachus,
saying: "Now thou hast no need to be ashamed. Thou hast sailed across
the sea to hear tidings of thy father. Go, therefore, to Nestor, and learn
what counsel he hath in the deep of his heart."
But Telemachus answered, "How shall I speak to him, being so untried
and young?"
"Nay," said the goddess; "but thou shalt think of something thyself, and

something the gods will put into thy mouth."
So saying she led the way, and they came to where Nestor sat, with his
sons, and a great company round him, making ready the feast. When
these saw the strangers, they clasped their hands, and made them sit
down on soft fleeces of wool. And Nestor's son Peisistratus [Footnote:
Pei-sis'-tra-tus] brought to them food, and wine in a cup of gold. To
Athene first he gave the wine, for he judged her to be the elder of the
two, saying, "Pray now to the Lord Poseidon, and make thy drink
offering, and when thou hast so done, give the cup to thy friend that he
may do likewise."
Then Athene took the cup and prayed to Poseidon, saying: "Grant
renown to Nestor and his son, and reward the men of Pylos for this
great sacrifice. And grant that we may accomplish that for which we
have come hither."
And the son of Ulysses prayed in like manner.
When they had eaten and drunk their fill, Nestor said: "Strangers, who
are ye? Sail ye over the seas for trade, or as pirates that wander at
hazard of their lives?"
To him Telemachus made reply, Athene putting courage into his heart:
"We come from Ithaca, and our errand concerns ourselves. I seek for
tidings of my father, who in old time fought by thy side, and sacked the
city of Troy. Of all the others who did battle with the men of Troy, we
have heard, whether they have returned, or where they died; but even
the death of this man remains untold. Therefore am I come hither to
thee; perchance thou mayest be willing to tell me of him, whether thou
sawest his death with thine own eyes, or hast heard it from another.
Speak me no soft words for pity's sake, but tell me plainly what thou
hast seen."
Nestor made answer: "Thou bringest to my mind all that we endured,
warring round Priam's mighty town. There the best of us were slain.
Valiant Ajax [Footnote: A'-jax.] lies there, and there Achilles [Footnote:
A-chil'-les], and there Patroclus [Footnote: Pa-tro'-clus], and there my

own dear son. Who could tell the tale of all that we endured? Truly, no
one, not though thou shouldst abide here five years or six to listen. For
nine whole years we were busy, devising the ruin of the enemy, which
yet Zeus brought not to pass. And always Ulysses passed the rest in
craft, thy father Ulysses, if indeed thou art his son, and verily thy
speech is like to his; one would not think that a younger man could be
so like to an elder. But listen to my tale. When we had sacked the town,
I returned across the sea without delay, leaving behind the others, so
that I know not of my own knowledge which of the Greeks was saved
and which was lost. But wander not thou, my son, far from home, while
strangers devour thy substance. Go to Menelaus, for he hath but lately
come back from a far country; go and ask him to tell thee all that he
knoweth. If thou wilt, go with thy ships, or, if it please thee better, I
will send thee with a chariot and horses, and my sons shall be thy
Then said Athene: "Let us cut up the tongues of the beasts, and mix the
wine, and pour offerings to Poseidon and the other gods, and so bethink
us of sleep, for it is the time."
So she spake, and they hearkened to her words. And when they had
finished, Athene and Telemachus would have gone back to their ship.
But Nestor stayed them, saying: "Now Zeus and all the gods forbid that
ye should depart to your ships from my house, as though it were the
dwelling of a needy man that hath not rugs and blankets in his house,
whereon his guests may sleep! Not so; I have rugs and blankets enough.
Never shall the son of my friend Ulysses lay him down on his ship's
deck, while I am alive, or my children after me, to entertain strangers in
my hall."
Thereupon said the false
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